AP Language Vocabulary Unit 3 Flashcards
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6882230438 | Acquiesce | To consent; to consent without protest; comply; assent | 0 | |
6882230439 | Articulate | Using words effectively; well-spoken | 1 | |
6882230440 | Belittle | To put down; to make something seem less worthy or less important | 2 | |
6882230441 | Bombastic | Pompous; using high-sounding language without much meaning; overblown | 3 | |
6882230442 | Conciliatory | Soothing; tending to win over or appease; pacifying | 4 | |
6882230443 | Delineate | To portray; to represent in words or pictures | 5 | |
6882230444 | Diffident | Hesitant; lacking self-confidence; timid | 6 | |
6882230445 | Laconic | Brief; using as few words as possible; terse | 7 | |
6882230446 | Scanty | Insufficient; barely sufficient; barely adequate; meager | 8 | |
6882230447 | Subjugate | To dominate; to bring under control; enslave; conquer | 9 | |
6882230448 | Anarchy | Disorder; lawlessness; lack of government; absence of authority or rules | 10 | |
6882230449 | Authoritarian | Favoring firm discipline; demanding or expecting total obedience | 11 | |
6882230450 | Depravity | Wickedness; evil; moral corruption | 12 | |
6882230451 | Meager | Inadequate; lacking in quality or quantity; insufficient | 13 | |
6882230452 | Predilection | A liking; a natural preference; tendency to like something | 14 | |
6882230453 | Quixotic | Noble but rash; idealistic but impractical | 15 | |
6882230454 | Salutary | Wholesome; promoting good health | 16 | |
6882230455 | Suppress | To overcome; to put down by force | 17 | |
6882230456 | Temerity | Recklessness; rash boldness | 18 | |
6882230457 | Turbulence | Wild disorder; violent irregularity, disturbance, or agitation, as of motion, air, or water | 19 | |
6882230458 | Callous | Unfeeling; hardened in mind or feelings | 20 | |
6882230459 | Desecrate | To dishonor; to treat with extreme disrespect; to defile | 21 | |
6882230460 | Evanescent | Briefly present; gradually disappearing; fading away like a vapor | 22 | |
6882230461 | Heed | To listen to; to pay attention to | 23 | |
6882230462 | Indigent | Needy; not having enough to live on; very poor; impoverished | 24 | |
6882230463 | Paragon | An ideal example; a model of excellence or perfection | 25 | |
6882230464 | Provincial | Narrow-minded; limited and narrow in outlook; unsophisticated | 26 | |
6882230465 | Steadfast | Faithful; firmly and consistently loyal | 27 | |
6882230466 | Supercilious | Snobbish; proud; scornful; looking down on others | 28 | |
6882230467 | Usurp | To steal; to seize power or position by force | 29 |