Learning AP Psychology Flashcards
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7962100621 | Learning | A relatively permanent (long-lasting) change in behavior that occurs because of experience is known as... | 0 | |
7962100622 | Nonassociative learning | Learning resulting from exposure to a single stimulus... | 1 | |
7962100623 | Habituation | Adapting to unchanging stimuli that decreases our responsiveness to the stimuli is known as... | 2 | |
7962100624 | Sensitization | An increase in response to a stimulus - exaggerated responses to unexpected, potentially threatening sights or sounds... | 3 | |
7962100625 | Dishabituation | Occurs when previously habituated stimulus is removed so you are no longer accustomed to the stimulus... | 4 | |
7962100626 | Desensitization | The decreased responsiveness to an aversive stimulus after repeated exposure... | 5 | |
7962100627 | Associative learning | Learning resulting from connecting two or more stimuli whether it is two stimuli or a response and its consequences... | 6 | |
7962100628 | Classical conditioning | A type of learning in which an organism comes to associate stimuli... | 7 | |
7962100629 | Unconditioned stimulus | A stimulus that unconditionally - naturally and automatically - triggers a response in classical conditioning... | 8 | |
7962100630 | Unconditioned response | The unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus in classical conditioning... | 9 | |
7962100631 | Conditioned stimulus | An originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response in classical conditioning... | 10 | |
7962100632 | Conditioned response | The learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus in classical conditioning... | 11 | |
7962100633 | Ivan Pavlov | What Russian scientists stumbled upon classical conditioning and set up the first experiment on it? | 12 | |
7962100634 | Forward conditioning | The name for the conditioned timing sequence where the CS is presented before the US... | 13 | |
7962100635 | Delay conditioning | The name for the conditioned timing sequence where the CS is present until the US begins... | 14 | |
7962100636 | Trace conditioning | The name for the conditioning timing sequence where the CS is removed some time before the US is presented... | 15 | |
7962100637 | Acquisition | The initial stage in classical and operant conditioning that means, "learning" has occurred... | 16 | |
7962100638 | Extinction | The diminishing of a conditioned response in both classical and operant conditioning... | 17 | |
7962100639 | Spontaneous recovery | The reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response... | 18 | |
7962100640 | Generalization | The tendency for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses... | 19 | |
7962100641 | Discrimination | In classical conditioning, the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus... | 20 | |
7962100642 | Second-order conditioning | The type of conditioning involved where a CS that elicits a CR is briefly used as a US in order to condition a response to a new stimulus... | 21 | |
7962100643 | Contiguity approach | Theory for why classical conditioning works that states associations are made since the pairing of the neutral (eventual CS) and the natural (US) stimuli are paired in time and is backed by Pavlov and Watson... | 22 | |
7962100644 | Contingency approach | Theory for why classical conditioning works that states it is not when it is paired but that they (CS and US) get paired because the CS comes to predict the US... | 23 | |
7962100645 | Robert Rescorla | Who is the main proponent of the Contingency approach for why classical conditioning works? | 24 | |
7962100646 | Conditioned taste aversion | This occurs when an animal associates the taste of a certain food with symptoms caused by a toxic, spoiled, or poisonous substance... | 25 | |
7962100647 | Garcia Effect | Another name for CTA that is also described as an aversion or distaste for a particular taste or smell that was associated with a negative reaction (such as nausea or vomiting)... | 26 | |
7962100648 | Aversive conditioning | Name for the conditioning involved where you reduce the appeal of behaviors one wants to eliminate by associating them with physical or psychological discomfort... | 27 | |
7962100649 | John Watson | Who conducted the Baby Albert experiments with classical conditioning? | 28 | |
8009364740 | Operant Conditioning | Learning to associate a response (our behavior) and its consequence and thus to repeat acts followed by good results and avoid acts followed by bad results... | 29 | |
8009364741 | Law of Effect | Rewarded behavior will more than likely occur again is known as... | 30 | |
8009364742 | Edward Thorndike | Who proposed the "Law of Effect?" | 31 | |
8009364743 | B.F. Skinner | Radical Behaviorist instrumental in operant conditioning thanks to his "box"... | 32 | |
8009364744 | Shaping | In Operant conditioning, establishing a new response by reinforcing successive approximations to it is known as... | 33 | |
8009364745 | Chaining | In Operant Conditioning, the reinforcing of a series of behaviors (each one with the opportunity to engage in the next one) to link together a NUMBER of separate behaviors into a more complex activity is known as... | 34 | |
8009364746 | Reinforcer | In general, an event that follows a response and increases the later probability or frequency of that response is known as... | 35 | |
8009364747 | Primary reinforcer | An innately reinforcing stimulus, such as one that satisfies a biological need is known as... | 36 | |
8009364748 | Secondary reinforcer | A stimulus that gains its reinforcing power by learning its value is known as... | 37 | |
8009364749 | Positive reinforcement | The presentation of an event/item that strengthens or increases the likelihood of a behavior to occur is known as... | 38 | |
8009364750 | Negative reinforcement | Increases the frequency of a behavior by taking something away... | 39 | |
8009364751 | Escape learning | A form of negative reinforcement where you are making a response in order to end an aversive stimulus (so already exposed to the aversive stimulus)... | 40 | |
8009364752 | Avoidance learning | A form of negative reinforcement where you are making a response in order to avoid exposure to an aversive (unpleasant) stimulus altogether (so "avoid" being confronted by the aversive stimulus)... | 41 | |
8009364753 | Punishment | Which of the following is used to decrease the probability of a response/behavior in the future? | 42 | |
8009364754 | Positive punishment | What is used to get an individual to learn to stop a behavior by avoiding something unpleasant that will be "given" to them if they do the behavior? | 43 | |
8009364755 | Negative punishment | What is used to get an individual to learn to stop a behavior by possibly taking away something pleasant from them if the behavior occurs? | 44 | |
8009364756 | Omission training | What is another name for negative punishment? | 45 | |
8009364757 | Continuous | Reinforcement schedule that reinforces for every response of the correct type... | 46 | |
8009364758 | Fixed-ratio | Reinforcement schedule that reinforces following completion of a specific number of responses... | 47 | |
8009364759 | Variable ratio | Reinforcement schedule that reinforces for an unpredictable number of responses that varies around a mean value... | 48 | |
8009364760 | Fixed interval | Reinforcement schedule that reinforces for the first response that follows a given delay since the previous reinforcement... | 49 | |
8009364761 | Variable interval | Reinforcement schedule that reinforces for the first response that follows an unpredictable delay (varying around a mean value) since the previous reinforcement... | 50 | |
8009364762 | Learned helplessness | A condition of a human being or an animal in which it has learned to behave helplessly, even when the opportunity is restored for it to help itself by avoiding an unpleasant or harmful circumstance to which it has been subjected is known as... | 51 | |
8009364763 | Martin Seligman | Who is known for his work on the theory of learned helplessness and writes self-help books and focused on Positive Psychology? | 52 | |
8047976268 | Mirror Neurons | Frontal lobe neurons that fire when performing certain actions or when observing another's action which may enable imitation and empathy are... | 53 | |
8047976269 | Vicarious learning | What is another name for learning a behavior by observing another doing the behavior? | 54 | |
8047976270 | Albert Bandura | Who was instrumental in the study of observational learning/modeling? | 55 | |
8047976271 | Latent learning | Learning that becomes obvious only once a reinforcement is given for demonstrating it is known as... | 56 | |
8047976272 | Edward Tolman | Who is known for his work with latent learning and cognitive maps? | 57 | |
8047976273 | Cognitive maps | Mental representations of how something is like the environment around you, and is associated with latent learning, can be referred to as... | 58 | |
8047976274 | Intrinsic motivation | The desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake is known as... | 59 | |
8047976275 | Extrinsic motivation | The desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment is known as... | 60 | |
8047976276 | Abstract learning | Understanding concepts such as "tree" or "same" rather than learning simply to press a bar or peck a disk in order to secure a reward is known as... | 61 | |
8047976277 | Insight learning | Occurs when one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem... | 62 | |
8047976278 | Wolfgang Kohler | Who is known for his work with insight learning with his experiment with chimpanzees and bananas? | 63 | |
8047976279 | Donald Hebb | Who proposed that human learning takes place by neurons forming new connections with one another or by the strengthening of connections that already exist? | 64 | |
8047976280 | Eric Kandel | Who was the neuroscientist that helped discover neuromodulators by classical conditioning sea slug aplysia? | 65 | |
8047976281 | Neuromodulators | What strengthens the synapses between the sensory neurons and the motor neurons? | 66 | |
8047976282 | Long-term potentiation | A physiological change that correlates with a relatively stable change in behavior as a result of experience (or what neurons fire together, wire together) is known as... | 67 |