AP English Language and Composition full year Flashcards
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5077927044 | diminutive | very small | 0 | |
5077927046 | pithy | concise and full of meaning | 1 | |
5077927048 | hierarchy | a series of ordered groupings within a system | 2 | |
5077927050 | oblivious | lacking conscious awareness of | 3 | |
5077927052 | poltroon | an abject coward | 4 | |
5077927054 | noisome | causing or able to cause nausea | 5 | |
5077927056 | bibulous | given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol | 6 | |
5077927058 | aegis | armor plate that protects the chest | 7 | |
5077927060 | ingenuity | the power of creative imagination | 8 | |
5077927062 | flout | treat with contemptuous disregard | 9 | |
5077927064 | indigenous | originating where it is found | 10 | |
5077927066 | lachrymose | showing sorrow | 11 | |
5077927068 | jovial | full of or showing high-spirited merriment | 12 | |
5077927070 | obfuscate | make obscure or unclear | 13 | |
5077927072 | rendition | a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role | 14 | |
5077927074 | succinct | briefly giving the gist of something | 15 | |
5077927076 | lexicon | a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words | 16 | |
5077927078 | gargantuan | of great mass; huge and bulky | 17 | |
5077927080 | purview | the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated | 18 | |
5077927082 | verisimilitude | the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true | 19 | |
5077927084 | irreparable | impossible to rectify or amend | 20 | |
5077927086 | ostentatious | intended to attract notice and impress others | 21 | |
5077927088 | nonchalant | marked by blithe unconcern | 22 | |
5077927090 | icon | a visual representation produced on a surface | 23 | |
5077927092 | pragmatic | concerned with practical matters | 24 | |
5077927094 | plethora | extreme excess | 25 | |
5077927096 | virtuoso | someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field | 26 | |
5077927098 | affinity | a natural attraction or feeling of kinship | 27 | |
5077927100 | gamut | a complete extent or range | 28 | |
5077927102 | ineffable | defying expression or description | 29 | |
5077927104 | mnemonic | of or relating to the practice of aiding the memory | 30 | |
5077927106 | platitude | a trite or obvious remark | 31 | |
5077927108 | aficionado | a serious devotee of some particular music genre | 32 | |
5077927110 | commensurate | corresponding in size or degree or extent | 33 | |
5077927112 | foray | a sudden short attack | 34 | |
5077927114 | fervid | characterized by intense emotion | 35 | |
5077927116 | panache | distinctive and stylish elegance | 36 | |
5077927118 | systemic | affecting an entire system | 37 | |
5077927120 | vicissitude | a variation in circumstances or fortune | 38 | |
5077927122 | repository | a facility where things can be deposited for safekeeping | 39 | |
5077927124 | ensconce | fix firmly | 40 | |
5077927126 | portentous | of momentous or ominous significance | 41 | |
5077927128 | abeyance | temporary cessation or suspension | 42 | |
5077927130 | ambivalent | uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow | 43 | |
5077927132 | beleaguer | annoy persistently | 44 | |
5077927134 | cataclysm | a sudden violent change in the earth's surface | 45 | |
5077927136 | fastidious | giving careful attention to detail | 46 | |
5077927138 | malleable | capable of being shaped or bent | 47 | |
5077927140 | nemesis | something causing misery or death | 48 | |
5077927142 | aberration | a state or condition markedly different from the norm | 49 | |
5077927144 | ad hoc | for or concerned with one specific purpose | 50 | |
5077927146 | empathy | understanding and entering into another's feelings | 51 | |
5077927148 | nepotism | favoritism shown to relatives or friends by those in power | 52 | |
5077927150 | pander | yield to; give satisfaction to | 53 | |
5077927152 | inveigle | influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering | 54 | |
5077927154 | prototype | a standard or typical example | 55 | |
5077927156 | sycophant | a person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage | 56 | |
5077927158 | acumen | shrewdness shown by keen insight | 57 | |
5077927160 | adjudicate | hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of | 58 | |
5077927162 | narcissism | an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself | 59 | |
5077927164 | imperceptible | impossible or difficult to sense | 60 | |
5077927166 | monolithic | imposing in size or bulk or solidity | 61 | |
5077927168 | disparity | inequality or difference in some respect | 62 | |
5077927170 | effusive | uttered with unrestrained enthusiasm | 63 | |
5077927172 | dichotomy | being twofold | 64 | |
5077927174 | quagmire | a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot | 65 | |
5077927176 | precarious | not secure; beset with difficulties | 66 | |
5077927178 | exculpatory | clearing of guilt or blame | 67 | |
5077927180 | anachronism | something located at a time when it could not have existed | 68 | |
5077927182 | convoluted | highly complex or intricate | 69 | |
5077927184 | noxious | injurious to physical or mental health | 70 | |
5077927186 | unconscionable | greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation | 71 | |
5077927188 | dogmatic | pertaining to a code of beliefs accepted as authoritative | 72 | |
5077927190 | seditious | arousing to action or rebellion | 73 | |
5077927192 | xenophobia | a fear of foreigners or strangers | 74 | |
5077927194 | non sequitur | a reply that has no relevance to what preceded it | 75 | |
5077927196 | polemic | a controversy, especially over a belief or dogma | 76 | |
5077927198 | contumacious | willfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient | 77 | |
5077927200 | disingenuous | not straightforward or candid | 78 | |
5077927202 | acerbity | a sharp bitterness | 79 | |
5077927204 | mercurial | liable to sudden unpredictable change | 80 | |
5077927206 | protocol | forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats | 81 | |
5077927208 | stigmatize | to condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful | 82 | |
5077927210 | volition | the act of making a choice | 83 | |
5077927212 | latent | potentially existing but not presently evident or realized | 84 | |
5077927214 | accoutrement | clothing that is not part of one's main clothing | 85 | |
5077927216 | cacophony | loud confusing disagreeable sounds | 86 | |
5077927218 | cogent | powerfully persuasive | 87 | |
5077927220 | sonorous | full and loud and deep | 88 | |
5077927222 | contentious | showing an inclination to disagree | 89 | |
5077927224 | synergy | the working together of two things to produce an effect | 90 | |
5077927226 | carouse | engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking | 91 | |
5077927228 | bilk | cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money | 92 | |
5077927230 | quixotic | not sensible about practical matters | 93 | |
5077927232 | impinge | infringe upon | 94 | |
5077927234 | rapport | a relationship of mutual understanding between people | 95 | |
5077927236 | avaricious | immoderately desirous of acquiring something | 96 | |
5077927238 | leviathan | the largest or most massive thing of its kind | 97 | |
5077927240 | vestige | an indication that something has been present | 98 | |
5077927242 | presumptuous | excessively forward | 99 | |
5077927534 | euphoria | a feeling of great elation | 100 | |
5077927536 | bode | indicate by signs | 101 | |
5077927538 | indiscretion | the trait of being injudicious | 102 | |
5077927540 | fallacious | containing or based on incorrect reasoning | 103 | |
5077927542 | malicious | having the nature of threatening evil | 104 | |
5077927544 | repugnant | offensive to the mind | 105 | |
5077927546 | invective | abusive language used to express blame or censure | 106 | |
5077927548 | recapitulate | summarize briefly | 107 | |
5077927550 | circumlocution | an indirect way of expressing something | 108 | |
5077927552 | cynical | believing the worst of human nature and motives | 109 | |
5077927554 | anecdote | short account of an incident | 110 | |
5077927556 | semantics | the study of language meaning | 111 | |
5077927558 | canon | a collection of books accepted as holy scripture | 112 | |
5077927560 | assimilate | make alike | 113 | |
5077927562 | accolade | a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction | 114 | |
5077927564 | coalesce | fuse or cause to come together | 115 | |
5077927566 | schism | division of a group into opposing factions | 116 | |
5077927568 | infrastructure | the basic features of a system or organization | 117 | |
5077927570 | conjure | summon into action or bring into existence | 118 | |
5077927572 | feral | wild and menacing | 119 | |
5077927574 | debilitate | make weak | 120 | |
5077927576 | hackneyed | repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse | 121 | |
5077927578 | innate | present at birth but not necessarily hereditary | 122 | |
5077927580 | taxonomy | a classification of organisms based on similarities | 123 | |
5077927582 | mendacious | given to lying | 124 | |
5077927584 | veracity | unwillingness to tell lies | 125 | |
5077927586 | avocation | an auxiliary activity | 126 | |
5077927588 | cuisine | the manner of preparing food or the food so prepared | 127 | |
5077927590 | alleviate | provide physical relief, as from pain | 128 | |
5077927592 | intrusive | tending to enter uninvited | 129 | |
5077927594 | subjective | taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias | 130 | |
5077927596 | obstinate | marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield | 131 | |
5077927598 | aloof | remote in manner | 132 | |
5077927600 | dubious | fraught with uncertainty or doubt | 133 | |
5077927602 | caustic | capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action | 134 | |
5077927604 | contemptuous | expressing extreme scorn | 135 | |
5077927606 | forthright | directly and without evasion; not roundabout | 136 | |
5077927608 | snide | expressive of contempt | 137 | |
5077927610 | deprecate | express strong disapproval of; deplore | 138 | |
5077927612 | scourge | something causing misery or death | 139 | |
5077927614 | zenith | the point above the observer directly opposite the nadir | 140 | |
5077927616 | tawdry | tastelessly showy | 141 | |
5077927620 | pugnacious | tough and callous by virtue of experience | 142 | |
5077927624 | hubris | overbearing pride or presumption | 143 | |
5077927628 | sagacity | forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating | 144 | |
5077927632 | egregious | conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible | 145 | |
5077927634 | paucity | an insufficient quantity or number | 146 | |
5077927636 | nefarious | extremely wicked | 147 | |
5077927638 | myopic | unable to see distant objects clearly | 148 | |
5077927640 | grandiloquence | high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation | 149 | |
5077927642 | abjure | formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief | 150 | |
5077927644 | harangue | a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion | 151 | |
5077927646 | acrimony | a rough and bitter manner | 152 | |
5077927648 | inane | devoid of intelligence | 153 | |
5077927650 | loquacious | full of trivial conversation | 154 | |
5077927654 | caveat | a warning against certain acts | 155 | |
5077927658 | demagogue | a leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions | 156 | |
5077927662 | proliferate | grow rapidly | 157 | |
5077927666 | abrogate | revoke formally | 158 | |
5077927670 | equivocate | be deliberately ambiguous or unclear | 159 | |
5077927674 | ruse | a deceptive maneuver, especially to avoid capture | 160 | |
5077927678 | panacea | hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases | 161 | |
5077927682 | stalwart | dependable | 162 | |
5077927686 | alacrity | liveliness and eagerness | 163 | |
5077927690 | motley | consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds | 164 | |
5077927694 | pretentious | creating an appearance of importance or distinction | 165 | |
5077927698 | progeny | the immediate descendants of a person | 166 | |
5077927702 | prodigy | an unusually gifted or intelligent person | 167 | |
5077927706 | deleterious | harmful to living things | 168 | |
5077927710 | intrinsic | belonging to a thing by its very nature | 169 | |
5077927714 | juxtapose | Place side by side (either physically or in a metaphorical way, such as to make a comparison) | 170 | |
5077927718 | archaic | so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period | 171 | |
5077927722 | quandary | state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options | 172 | |
5077927726 | prevaricate | be deliberately ambiguous or unclear | 173 | |
5077927730 | interstice | small opening between things | 174 |