APES Laws Review Flashcards
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5817338910 | Clean Air Act | A. 1963, National B. Law designed to control air pollution on a national level C. EPA | 0 | |
5817338911 | Clean Water Acts | A. 1972, National B. Objective is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters by preventing point and nonpoint pollution sources C. EPA | 1 | |
5817338912 | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation Liability Act | A. 1980, National B. Created a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries and provided broad federal authority to respond directly to releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances that may endanger public health or the environment C. EPA | 2 | |
5817338913 | Consumer Product Safety Act | A. 1972, National B. Established the CPSC an independent agency of the United States federal government and defined its basic authority C. CPSC | 3 | |
5817338914 | Convention on International trade in Endangered Species | A. 1973, International B. Agreement between governments to protect wildlife against over-exploitation C. ICUN | 4 | |
5817338915 | Emergency Planning & Community Right-To-Know Act | A. 1986, National B. Created to help communities plan for emergencies involving hazardous substances C. EPA | 5 | |
5817338916 | Endanger Species Act | A. 1973, National B. designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction C. FWS | 6 | |
5817338917 | Energy Policy Act | A. 2005, National B. Addressed energy production in the United Staes C. EPA | 7 | |
5817338918 | Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act | A. 1938, National B. Gave authority to the FDA to oversee the safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics C. FDA | 8 | |
5817338919 | Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act | A. 1910, National B. Objective is to provide federal control of pesticide distribution, sale, and use C. EPA | 9 | |
5817338920 | Federal Water Pollution Control Act | A. 1972, National B. Objective is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters by preventing point and nonpoint pollution sources C. EPA | 10 | |
5817338921 | Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act | A. 1980, National B. Enacted to provide financial and technical assistance to states for the development and implementation of conservation plans and programs for nongame fish and wildlife C. FWS | 11 | |
5817338922 | Food Quality Protection Act | A. 1996, National B. Stricter safety standards, and a complete reassessment of all existing pesticide tolerance C. EPA | 12 | |
5817338923 | Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Acts | A. 1938, National B. Gives authority to the FDA to oversee the safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics C. FDA | 13 | |
5817338924 | Hardrock Mining and Reclamation | A. 2009, National B. Allows foreign and domestic companies to take valuable minerals from public lands without paying royalties C. EPA | 14 | |
5817338925 | Kyoto Protocol | A. 1978, International B. Sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases C. UNFCC | 15 | |
5817338926 | Law of the Sea Convention | A. 1982, International B. Defines the rights and responsibilities of nations with respect to the their use of the world's oceans C. United Nations | 16 | |
5817338927 | Marine Mammal Protection Act | A. 1972, National B. Prohibits the taking of marine mammals, and enacts a moratorium on the import, export, and sale of any marine mammal C. NOAA | 17 | |
5817338928 | Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act | A. 1978, National B. Aims to reduce the amount of garbage that ships dump into the ocean C. NOAA | 18 | |
5817338929 | Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act | A. 1934, National B. an adhesive stamp required by the United States to hunt migratory waterfowl such as ducks and geese C. FWS | 19 | |
5817338930 | Montreal Protocol | A. 1987, International B. Protects the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion C. United Nations | 20 | |
5817338931 | National Energy Act | A. 1978, National B. Designed to resolve a disjointed national energy policy and empowers the United States with greater control of its national energy destiny C. EPA | 21 | |
5817338932 | National Environmental Policy Act | A. 1970, National B. Requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making process by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions C. EPA | 22 | |
5817338933 | National Park Act | A. 1916, National B. To conserve the scenery and natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations C. NPS | 23 | |
5817338934 | National Wildlife Refuge System Act | A. 1966, National B. Provides for the administration and management of the national wildlife refuge system C. FWS | 24 | |
5817338935 | Nuclear Waste Policy Act | A. 1982, National B. Supports the use of deep geological repositories for the safe storage and/or disposal of radioactive wastes C. EPA | 25 | |
5817338936 | Occupational Safety and Health Act | A. 1970, National B. Assures safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women C. DOL | 26 | |
5817338937 | Ocean Dumping Ban Act | A. 1998, National B. Prohibits all municipal sewage sludge and industrial waste dumping onto the ocean C. EPA | 27 | |
5817338938 | Oil Pollution Act | A. 1990, National B. Gave the government the power to react to oil spills faster and more efficiently C. EPA | 28 | |
5817338939 | Oil Spill Prevention and Liability Act | A. 2004, National B. Improves the nation's ability to prevent and respond to oil spills by establishing provisions that expand the federal government money and resources necessary, to respond to oil spills C. EPA | 29 | |
5817338940 | Pollution Prevention Act | A. 1990, National B. Focused industry, government and public allention on reducing the amount of pollution through cost-effective changes in production, operation and raw material used C. EPA | 30 | |
5817338941 | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act | A. 1976, National B. Set standards for treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste in the United States C. EPA | 31 | |
5817338942 | Safe Drinking Water Act | A. 1974, National B. Intended to ensure safe drinking water for the public C. EPA | 32 | |
5817338943 | Soil and Water Conservation Act | A. 1977, National B. Requires USDA to periodically prepare a national plan for soil and water conservation on private lands based on an inventory and appraisal of existing recourse conditions and trends C. NRCS | 33 | |
5817338944 | Soil Waste Disposal Act | A. 1965, National B. Sets standards for the treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste in the United States C. EPA | 34 | |
5817338945 | Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act | A. 1977, National B. Regulate the environmental effects of coal mining in the United States C. FWS | 35 | |
5817338946 | Toxic Substances Control Act | A. 1976, National B. regulates the introduction of new or already existing chemicals C. EPA | 36 | |
5817338947 | Wild and Scenic Rivers Act | A. 1968, National B. Designation for certain protected areas in the United States C. FWS | 37 | |
5817338948 | Wilderness Act | A. 1964, National B. Created the legal definition of wilderness in the United States C. FWS | 38 |