Chapter 11 APES Flashcards
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5639186096 | Under nutrition | Chronic hunger; not consuming enough calories to be healthy | 0 | |
5639186097 | Malnourished | Regardless of the number of calories one consumes, their diets lack the correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals | 1 | |
5639186098 | Food security | Condition in which people have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life | 2 | |
5639186099 | Food insecurity | Condition in which people do not have adequate access to food | 3 | |
5639186100 | Famine | Condition in which food security is so extreme that large numbers of deaths occur in a given area over a relatively short period | 4 | |
5639186101 | Anemia | Iron deficiency; most widespread nutritional deficiency in world | 5 | |
5639186102 | Overnutrition | Ingestion of too many calories and improper foods; can cause a person to become overweight | 6 | |
5639186103 | Meat | Second largest component of the human diet; livestock (beef, veal and lamb) and poultry (chicken and duck) | 7 | |
5639186104 | Industrial agriculture/agribusiness | Agriculture that applies the techniques of mechanization and standardization | 8 | |
5639186105 | Energy subsidy | Energy input per calorie of food produced | 9 | |
5639186106 | Green Revolution | Shift in farming methods New management techniques and mechanization as well as the triad of fertilization, irrigation and improved crop varieties | 10 | |
5639186107 | Economies of scale | Observation that average costs of production fall as output increases | 11 | |
5639186108 | Water logging | Occurs when soil remains underwater for prolonged periods, impairs root growth because roots cannot get oxygen | 12 | |
5639186109 | Salinization | Occurs when the small amounts of salt in irrigation water become highly concentrated on soil surface through evaporation | 13 | |
5639186110 | Organic fertilizers | Composed of organic matter from plants and animals | 14 | |
5639186111 | Synthetic/inorganic fertilizers | Produced commercially, normally with the use of fossil fuels | 15 | |
5639186112 | Monocropping | An agricultural method that utilizes large plantings of a single species or variety | 16 | |
5639186113 | Pesticide | A substance, either natural or synthetic that kills or controls organisms that people consider pests | 17 | |
5639186114 | Insecticide | A pesticide that targets species of insects and other invertebrates | 18 | |
5639186115 | Herbicides | Target plant species that compare with crops | 19 | |
5639186116 | Broad spectrum pesticides | They kill many different types of pests | 20 | |
5639186117 | Selective pesticides | Focus on a narrower range of organisms | 21 | |
5639186118 | Persistent | remain in the environment for a long time, DDT is an example | 22 | |
5639186119 | Non persistent | break down relatively rapid, usually in weeks to months | 23 | |
5639186120 | Bioaccumulation | Something building up over time in the fatty tissues of predators | 24 | |
5639186121 | Resistant | Measure of how much a disturbance can affect flows of energy and matter in an ecosystem | 25 | |
5639186122 | Pesticide treadmill | Cycle of pesticide development, followed by pest resistance, followed by new pesticide development | 26 | |
5639186123 | Conventional agriculture | Applies the techniques of mechanization and standardization | 27 | |
5639186124 | Shifting agriculture | Involves clearing land and using it for only a few years until the soil is depleted of nutrients | 28 | |
5639186125 | Desertification | Transformation of arable, productive land to desert or unproductive land due to climate change or destructive land use | 29 | |
5639186126 | Nomadic grazing | Feeding herds of animals by moving them to seasonally productive feeding grounds, often over long distances | 30 | |
5639186127 | Sustainable agriculture | Fulfills need for food and fiber while enhancing quality of the soil, minimizing use of nonrenewable resources and allowing economic viability for the farmer | 31 | |
5639186128 | Intercropping | Two or more crop species are planted in the same field at the same time to promote a synergistic interaction between them | 32 | |
5639186129 | Crop rotation | Achieves the same effect by rotating the crop species in a field from season to season | 33 | |
5639186130 | Agroforestry | Intercropping trees with vegetables; allows vegetation of different heights, including trees, to act as windbreaks and catch soil that might otherwise be blown away | 34 | |
5639186131 | Contour plowing | Plowing and harvesting at right angles to the slope of the land; Helps prevent erosion by water while still allowing for the practical advantages of plowing | 35 | |
5639186132 | No-till agriculture | Designed to avoid soil degradation that comes with conventional agricultural techniques | 36 | |
5639186133 | Integrated pest management (IPM) | Uses a variety of techniques designed to minimize pesticide inputs | 37 | |
5639186134 | Organic agriculture | Production of crops without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers | 38 | |
5639186135 | Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) | Large indoor or outdoor structures designed for maximum output | 39 | |
5639186136 | Fishery | Commercially harvestable population of fish within a particular ecological region | 40 | |
5639186137 | Fishery collapse | Decline of a fish population by 90% or more | 41 | |
5639186138 | Bycatch | Unintentional catch of non target species | 42 | |
5639186139 | Individual transferable quotas (ITQs) | Fishery management program in which individual fishers are given a total allowable catch of fish in a season that they can either catch or sell | 43 | |
5639186140 | Aquaculture | Farming aquatic organisms such as fish, shellfish and seaweeds | 44 | |
5639186141 | Annual plants | Live only one season and must be replanted each yea, which causes enormous disruption to soil (Example: wheat and corn) | 45 | |
5639186142 | Perennial plants | Live for multiple years so there is no need to plow fields each year for replanting | 46 | |
8350825112 | stronger doses of pesticide are needed, new chemicals are needed, more frequent spraying is needed | List three effects of the pesticide treadmill | 47 | |
8350841165 | immune system disorders, endocrine system disorders, childhood brain cancer, nervous system disorders | List negative effects of pesticide exposure on humans. | 48 | |
8350890426 | Integrated pest management | Farmers can control pests by alternating crops, introducing natural pest predators, using selective pesticides and timing planting to limit insect loss to crops. This method is called | 49 | |
8350904651 | 1. it can be cheaper than using sprays. 2. It can be self-perpetuating (meaning it continues to work after the initial application, for example the next year) | what are some pro's for biological control of pests? | 50 | |
8350935066 | Synthetic sprays and fertilizers | typically liquid, this method of fertilizing crops is relatively inexpensive and provides the macronutrients that crops need. | 51 | |
8350958462 | organic fertilizer | typically animal manure, this type of fertilizer is not always available to farmers, but it does provide macro and micronutrients for plant growth | 52 | |
8350983983 | Round Up Ready | when plants are able to tolerate the herbicide Round up, what are they called? | 53 | |
8351006195 | bacillus thurengensis or Bt | A toxin that is genetically added to plants like corn and wheat so that lepidopteran larva die upon ingestion of the plants (in other words, they die when they eat it) | 54 | |
8351019641 | Japan, Australia, South Korea, Canada | List five countries that require GMO food to be labeled for the consumer | 55 | |
8351042400 | beef, pork, chicken, catfish | List the following meats from least efficient to most efficient... catfish, chicken, pork and beef | 56 | |
8351057695 | Minamata Disease | what disease is caused by mercury poisoning? | 57 | |
8351075874 | Goiter | Disease caused by insufficient iodine in a diet | 58 | |
8351089183 | blindness | Lack of Vitamin A causes this problem for 500,000 people worldwide per year | 59 | |
8351097683 | stroke, heart disease, cancer | overnutrition can lead to what three diseases? | 60 | |
8351113609 | hypervarietal cultivation | when a farmer plants many varieties of a crop, for example many different kinds of tomatoes | 61 | |
8351129866 | less labor costs since you don't have to till the land, less soil erosion since the land is not exposed. | An advantage of conservation tillage (no till) | 62 | |
8351141169 | more herbicide is used to kill the weeds since the ground is not tilled. (tilling disturbs the weeds and slows their growth) | disadvantage of conservation tillage | 63 | |
8351201729 | pest | any organism that competes with humans or interferes with humans. | 64 |