AP US History Ch. 14 Cause/Effect Flashcards
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5985882503 | The open, rough-and-tumble society of the American West | Made Americans strongly individualistic and self-reliant | 0 | |
5985882504 | Natural population growth and increasing immigration from Ireland and Germany | Made the fast-growing United States the fourth most populous nation in the Western world | 1 | |
5985882505 | The poverty and Roman Catholic faith of most Irish immigrants | Aroused nativist hostility and occasional riots | 2 | |
5985882506 | Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin | Transformed southern agriculture and gave new life to slavery | 3 | |
5985882507 | The passage of general incorporation and limited-liability laws | Enabled businesspeople to create more powerful and effective joint-stock capital ventures | 4 | |
5985882508 | The early efforts of labor unions to organize and strike | Aroused fierce opposition from businesspeople and guardians of the law | 5 | |
5985882509 | Improved western transportation and the new McCormick reaper | Encouraged western farmers to specialize in cash-crop agricultural production for eastern and European markets | 6 | |
5985882510 | The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 | Opened the Great Lakes states to rapid economic growth and spurred the development of major cities | 7 | |
5985882511 | The development of a strong east-west rail network | Bound the two northern sections together across the mountains and tended to isolate the South | 8 | |
5985882512 | The replacement of household production by factory-made, store-bought goods | Weakend many women's economic status and pushed them into a separate sphere of home and family | 9 |