AP World History: Chapter 12 Flashcards
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5503128804 | Indians | misnomer created by Columbus when referring to indigenous New World peoples; still used to describe Native Americans. | 0 | |
5503128805 | Toltec culture | succeeded Teotihuacan culture in central Mexico; strong militaristic ethic including human sacrifice; influenced large territory after 1000 C.E.; declined after 1200 C.E. | 1 | |
5503128806 | Topiltzin | "religious leader and reformer of the Toltecs in 10th century; dedicated to god Quetzalcoatl; after losing struggle for power, went into exile in the Yucatan peninsula." | 2 | |
5503128807 | Quetzalcoatl | Toltec deity; feathered serpent; adopted by Aztecs as a major god. | 3 | |
5503128808 | Tenochtitlan | founded circa 1325 on a marshy island in Lake Texcoco; became center of Aztec power. | 4 | |
5503128809 | Tlaloc | major god of Aztecs; associated with fertility and the agricultural cycle; god of rain. | 5 | |
5503128810 | Huitcilopochtli | Aztec tribal patron god; central figure of human sacrifice and warfare; identified with old sun god. | 6 | |
5503128811 | Nezhualcoyotl | leading Aztec king of the 15th century. | 7 | |
5503128812 | chinampas | "beds of aquatic weeds, mud, and earth placed in frames made of cane and rooted in lakes to create "floating islands"; system of irrigated agriculture used by Aztecs." | 8 | |
5503128813 | pochteca | merchant class in Aztec society; specialized in long distance trade in luxury items. | 9 | |
5503128814 | calpulli | clans in Aztec society; evolved into residential groupings that distributed land and provided labor and warriors. | 10 | |
5503128815 | Pachacuti | Inca ruler (1438-1471); began the military campaigns that marked the creation of an Inca empire. | 11 | |
5503128816 | ayllus | "households in Andean societies that recognized some form of kinship; traced descent from a common, sometimes mythical ancestor." | 12 | |
5503128817 | Twantinsuyu | Inca word for their empire; region from Colombia to Chile and eastwardinto Bolivia and Argentina. | 13 | |
5503128818 | split inheritance | "Inca practice of ruler descent; all titles and political power went to successor, but wealth and land remained in hands of male descendants for support of dead Inca's mummy." | 14 | |
5503128820 | tambos | way stations used by Incas as inns and storehouses; supply centers for Inca armies; relay points for system of runners used to carry messages. | 15 | |
5503128821 | mita | labor extracted for lands assigned to the state and the religion; all communities were expected to contribute; an essential aspect of Inca imperial control. | 16 | |
5503128822 | Inca socialism | an interpretation describing Inca society as a type of utopia; image of the Inca empire as a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole. | 17 | |
5503128823 | yanas | "a class of people within Inca society removed from their ayllus to serve permanently as servants, artisans, or workers for the Inca or the Inca nobility." | 18 | |
5503128824 | quipu | system of knotted strings utilized by the Incas in place of a writing system; could contain numerical and other types of information for censuses and financial records. | 19 |