AP US History Chapter 24 Flashcards
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5457641522 | New Deal | A series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression. | 0 | |
5457641523 | "social welfare" liberalism | is a political ideology that believes individual liberty requires a level of social justice. | 1 | |
5457641524 | Fireside Chats | The informal radio conversations Roosevelt had with the people to keep spirits up. It was a means of communicating with the people on how he would take on the depression. | 2 | |
5457643959 | Brain Trust | A small group of young reform-minded intellectuals responsible for writing FDR's speeches and authoring much of the New Deal legislation. | 3 | |
5457643960 | "Hundred Days" | Period that Congress received and enacted 15 major proposals from FDR; established CCC, TVA, AAA, emergency banking act, NRA, and other organizations that had the purpose of combating socioeconomic problems. | 4 | |
5457647690 | Bank Holiday | All the banks were ordered to close until new laws could be passed. An emergency banking law was rushed through Congress. The Law set up new ways for the federal government to funnel money to troubled banks It also required the Treasury Department to inspect banks before they could re-open. | 5 | |
5457647691 | Emergency Banking Act | A government legislation passed during the depression that dealt with the bank problem. The act allowed a plan which would close down insolvent banks and reorganize and reopen those banks strong enough to survive. | 6 | |
5457650328 | Glass Steagall Act | Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and included banking reforms, some of which were designed to control speculation.; were both reactions of the U.S. government to cope with the economic problems which followed the Stock Market Crash of 1929. | 7 | |
5457650329 | FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: A federal guarantee of savings bank deposits initially of up to $2500, raised to $5000 in 1934, and frequently thereafter; continues today with a limit of $100,000. | 8 | |
5457650330 | Home Owners Loan Corporation | As part of the Hundred Days that understood the nation's tragedy of foreclosed mortgages, the HOLC refinanced American home mortgages. This effort allowed one-fifth of all U.S. mortgages to become refinanced which would prevent another Great Depression. | 9 | |
5457656037 | Civilian Conservation Corps | Hired young, unemployed people to do restoration projects throughout the country, employed over 3 million people. | 10 | |
5457656038 | Tennessee Valley Authority | A relief, recovery, and reform effort that gave 2.5 million poor citizens jobs and land. It brought cheap electric power, low-cost housing, cheap nitrates, and the restoration of eroded soil. | 11 | |
5457656039 | Agricultural Adjustment Act | In 1933 and 1938 , Helped farmers meet mortgages. Unconstitutional because the government was paying the farmers to waste 1/3 of their products. Created by Congress in 1933 as part of the New Deal this agency attempted to restrict agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies to take land out of production. | 12 | |
5457658297 | Southern Tenant Farmer's Union | Founded in 1934 as a civil farmer's union to further organize the tenant farmers in the Southern United States. Originally set up during the Great Depression in the United States, the reasons for the establishment are numerous, although they are all largely centered upon money and working conditions. | 13 | |
5457658298 | National Industrial Recovery Act | Permitted all workers to join unions of their choice, allowed workers to bargain collectively for wage increases and benefits, allowed workers to go on strike to try to force employers to meet their demands. | 14 | |
5457661274 | National Recovery Administration | Government agency that was part of the New Deal and dealt with the industrial sector of the economy. It allowed industries to create fair competition which were intended to reduce destructive competition and to help workers by setting minimum wages and maximum weekly hours. | 15 | |
5457661275 | Federal Emergency Relief Administration | Relieved household unemployment by creating new unskilled jobs. | 16 | |
5457662923 | Public Works Administration | 1935 Created for both industrial recovery and for unemployment relief. Headed by the Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes, it aimed at long-range recovery and spent $4 billion on thousands of projects that included public buildings, highways, and parkways. | 17 | |
5457662924 | Civil Works Administration | This act was not intended to be permanent. It put 4 million people to work including some teachers. Most of its money was spent on wages. | 18 | |
5457665586 | Securities & Exchange Commission | An independent agency of the gov. that regulates financial markets and investment companies. | 19 | |
5457667692 | Margin transactions | Borrowing cash to buy securities and using the securities themselves as collateral. | 20 | |
5457669714 | Banking Act of 1935 | Created seven-member board to regulate the nation's money supply and the interest rates on loans. | 21 | |
5457669715 | Liberty League | Conservatives who did not agree with Roosevelt, they wanted government to let business alone and play a less active role in the economy | 22 | |
5457669716 | Schechter v United States | 1935 Also known as the Schechter Poultry case and the "Sick Chicken Case." The Schechter Poultry Company violated the code for the industry established under the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. The U.S. Supreme Court declared the NIRA unconstitutional because it gave excessive legislative powers, such as the writing of industrial codes of fair competition, to the executive branch of government. In addition, these codes regulated intrastate as well as interstate industries. | 23 | |
5457674892 | Second New Deal | (1935) a new set of programs in the spring of 1935 including additional banking reforms, new tax laws, new relief programs | 24 | |
5457674893 | Revenue Act of 1935 | "soak the rich" tax, a tax reform bill that increased estate and corporate taxes and instituted higher personal income tax rates in the top brackets, very controversial. | 25 | |
5457674894 | Wagner Act | 1935; established National Labor Relations Board; protected the rights of most workers in the private sector to organize labor unions, to engage in collective bargaining, and to take part in strikes and other forms of concerted activity in support of their demands. | 26 | |
5457677681 | National Labor Relations Board | A 1935 law, also known as the Wagner Act, that guarantees workers the right of collective bargaining sets down rules to protect unions and organizers, and created the National Labor Relations Board to regulate labor-management relations. | 27 | |
5457680086 | Social Security Act | 1935, guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65; set up federal-state system of unemployment insurance and care for dependent mothers and children, the handicapped, and public health. | 28 | |
5457682776 | Works Progress Administration | New Deal agency that helped create jobs for those that needed them. It created around 9 million jobs working on bridges, roads, and buildings. | 29 | |
5457682777 | National Housing Act | 1934 , June 28, 1934- It created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. It was designed to stop the tide of bank foreclosures on family homes, it instead gave loans | 30 | |
5457682778 | Fair Labor Standards Act | This (1935) act gave workers the right to join labor unions. A minimum wage was established, and the maximum hours that one could work. | 31 | |
5457684988 | Deficit spending | Government practice of spending more than it takes in from taxes. | 32 | |
5457684989 | Keynesian Economics | Theory based on the principles of John Maynard Keynes, stating that government spending should increase during business slumps and be curbed during booms. | 33 | |
5457684990 | Congress of Industrial Organizations | A federation of labor union for all unskilled workers. It provided a national labor union for unskilled workers, unlike the AFL, which limited itself to skilled workers. | 34 | |
5457710618 | John L. Lewis | He was a miner known for creating the United Mine Workers. He helped found the CIO and was responsible for the Fair Labor Standards Act. | 35 | |
5457710619 | Sit down strikes | A tactic that consisted of striking workers remaining idle inside the plant rather than walking off their jobs. | 36 | |
5457712533 | Eleanor Roosevelt | FDR's Wife and New Deal supporter. Was a great supporter of civil rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws. She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women. | 37 | |
5457714614 | Scottsboro Case 1931 | Hastily convicted 9 black youths, ranging from thirteen to twenty-one, of raping two white women while riding a freight train headed to Memphis. 8 sentenced to death before cheering white audience. | 38 | |
5457641525 | "Great Migration" | (1920s) occurred over a series of decades, where we witnessed the relocation of approximately 1.5 million African Americans from their southern homes to northern metropolises. It took a long time for that many people to move, but it was the single most dramatic, most powerful example or evidence of an African American agency in the 20th century because this was not an organized movement. | 39 | |
5457705953 | Indian Reorganization Act 1935 | 1934 - Restored tribal ownership of lands, recognized tribal constitutions and government, and provided loans for economic development. | 40 | |
5457705954 | César Chavez | 1927-1993. Farm worker, labor leader, and civil-rights activist who helped form the National Farm Workers Association, later the United Farm Workers. | 41 | |
5457700483 | Dust Bowl | A drought in the 1930s that turned the Great Planes very dry. | 42 | |
5457702239 | "Okies" | Farm families who had lost everything began heading west to California, hoping to find work. Because so many of the migrants were from. Oklahoma, the CA residents called the migrants by this name. | 43 | |
5457698657 | Rural Electrification Administration | An agency established in 1935 to promote nonprofit farm cooperatives that offered loans to farmers to install power lines. | 44 | |
5457694560 | "Federal One" | is the collective name for a group of projects under the Work Projects Administration, a New Deal program in the United States. | 45 | |
5457689021 | Federal Art Project | New deal program that funded large murals; division of the works progress administration that hired unemployed artists to create artwork for public buildings and sponsored art-education programs and exhibitions | 46 | |
5457692603 | Federal Writer's Project | Federal government project to fund written work and support writers during the Great Depression. | 47 | |
5457692604 | Federal Theatre Project | Established in 1935 by Congress as part of the Works Progress Administration; goal was to employ theater artists under the guidelines of the WPA. | 48 |