Vocab Semester 2- AP Language Flashcards
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8758948554 | idolatry | n. excessive or blind adoration; worship of an object | 0 | |
8758948555 | adulterate | v. to make impure; to contaminate syn. taint; corrupt ant. refine; refined | 1 | |
8758948556 | emanate | v. to come forth or to send forth syn. rise; emerge | 2 | |
8758948557 | garish | adj. tastelessly gaudy syn. showy; glaring; flashy ant. sedate; conservative | 3 | |
8758948558 | immutable | adj. unchangeable; fixed syn. enduring ant. flexible; changeable | 4 | |
8758948559 | diadem | n. a crown | 5 | |
8758948560 | bucolic | adj. pertaining to the countryside; rural; rustic syn. pastoral ant. urban | 6 | |
8758948561 | redolent | adj. having a pleasant odor; suggestive or evocative syn. aromatic ant. acrid | 7 | |
8758948562 | impecunious | adj. without money; penniless syn. destitute; indigent ant. affluent; prosperous | 8 | |
8758948563 | sedition | n. rebellion or resistance against the government syn. treachery; disloyalty | 9 | |
8758948564 | defile | v. to pollute; to corrupt | 10 | |
8758948565 | gratuitous | adj. unnecessary or uncalled for | 11 | |
8758948566 | onus | n. a burden; a responsibility | 12 | |
8758948567 | impious | adj. disrespectful toward God syn. irreligious; profane ant. devout; pious | 13 | |
8758948568 | caveat | n. a warning syn. admonition; caution | 14 | |
8758972290 | elixir | n. a supposed remedy for all ailments syn. medicine; panacea | 15 | |
8758973861 | desiccated | adj. dried up | 16 | |
8758975052 | cessation | n. a stopping; a discontinuance syn. ceasing, end ant. beginning; commencement | 17 | |
8758977587 | juxtapose | v. to place side by side for comparison syn. measure; examine | 18 | |
8758980071 | kinetic | adj. pertaining to motion | 19 | |
8758981546 | garrulous | adj. talkative syn. loquacious; verbose ant. taciturn | 20 | |
8758982678 | fetish | n. an object that receives respect or devotion syn. charm, talisman | 21 | |
8758985710 | scintillate | v. to sparkle; to twinkle; to sparkle intellectually | 22 | |
8758989378 | lachrymose | adj. tearful, weepy | 23 | |
8758990378 | fissure | n. an opening; a groove; a split | 24 | |
8758991751 | epitome | n. a typical example syn. embodiment, archetype | 25 | |
8758993643 | languid | adj. sluggish; drooping from weakness syn. listless; feeble; drooping ant. robust; vigorous | 26 | |
8758996491 | delineate | v. to describe, to depict | 27 | |
8758997551 | legerdemain | n. sleight of hand; deception | 28 | |
8758998811 | libertine | n. one who leads an immoral life syn. hedonist; glutton; epicurean | 29 | |
8894105894 | halcyon | adj. calm; pleasant syn. tranquil; unruffled ant. troubled; tumultuous | 30 | |
8894108024 | fastidious | adj. hard to please; fussy syn. meticulous; exacting ant. casual; lax | 31 | |
8894109941 | badinage | n. playful; teasing talk syn. chaff; joshing | 32 | |
8894111397 | malapropism | n. a word humorously misused | 33 | |
8894112560 | garner | v. to gather; to acquire | 34 | |
8894114339 | kismet | n. destiny; fate; fortune | 35 | |
8894115854 | hegira | n. flight; escape | 36 | |
8894117051 | paradigm | n. model; example | 37 | |
8894117535 | debauchery | n. corruption; self-indulgence syn. excess; dissipation | 38 | |
8894119981 | milieu | n. environment; setting | 39 | |
8894121139 | regress | v. to move backward | 40 | |
8894121709 | bilious | adj. bad tempered; cross syn. grouchy; cantankerous ant. pleasant | 41 | |
8894124923 | necromancy | n. magic, especially that practiced by a witch | 42 | |
8894125650 | gumption | n. courage and initiative; common sense syn. enterprise; aggressiveness; drive | 43 | |
8894127396 | blandishment | n. flattery | 44 | |
9183844505 | nirvana | n. a condition of great peace or happiness | 45 | |
9183846361 | salutary | adj. healthful; wholesome syn. beneficial ant. pernicious | 46 | |
9183847949 | despicable | adj. contemptible; hateful syn. vile; base ant. laudable; worthy | 47 | |
9183850272 | harlequin | n. a clown | 48 | |
9183850283 | empathy | n. an understanding of another's feelings syn. appreciation; compassion | 49 | |
9183854076 | brevity | n. briefness; short duration syn. terseness; conciseness ant. lengthiness | 50 | |
9183856554 | savant | n. a person of extensive learning; an eminent scholar | 51 | |
9183858068 | obsequious | adj. excessively submissive or overly attentive | 52 | |
9183860604 | redundant | adj. repetitious; using more words than needed syn. wordy; excessive; unnecessary ant. essential | 53 | |
9183867408 | offal | n. garbage; waste parts | 54 | |
9183869252 | hoi polloi | n. the common people; the masses | 55 | |
9183871129 | sentient | adj. conscious; capable of feeling or perceiving syn. alert; alive; cognizant | 56 | |
9183873556 | impinge | v. to encroach; to trespass syn. infringe; intrude | 57 | |
9183875545 | cataract | n. a large waterfall | 58 | |
9183877353 | animosity | n. hatred syn. ill-will; hostility ant. friendliness; congeniality | 59 | |
9259504443 | bombast | n. impressive but meaningless language | 60 | |
9259507167 | orthography | n. correct spelling | 61 | |
9259508882 | paleontology | n. a science dealing with prehistoric life through the study of fossils | 62 | |
9259512125 | recoil | v. to retreat; to draw back | 63 | |
9259513538 | panache | n. self-confidence; a showing manner syn. charisma; spirit | 64 | |
9259516257 | saturnine | adj. gloomy; sluggish syn. sullen morose ant. genial | 65 | |
9259519453 | endemic | adj. confined to a particular country or area syn. native; indigenous ant. alien; foreign | 66 | |
9259524254 | mendacious | adj. lying; false; deceitful syn. duplicitous ant. truthful | 67 | |
9259529811 | obviate | v. to prevent; to get around | 68 | |
9259537037 | paroxysm | n. a sudden outburst; a fit syn. outburst; commotion | 69 | |
9259539160 | aggrandize | v. to increase the range of; to expand; to make appear large syn. enlarge; augment enrich; exaggerate; embellish ant. decrease diminish belittle devalue | 70 | |
9259546790 | deign | v. to lower oneself before an inferior syn. stoop or condescend | 71 | |
9259549479 | flaunt | v. to show off syn. boast; exhibit ant. conceal | 72 | |
9259551317 | shibboleth | n. a word or pronunciation that distinguishes someone as of a particular group | 73 | |
9259555689 | elicit | v. to draw forth; to call forth syn. ecoke; extract ant. cover; suppress | 74 | |
9628169848 | orifice | n. mouth; opening | 75 | |
9628170620 | hallow | v. to make holy syn. bless; consecrate ant. desecrate | 76 | |
9628183602 | perdition | n. damnation; ruin; hell | 77 | |
9628185196 | chaff | n. worthless matter syn. rubbish | 78 | |
9628188074 | aesthetic | adj. pertaining to beauty syn. artistic ant. displeasing | 79 | |
9628189348 | empirical | adj. based on practical experience rather than theory syn. observable ant. theoretical | 80 | |
9628193524 | germane | adj. relevant; itting syn. appropriate; pertinent; suitable ant. irrelevant | 81 | |
9628195455 | hermetic | adj. tightly sealed syn. airtight | 82 | |
9628198156 | meretricious | adj. attractive in a cheap, flashy way syn. gaudy; showy; tawdry ant. restrained; tasteful | 83 | |
9628205758 | querulous | adj. complaining; grumbling syn. fretful; peevish ant. complacent; satisfied | 84 | |
9646972491 | Flaccid | Adj. flabby Syn. Weak, feeble Ant. Solid, taut | 85 | |
9646972492 | Hospice | N. A shelter for travelers orphans or the ill or destitute | 86 | |
9646972493 | egregious | Adj. remarkably bad outrageous Syn. Flagrant gross Ant. Moderate | 87 | |
9646972494 | Ratiocinate | V. To reason to think | 88 | |
9646972495 | Foment | V. To stir up; to incite Syn. Instigate arouse Ant. Quell curb | 89 | |
9693027869 | salient | adj. significant; conspicuous; standing ou from the rest | 90 | |
9693034210 | recant | v. to withdraw or disavow a statement or opinion | 91 | |
9693036627 | jocular | adj. humorous; lighthearted syn. joking, witty, amusing ant. solemn, morose | 92 | |
9693042431 | palliate | v. to ease; to lessen; to soothe syn. alleviate; excuse ant. intensify; exacerbate | 93 | |
9693049405 | malleable | adj. capable of being changed; easily shaped syn. workable ant. rigid; inflexible | 94 | |
9693056193 | recreant | n. a coward; a traitor | 95 | |
9693057591 | affinity | n. an attraction to syn. partially; fondness ant. aversion | 96 | |
9693062388 | impalpable | adj. unable to be felt; intangible syn. imperceptible; indiscernible | 97 | |
9693071162 | fiscal | adj. pertaining to finances syn. economic; budgetary | 98 | |
9693074127 | regale | v. to delight with something pleasing or amusing syn. amuse; entertain ant. anger; depress; annoy | 99 | |
9693079467 | miscreant | n. a vicious person syn. villain; criminal; knave | 100 | |
9693084647 | flagellate | v. to whip; to lash syn. flog | 101 | |
9693087360 | lascivious | adj. lustful or lewd syn. wanton; obscene ant.wholesome; decent | 102 | |
9693093005 | flout | v. to ridicule; to show contempt for syn. mock; scoff ant. esteem; revere | 103 | |
9693101635 | salacious | adj. obscene; lustful syn. lecherous ant. chaste | 104 | |
10080280039 | rebuke | v. to scold; to blame syn. admonish; reprimand ant. praise; laud | 105 | |
10080283440 | nonentity | n. a person or thing of little importance syn. cipher; nobody | 106 | |
10080285453 | sang-froid | n. calmness; composure or self-possession syn. aplomb; self confidence ant. uneasiness; perturbation | 107 | |
10080290009 | desultory | adj. wandering from subject to subject syn. disconnected; rambling | 108 | |
10080293720 | hector | v. to buly; to pester syn. badger; browbeat | 109 | |
10080295822 | pandemic | adj. general; widespread | 110 | |
10080298460 | coalesce | v. to blend; to merge syn. mix, unitem combine ant. separate; divide | 111 | |
10080304694 | beguile | v. to deceive; to charm; to enchant syn. charm, fool ant. irritate, bore | 112 | |
10080318047 | ennui | n. boredom; a weariness resulting from lack of interesting ant. excitement; interest | 113 | |
10080320446 | hiatus | n. pause or gap syn. intermission; break | 114 | |
10080325301 | lambent | adj. softly bright or radiant; moving lightly over a surface syn. glowing; lucid | 115 | |
10080327297 | ergo | therefore syn. consequently; hence | 116 | |
10080329205 | hubris | n. excessive pride or self-confidence syn. arrogance; overconfidence ant. humility; diffidence | 117 | |
10080332843 | pecuniary | adj. pertaining to money; financial syn. monetary | 118 | |
10080336361 | sibilant | adj. a hissing sound | 119 | |
10080340389 | incendiary | adj. causing to excite or inflame syn. instigative; inciting | 120 | |
10080342844 | apotheosis | n. the finest example syn. epitome; archetype | 121 | |
10080345481 | contiguous | adj. making contact or touching at some point; side by side syn. adjoining; abutting ant. separated; detached | 122 | |
10080409133 | auspicious | adj. signaling favorable or promising results syn. encouraging | 123 | |
10080411070 | vociferous | adj. marked by noise; loud syn. boisterous; clamorous | 124 | |
10080413872 | avuncular | adj. similar to an uncle | 125 | |
10080419976 | proletariat | n. working or lower class | 126 | |
10080421841 | tenacious | adj. strongly held; not easy to separate syn. clinging, resolute ant. weak | 127 | |
10080428590 | specious | adj. deceptive or misleading syn. false ant. accurate | 128 | |
10080430615 | refractory | adj. unmanageable or difficult to control; willful syn.defiant; provocative ant. obedient; conforming | 129 | |
10080436562 | inimitable | adj. cannot be imitated syn. incomparable; unparalleled | 130 | |
10080438346 | malfeasance | n. poor conduct or wrongdoing, especially on the part of a public official syn. corruption or crookedness | 131 | |
10080442350 | platonic | adj. marked by the absence of romance or physical attraction | 132 | |
10080445235 | pontificate | v. speak in a pretentiously dignified or dogmatic way syn. orate, sermonize | 133 | |
10080447381 | prurient | adj. given to lustful or lewd thoughts syn. obscene | 134 |