ap vocab Flashcards
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9975375540 | disfrutar | to enjoy | 0 | |
9975375541 | transitar | to travel | 1 | |
9975375542 | cálido/a | warm | 2 | |
9975375543 | a cambio | in return | 3 | |
9975375544 | el hogar de niños | foster home | 4 | |
9975375545 | recaudar fondos | to raise funds | 5 | |
9975375546 | valer la pena | to be worth doing | 6 | |
9975375547 | pelear | to fight | 7 | |
9975375548 | el desfile militar | military parade | 8 | |
9975375549 | los difuntos | the dead | 9 | |
9975375550 | el ejército | army | 10 | |
9975375551 | la ofrenda | offering | 11 | |
9975375552 | el apoyo | support | 12 | |
9975375553 | darse cuenta | to realize | 13 | |
9975375554 | padecar | to suffer | 14 | |
9975375555 | la fe | faith | 15 | |
9975375556 | festejar | to celebrate | 16 | |
9975375557 | el intercambio | exchange | 17 | |
9975375558 | la oración | prayer | 18 | |
9975375559 | los valores | values | 19 | |
9975375560 | la creencia | belief | 20 | |
9975375561 | asustado/a | frightened | 21 | |
9975375562 | bajar de peso | to lose weight | 22 | |
9975375563 | curar | to cure | 23 | |
9975375564 | prevenir | to prevent | 24 | |
9975375565 | adaptarse | to adapt | 25 | |
9975375566 | la costumbre | custom | 26 | |
9975375567 | el inmigrante | immigrant | 27 | |
9975375568 | el derecho | right | 28 | |
9975375569 | el extranjero | foreigner | 29 | |
9975375570 | la alimentación | diet | 30 | |
9975375571 | deshidratar | to dehydrate | 31 | |
9975375572 | la fibra | fiber | 32 | |
9975375573 | inhibir | to inhibit | 33 | |
9975375574 | la propiedad | property | 34 | |
9975375575 | suprimir | to suppress | 35 | |
9975375576 | el tejido | tissue | 36 | |
9975375577 | el grado | degree | 37 | |
9975375578 | lastimarse | to get hurt | 38 | |
9975375579 | el desequilibrio ecológico | ecological imbalance | 39 | |
9975375580 | el medio ambiente | environment | 40 | |
9975375581 | la sequía | drought | 41 | |
9975375582 | el seguro médico | health insurance | 42 | |
9975375583 | la esperanza | hope | 43 | |
9975375584 | transmitir | to convey | 44 | |
9975375585 | aventurero | adventurous | 45 | |
9975375586 | fastidiar | to annoy | 46 | |
9975375587 | llevarse bien | to get along | 47 | |
9975375588 | la ninez | childhood | 48 | |
9975375589 | el derecho | right | 49 | |
9975375590 | genial | wonderful | 50 | |
9975375591 | el personaje | character | 51 | |
9975375592 | el programa de concursos | game show | 52 | |
9975375593 | la serie | series | 53 | |
9975375594 | extranar | to miss | 54 | |
9975375595 | acostumbrarse | to get used to | 55 | |
9975375596 | cambiar de opinión | to change one's mind | 56 | |
9975375597 | mudarse | to move (from one house to another) | 57 | |
9975375598 | festejar | to celebrate | 58 | |
9975375599 | el idioma | language | 59 | |
9975375600 | asistir | to attend | 60 | |
9975375601 | el desarrollo | development | 61 | |
9975375602 | el equipo | team | 62 | |
9975375603 | poblado/a | populated | 63 | |
9975375604 | sano | healthy | 64 | |
9975375605 | cuerdo | healthy | 65 | |
9975375606 | el ciudadano, la ciudadana | citizen | 66 | |
9975375607 | discutir | to enjoy | 67 | |
9975375608 | el folleto | brochure | 68 | |
9975375609 | la mascota | pet | 69 | |
9975375610 | la vacuna | vaccine | 70 | |
9975375611 | publicar | to publish | 71 | |
9975375612 | animarse | to take up a challenge | 72 | |
9975375613 | durar | to last | 73 | |
9975375614 | manejar | to handle, to operate | 74 | |
9975375615 | el tema | topic | 75 | |
9975375616 | verificar | to check | 76 | |
9975375617 | botar | to throw away | 77 | |
9975375618 | evitar | to avoid | 78 | |
9975375619 | gastar | to spend | 79 | |
9975375620 | la prenda | garment | 80 | |
9975375621 | renovar | to renew | 81 | |
9975375622 | el tesoro | treasure | 82 | |
9975375623 | el sitio web | website | 83 | |
9975375624 | la temporada | season | 84 | |
9975375625 | el lenguaje de señas | sign language | 85 | |
9975375626 | la senal | sign | 86 |