AP US History chapter 32 Flashcards
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6074050978 | Warren G. Harding | inaugurated in 1921, one of the best liked men of his generation, the charming exterior concealed a weak interior | 0 | |
6074050979 | Adkins v. Children's Hospital | a landmark Supreme Court decision reversing the ruling in Muller v. Oregon, which had declared women to be deserving of special protection in the workplace | 1 | |
6074050980 | Nine-Power Treaty | agreement coming out of the Washington "Disarmament" Conference of 1921-1922 that pledged Britain, France, Italy, Japan, the U.S., China, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Belgium to abide by the Open Door Policy in China | 2 | |
6074050981 | Kellogg-Briand Pact | a sentimental triumph of the 1920's peace movement, this 1928 pact linked 62 nations in the supposed "outlawry of war" | 3 | |
6074050982 | Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law | a comprehensive bill passed to protect domestic production from foreign competitors; as a direct result, many European nations were spurred to increase their own trade barriers | 4 | |
6074050983 | Teapot Dome Scandal | a tawdry affair involving the illegal lease of priceless naval oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming and Elk Hills, California; one of several scandals that gave Harding's administration a reputation for corruption | 5 | |
6074050984 | Albert B. Fall | secretary of the interior 1921, induced his careless colleague, the secretary of the Navy, to transfer valuable properties to the Interior Department; found guilty of taking a bribe and was sentenced to 1 year in jail | 6 | |
6074050985 | Calvin Coolidge | VP to Harding; his father administered the presidential oath to him at his family home in VT, he became the "high priest of the great god Business"; "Cautious Cal" | 7 | |
6074050986 | McNary-Haugen Bill | a farm-relief bill that was championed throughout the 1920's and aimed to keep agricultural prices high by authorizing the govt. to buy up surpluses and sell them abroad | 8 | |
6074050987 | John W. Davis | democratic candidate in 1924, no less conservative than Coolidge | 9 | |
6074050988 | Robert ("Fighting Bob") La Follette | led a new Progressive Party in 1924, major constituency was made up of the price-pinched farmers | 10 | |
6074050989 | Dawes Plan | an arrangement negotiated in 1924 to reschedule German reparations payments; it stabilized the German currency and opened the way for further American private loans to Germany | 11 | |
6074050990 | Alfred E. Smith | democratic nominee in 1928, lost; one of the most colorful personalities in American politics, "Al(cohol) Smith", too abrasively urban | 12 | |
6074050991 | Agricultural Marketing Act | established the Federal Farm Board, a lending bureau for hard-pressed farmers; also aimed to help farmers help themselves through new producers' cooperatives | 13 | |
6074050992 | Hawley-Smoot Tariff | the highest protective tariff in the peacetime history of the U.S. passed as a result of good old-fashioned horse trading | 14 | |
6074050993 | Black Tuesday | the dark, panicky day of October 29, 1929 when over 16,410,000 shares of stock were sold on Wall Street; it was a trigger that helped bring on the Great Depression | 15 | |
6074050994 | Hoovervilles | grim shantytowns where impoverished victims of the Great Depression slept under newspapers and in makeshift tents; their visibility (and sarcastic name) tarnished the reputation of the Hoover administration | 16 | |
6074050995 | Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) | a govt. leading agency established under the Hoover administration in order to assist insurance companies, banks, agricultural organizations, railroads, and local govts. | 17 | |
6074050996 | Norris-La Guardia Anti-Injunction Act | this law banned "yellow-dog", or anti-union work contracts and forbade federal courts from issuing injunctions to quash strikes and boycotts; it was an early piece of labor-friendly federal legisaltion | 18 | |
6074050997 | Bonus Army | officially known as the Bonus Expeditionary Force (BEF), this rag-tag group of 20,000 veterans marched on Washington to demand immediate payment of bonuses earned during WWI; General Douglas MacArthur dispersed the veterans with tear gas and bayonets | 19 |