AP Vocab Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
7336338371 | Pretentious (Adj) | showy, self-important, making unjustifiable claims to excellence | 0 | |
7336339919 | Prosaic (Adj) | dull, unimaginative, lacking excitement | 1 | |
7336341614 | Provincial (Adj) | limited in outlook, narrow in ideas | 2 | |
7336359087 | Reprove (Verb) | gently criticize, redirect, advise | 3 | |
7336359088 | Sardonic (Adj) | disdainful, scornfully mocking | 4 | |
7336361338 | Vehement (Adj) | intense, forceful, marked by strong feeling | 5 | |
7394750415 | Verbose (Adj) | wordy | 6 | |
7394751888 | Virulent (Adj) | full of hate, malignant, extremely poisonous | 7 | |
7394755757 | Winsome (Adj) | charming, sweetly engaging; appealing in an innocent matter | 8 | |
7394763782 | Zealous (Adj) | feeling or showing strong and energetic support for a person, cause, etc. (Vehement) | 9 | |
7394770681 | Wistful (Adj) | yearning, sad, longing | 10 | |
7394771890 | Irreverent (Adj) | lacking proper respect or seriousness | 11 | |
7626798345 | Indignant (Adj) | feeling or showing anger because of something that is unfair or wrong | 12 | |
7626802706 | Maudlin (Adj) | showing or expressing too much emotion especially in a foolish or annoying way | 13 | |
7626810970 | Petty (Adj) | marked by or reflective of narrow interests and sympathies; small minded. | 14 | |
7626826024 | Contemptuous (Adj) | showing or expressing disdain; scronful | 15 | |
7626830633 | Flippant (Adj) | lacking proper respect or seriousness | 16 | |
7626836407 | Elegiac (Adj) | lamenting; mourning; plaintive | 17 | |
7782043505 | Cathartic (Adj) | producing an emotional purification or release | 18 | |
7782046633 | Caustic (Adj) | marked by starting sarcasm | 19 | |
7782050498 | Censure (Noun) | the act of blaming or condemning | 20 | |
7782053591 | Colloquial (adj) | conversational, used in informal speech | 21 | |
7782054835 | cursory (adj) | brief, without much attention to detail | 22 | |
7782056575 | Didactic (adj) | instructive, intended to educate | 23 | |
7930937640 | Diffuse (adj) | wordy; not concentrated | 24 | |
7930940405 | Discerning (adj) | keenly perspective; shrewd | 25 | |
7930945227 | Dogmatic (adj) | arrogantly assertive, positive about unproven ideas | 26 | |
7930966573 | Insipid (adj.) | lacking taste; dull; bland | 27 | |
7930974239 | Juxtaposed (verb) | to place side by side | 28 | |
7930983220 | Pedantic (adj) | characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for academic knowledge and formal rules | 29 | |
8087615227 | Lugubrious | full of sadness or sorrow | ![]() | 30 |
8087617303 | Disdainful | scornful; feeing that someone or something is not worthy of any respect or aprroval | ![]() | 31 |
8087622708 | satiric | using humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc | ![]() | 32 |
8087634784 | Terse (adj) | brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly | ![]() | 33 |
8087638935 | Turgid (adj) | excessively embellished in style or language | ![]() | 34 |
8087643650 | Patronizing (adj) | adopting an air of condescension towards; treating haughty or coolly | ![]() | 35 |
8306869593 | Aesthetic (adj) | concerned with or appreciative of beauty | 36 | |
8306875959 | Altruistic (adj) | unselfish concern with the welfare of others | 37 | |
8306883921 | Anomalous (adj) | irregular, abnormal, unusual | 38 | |
8306892568 | Benign (adj) | gentle, not harmful, kind | 39 | |
8306908896 | Blithe (adj) | happy, lighthearted, joyful | 40 | |
8306910780 | Craven (adj) | cowardly | 41 | |
8600497213 | Clinical(adj) | detached, coolly dispassionate | ![]() | 42 |
8600504524 | Effusive (adj) | marked by the expression of great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm. | ![]() | 43 |
8600511625 | Frivolous (adj) | lacking seriousness | ![]() | 44 |
8600515841 | Insolent (adj) | rude, impolite, over-bearing | ![]() | 45 |
8600521523 | Supercilious (adj) | haughty, contemptuous or disdainful, full of pride | ![]() | 46 |
8600528487 | Captious (adj) | ready to detect trivial faults | ![]() | 47 |
8739939457 | abstruse (adj) | difficult to understand | 48 | |
8739939458 | Acerbic (adj) | Harsh or severe, as of temper or expression | 49 | |
8739939459 | admonishing (adj) | cautioning, advising, counseling against something, remimding | 50 | |
8739939460 | ambiguous (adj) | open to more than one interpretation or having a double meaning | 51 | |
8739939461 | Apathetic (adj) | having or showing little or no emotion, not interested or concerned | 52 | |
8739939462 | Ardent (adj) | characterized by intense feelings; passionate; intensely devoted, eager, or enrhusiastic | 53 | |
9040602843 | Complacent (adj) | marked by self satisfaction | 54 | |
9101178589 | Impartial (adj) | unbiased | 55 | |
9101180891 | Jocular (adj) | joking, humorous | 56 | |
9101187104 | Importunate (adj) | troublesomely urgent; overly persistent | 57 | |
9101189826 | Capricious (adj) | given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood/ behavior | 58 | |
9431217318 | Prescient (adj) | having foresight | 59 | |
9431221188 | Prevaricate (v) | to deviate from the truth | 60 | |
9431222611 | Recalcitrant (adj) | stubbornly defiant and resistant of authority | 61 | |
9431225474 | Temerity (n) | rashness, boldness, audacity | 62 | |
9431226895 | Truculent (adj) | hostile, aggressive, savage | 63 | |
9431228700 | Tendentious (adj) | marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view; biased | 64 |