AP Vocabulary Lesson 18 Flashcards
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5394501796 | Palpitate | Flutter, tremble, beat rapidly. "The dog was palpitating with excitement as his master went to get the leash." | 0 | |
5394505742 | Enervate | Weaken, debilitate, cause to lose energy or nerve. A long illness can enervate even the strongest constitution. | 1 | |
5394509676 | Defile | Make dirty, pollute, make ritually unclean, sully. "I wouldn't defile my hands with the profits from such cynical exploitation." | 2 | |
5394513817 | Obviate | Eliminate as a requirement, make unnecessary. "A few phone calls can often obviate the delay of a protracted correspondence." | 3 | |
5394518140 | Flail | Thrash, wave wildly, beat. "The younger child was flailing with this fists, trying to hit the older boy, who held him easily at arm's length." | 4 | |
5394526094 | Capitulate | Surrender, yield. "The city capitulated to the victors without a shot being fired." | 5 | |
5394531776 | Beguile | Trick or mislead, especially by pleasant or charming means. "While he pretended to be beguiled by Blanche's flirtatious attentions, Rochester knew that she was only interested in him for his money." | 6 | |
5394537579 | Inculcate | Teach, instill, impress on the mind by repetition. "From earliest childhood they had been inculcated with the tenets of the community's beliefs." | 7 | |
5394543661 | Ululate | Howl, hoot, wail in lamentation. "The ululating of the wolves is perhaps the most haunting sound in nature." | 8 | |
5394547395 | Resuscitate | Bring back to life, revive. "Artificial respiration was used to resuscitate the swimmer." | 9 | |
5394551466 | Ameliorate | Improve, make or become better. "With the recent influx of wealth into the country, social conditions can be expected to ameliorate." | 10 | |
5394556231 | Wrest | Take by violence. "In a bloody coup, a military junta wrested control of the government from the president and his cabinet." | 11 |