AP Wortschatz "D-P" Flashcards
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5866814044 | deutschsprachig | German-speaking | 0 | |
5866814045 | dritt- | third | 1 | |
5866814046 | erhalten | to obtain, receive, preserve | 2 | |
5866814047 | erwähnen | to mention; to refer | 3 | |
5866814048 | erst- | first | 4 | |
5866814049 | die Erfahrung | the experience | 5 | |
5866814050 | es geht um | it is about | 6 | |
5866814051 | erklären | to explain, declare | 7 | |
5866814052 | folgend | following | 8 | |
5866814053 | Frage stellen | to pose a question | 9 | |
5866814054 | falls | in case; in the event that | 10 | |
5866814055 | feststellen | ascertain, establish | 11 | |
5866814056 | die Grafik | the graphic, illustration, print, diagram | 12 | |
5866814057 | der Grund | the reason, ground, bottom | 13 | |
5866814058 | hauptsächlich | mainly, mostly, primarily | 14 | |
5866814059 | handeln von | to deal with, be about | 15 | |
5866814060 | der Hörtext | listening text | 16 | |
5866814061 | herausfinden (herausfand) | to find out | 17 | |
5866814062 | sich interessieren für | to be interested in | 18 | |
5866814063 | der Inhalt | the contents | 19 | |
5866814064 | der Kunde/die Kundin | the customer | 20 | |
5866814065 | der Leiter | the leader; the director | 21 | |
5866814066 | laut (dieser Grafik) | according to | 22 | |
5866814067 | die Meinung | the opinion | 23 | |
5866814068 | die Menschen | the people; the humans | 24 | |
5866814069 | die Nachricht | the news; the announcement | 25 | |
5866814070 | obig | above | 26 | |
5866814071 | passen | to fit, suit | 27 | |
5866814072 | passend | suitable, appropriate, proper | 28 | |
5866814073 | das Gespräch | the conversation | 29 | |
5866814074 | ein Gespräch führen | to have(lead) a conversation | 30 |