AP language ch 4 Vocab Flashcards
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7297869774 | acrophobia | fear of being at a great height | 0 | |
7297869775 | Agoraphobia (n) | Fear of open spaces | 1 | |
7297869776 | Anglophobia | dislike of England or the English | 2 | |
7297869777 | claustrophobia | fear of confined spaces | 3 | |
7297869778 | Germanophobia | dislike of Germany or the Germans | 4 | |
7297869779 | hydrophobia | Fear of water or rabies | 5 | |
7297869780 | Monophobia | fear of being alone | 6 | |
7297869781 | Phobia | fear or dread | 7 | |
7297869782 | Photophobia | aversion to light | 8 | |
7297869783 | Xenophobia | aversion to foreigners | 9 | |
7297869784 | Russophobe | One who fears Russia or russians | 10 | |
7297869785 | Philanthropist | Lover of humanity; person active in promoting human welfare | 11 | |
7464289855 | Philanthropy | love of mankind, especially through charitable gifts and deeds | 12 | |
7464289856 | Philatelist (n.) | Stamp collector | 13 | |
7464289857 | philately | collection and study of stamps | 14 | |
7464289858 | philharmonic (adj) | Pertaining to musical organization | 15 | |
7464289859 | Philhellenism | support of Greece or the Greeks | 16 | |
7464289860 | philogyny (n.) | Love of women | 17 | |
7464289861 | Philology | study (love) of language and literature | 18 | |
7464289862 | Philosopher | a person who searches for wisdom or enlightenment | 19 | |
7464289863 | Anglophile | supporter of England or the English | 20 | |
7464289864 | Audiophile | one who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction | 21 | |
7464289865 | bibliophile (n) | a lover of books | 22 | |
7464289866 | Francophile | supporter of France or the French | 23 | |
7464289867 | Sinophile (n.) | Support of China or chinese | 24 | |
7464289868 | Misandry | hatred of males | 25 | |
7464289869 | misanthrope (n) | a person who hates or despises people | 26 | |
7464289870 | Misanthropy (n) | Hatred of humanity | 27 | |
7464289871 | Misogamy | hatred of marriage | 28 | |
7464289872 | Misogyny | hatred of women | 29 | |
7464289873 | Misology | hatred of argument, reasoning, or discussion | 30 | |
7464289874 | misoneism | hatred of anything new | 31 | |
7464289875 | dysentery | Inflammation of the large intestine | 32 | |
7464289876 | Dysfunction | abnormal functioning, as of an organ of the body | 33 | |
7464289877 | Dyslexia | impairment of the ability to read | 34 | |
7464289878 | dyslogistic | expressing disapproval or censure; uncomplimentary | 35 | |
7464289879 | Dyspepsia | indigestion | 36 | |
7464289880 | dysphagia | difficulty swallowing | 37 | |
7464289881 | Dysphoria | sense of great unhappiness or dissatisfaction | 38 | |
7464289882 | Dysphasia | difficulty speaking as a result of brain injury | 39 | |
7464289883 | Dystopia | imaginary place where living conditions are dreadful | 40 | |
7464289884 | Dystrophy | faulty nutrition | 41 | |
7464289885 | Macro | computer instruction standing for a series of steps | 42 | |
7464289886 | Macrocosm | great world; universe | 43 | |
7464289887 | Macron | horizontal mark indicating that the vowel over which it is placed is long | 44 | |
7464289888 | macroscopic | large enough to be visible to the naked eye | 45 | |
7464289889 | Microbe | microscopic life form; microorganism; germ | 46 | |
7464289890 | Microbicide | agent that destroys microbes | 47 | |
7464289891 | Microdont | having small teeth | 48 | |
7464289892 | Microfilm | film of very small size | 49 | |
7464289893 | Microgram | millionth of a gram | 50 | |
7464289894 | Micrometer | one millionth of a meter | 51 | |
7464289895 | Microorganism | microscopic animal or plant | 52 | |
7464289896 | Microsecond | millionth of a second | 53 | |
7464289897 | Microsurgery | surgery with the aid of microscopes and minute instruments or laser beams | 54 | |
7464289898 | Microvolt | Millionth of a volt | 55 | |
7464289899 | Microwatt | millionth of a watt | 56 | |
7464289900 | Microwave | very short electromagnetic wave; oven | 57 | |
7464289901 | Amoral | lacking a sense of right and wrong | 58 | |
7464289902 | Amorphous | without a clearly defined shape or form | 59 | |
7464289903 | Anarchy | a lack of government and law; confusion | 60 | |
7464289904 | Anemia | lack of normal number of red blood cells | 61 | |
7464289905 | Anesthesia | loss of feeling or sensation resulting from ether, chloroform, novocaine, etc. | 62 | |
7464289906 | Anesthetic | drug that produces anesthesia | 63 | |
7464289907 | Anhydrous | destitute of (without) water | 64 | |
7464289908 | Anomaly | deviation from the common rule | 65 | |
7464289909 | anomalous | abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual | 66 | |
7464289910 | Anonymous | nameless | 67 | |
7464289911 | Anoxia | absence of oxygen | 68 | |
7464289912 | Apnea | temporary cessation of breathing | 69 | |
7464289913 | Aseptic | free from disease-causing microorganisms | 70 | |
7464289914 | Asymptomatic | showing no symptoms of disease | 71 | |
7464289915 | Atheism | Belief that there is no god. | 72 | |
7464289916 | Atrophy | To waste away | 73 | |
7464289917 | Atypical | unlike the typical | 74 | |
7464289918 | Monarchy | rule by a single person | 75 | |
7464289919 | Monochromatic | of one color | 76 | |
7464289920 | Monocle | an eyeglass for one eye | 77 | |
7464289921 | Monogamy | Marriage to only one person at a time | 78 | |
7464289922 | Monogram | two or more letters interwoven to represent a name | 79 | |
7464289923 | Monograph | written account of a single thing or class of things | 80 | |
7464289924 | Monolith | single stone of large size | 81 | |
7464289925 | Monolithic | massive and uniform | 82 | |
7464289926 | Monologue | A long speech made by one performer or by one person in a group. | 83 | |
7464289927 | Monomania | obsession with one thing | 84 | |
7464289928 | Monomorphia | Having one form | 85 | |
7464289929 | Monosyllabic | having only one syllable | 86 | |
7464289930 | Monotheism | Belief in one God | 87 | |
7464289931 | Polyarchy | rule by many; government having three or more rulers | 88 | |
7464289932 | polychromatic | having many colors | 89 | |
7464289933 | Polygamy | The practice of having more than one wife at a time | 90 | |
7464289934 | Polygot | speaker of many languages | 91 | |
7464289935 | Polygon | A closed plane figure made up of line segments | 92 | |
7464289936 | Polymorphic | having various forms | 93 | |
7464289937 | Polyphonic | having many sounds or voices | 94 | |
7464289938 | Polysyllabic | Having more than one and usually more than three syllables | 95 | |
7464289939 | Polytechnic | dealing with many applied sciences and technical arts | 96 | |
7464289940 | Polytheism | Belief in many gods | 97 |