AP French: Human Rights Flashcards
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5108118294 | abuser | to abuse | 0 | |
5108118295 | l'abus de pouvoir | abuse of power | 1 | |
5108118296 | analphabète, illettré | illiterate | 2 | |
5108118297 | approuver une loi | to pass a law | 3 | |
5108118298 | les chaînes | chains | 4 | |
5108118299 | le châtiment | punishment | 5 | |
5108118300 | une couche sociale | social level | 6 | |
5108118301 | coupable | guilty | 7 | |
5108118302 | un crime | crime | 8 | |
5108118303 | la criminalité | criminality | 9 | |
5108118304 | défendre | to defend | 10 | |
5108118305 | le droit | right | 11 | |
5108118306 | l'égalité/l'inégalité | equality, inequality | 12 | |
5108118307 | emprisonner | to jail | 13 | |
5108118308 | l'esclavage, l'esclave | slavery, slave | 14 | |
5108118309 | le gouvernement | government | 15 | |
5108118310 | l'humanité | humanity | 16 | |
5108118311 | juger | to judge | 17 | |
5108118312 | la justice, l'injustice | justice, injustice | 18 | |
5108118313 | la liberté | freedom | 19 | |
5108118314 | maltraiter | to abuse | 20 | |
5108118315 | opprimé | oppressed | 21 | |
5108118316 | la peine de mort | death penalty | 22 | |
5108118317 | la punition | punishment | 23 | |
5108118318 | la société | society | 24 | |
5108118319 | le témoin | witness | 25 | |
5108118320 | un tribunal | court | 26 | |
5108118321 | voter | to vote | 27 | |
5108118322 | un attentat | suicide bombing | 28 | |
5108118323 | l'asile politique | political asylum | 29 | |
5108118324 | le cas échéant | if the case arises; if need be | 30 | |
5108118325 | le chômage | unemployment | 31 | |
5108118326 | la conquête | conquest | 32 | |
5108118327 | le devoir | duty | 33 | |
5108118328 | l'ethnie | ethnic group | 34 | |
5108118329 | les forces du maintien de la paix | peace-keeping forces | 35 | |
5108118330 | l'honnêteté | honesty | 36 | |
5108118331 | la malhonnêteté | dishonesty | 37 | |
5108118332 | indigène | native | 38 | |
5108118333 | la fierté | pride (in a positive sense) | 39 | |
5108118334 | l'orgueil | pride (in a negative sense) | 40 | |
5108118335 | la liberté d'expression | fredom of speech | 41 | |
5108118336 | une méprise | error | 42 | |
5108118337 | la mondialisation | globalization | 43 | |
5108118338 | (dés)obéissance | (dis)obedience | 44 | |
5108118339 | orphelin | orphan | 45 | |
5108118340 | la patrie | homeland/motherland | 46 | |
5108118341 | le patriotisme | patriotism | 47 | |
5108118342 | la pauvreté | poverty | 48 | |
5108118343 | un pays en voie de développement | developing country | 49 | |
5108118344 | le réfugié | refugee | 50 | |
5108118345 | la sagesse | wisdom, knowing | 51 | |
5108118346 | un sans-abri | homeless | 52 | |
5108118347 | le tiers-monde | third world | 53 | |
5108118348 | choqué | shocking (adj) | 54 | |
5108118349 | bouleversant | upsetting (adj) | 55 | |
5108118350 | méprisant | distrustful (adj) | 56 | |
5108118351 | minable | pathetic, lousy (adj) | 57 | |
5108118352 | reconnaissant | grateful (adj) | 58 | |
5108118353 | victorieux | victorious (adj) | 59 | |
5108118354 | avouer | to admit, confess, to own up to | 60 | |
5108118355 | battre | to beat | 61 | |
5108118356 | se battre | to fight (one another) | 62 | |
5108118357 | corrompre | to corrupt | 63 | |
5108118358 | écoeurer | to revolt, to repel, to disgust | 64 | |
5108118359 | en avoir marre | to be fed up w | 65 | |
5108118360 | faire du bénévolat | to work for someone without pay | 66 | |
5108118361 | léser qlqn | to wrong so | 67 | |
5108118362 | lutter | to struggle w | 68 | |
5108118363 | la lutte | struggle | 69 | |
5108118364 | nuire | to ruiner | 70 | |
5108118365 | prendre le dessus | to gain the advantage | 71 | |
5108118366 | reprocher à qlqn de faire qqchs | to tell someone they are wrong | 72 | |
5108118367 | résoudre | to resolve | 73 | |
5108118368 | sangloter | to sob | 74 | |
5108118369 | être plein de zèle | to be full of enthusiasm | 75 | |
5108118370 | survivre | to survive | 76 | |
5108118371 | en vouloir à qlqn | to hold a grudge against | 77 | |
5108118372 | tenir à | to rely on, to insist on | 78 | |
5108118373 | tâcher de | to try out | 79 | |
5108118374 | vaincre | to defeat | 80 | |
5108118375 | défendre à qlqn de faire qqchs | to forbid | 81 | |
5108118376 | se défendre | to defend oneself | 82 | |
5108118377 | justifier | to justify | 83 | |
5108118378 | grave | very serious | 84 | |
5108118379 | une tombe | grave | 85 | |
5108118380 | volontaires | willingly | 86 | |
5108118381 | un bénévole | volunteer | 87 | |
5108118382 | empêcher -c'est a ârreter qlchs avant qui'il se passe | to prevent | 88 | |
5108118383 | lancer -l'armeé a lancé un fusée | to launch | 89 | |
5108118384 | une embuscade | ambush | 90 | |
5108118385 | un soulèvement | uprising | 91 | |
5108118386 | pare-balles | bulletproof | 92 | |
5108118387 | vindicatif | vindictive | 93 |