AP spanish language tone words Flashcards
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7172780464 | acusatorio | accusatory | 0 | |
7172780465 | ambivalente | ambivalent | 1 | |
7172780466 | gracioso | funny | 2 | |
7172780467 | entretener | to entertain | 3 | |
7172780468 | enojado | angry | 4 | |
7172780469 | apático | apathetic | 5 | |
7172780470 | compungido | apologetic | 6 | |
7172780471 | altanero, arrogante, prepotente | arrogant, haughty | 7 | |
7172780472 | inquietar | to worry | 8 | |
7172780473 | asombro | awe | 9 | |
7172780474 | engañoso | deceptive | 10 | |
7172780475 | perplejo | bewildered | 11 | |
7172780476 | desconcertar | to disconcert | 12 | |
7172780477 | amargado | bitter | 13 | |
7172780478 | insensible | insensible | 14 | |
7172780479 | tranquilizar | to calm down | 15 | |
7172780480 | franco | frank | 16 | |
7172780481 | sincero | straightforward | 17 | |
7172780482 | alegre | happy | 18 | |
7172780483 | animado | cheerful | 19 | |
7172780484 | afectado | concerned | 20 | |
7172780485 | condescendiente | condescending | 21 | |
7172780486 | contemplativo | contemplative | 22 | |
7172780487 | despectivo | derogatory, disparaging, scornful | 23 | |
7172780488 | cortés | courteous | 24 | |
7172780489 | crítico | critical | 25 | |
7172780490 | cínico | cynical | 26 | |
7172780491 | de desafío | defiant | 27 | |
7172780492 | deprimido | depressed | 28 | |
7172780493 | desperado | desperate | 29 | |
7172780494 | persistencia | persistent | 30 | |
7172780495 | didáctico | didactic | 31 | |
7172780496 | decepcionado | disappointed | 32 | |
7172780497 | desilusionado | disillusioned | 33 | |
7172780498 | desdeñoso | disdainful | 34 | |
7172780499 | repugnante | repugnant | 35 | |
7172780500 | descontento | unhappy | 36 | |
7172780501 | insatisfecho | dissatisfied | 37 | |
7172780502 | impresionante | dramatic | 38 | |
7172780503 | teatral | theatrical | 39 | |
7172780504 | dramático | dramatic | 40 | |
7172780505 | excéntrico | eccentric | 41 | |
7172780506 | egocéntrico | egotistical | 42 | |
7172780507 | elocuente | eloquent | 43 | |
7172780508 | alentador | encouraging | 44 | |
7172780509 | prometedor | promising | 45 | |
7172780510 | entusiasmado | enthusiastic | 46 | |
7172780511 | envidioso | envious | 47 | |
7172780512 | celoso | jealous | 48 | |
7172780513 | ilusionar | to hope for | 49 | |
7172780514 | caprichoso | whimsical, fanciful, imaginative, capricious | 50 | |
7172780515 | temeroso | fearful | 51 | |
7172780516 | directo | direct | 52 | |
7172780517 | amistoso | friendly | 53 | |
7172780518 | frustrado | frustrated | 54 | |
7172780519 | tierno | gentle | 55 | |
7172780520 | pesimista | pessimistic | 56 | |
7172780521 | odioso | hateful | 57 | |
7172780522 | honesto | honest | 58 | |
7172780523 | honrado | truthful | 59 | |
7172780524 | optimista | optimist | 60 | |
7172780525 | histérico | hysterical | 61 | |
7172780526 | idealista | idealist | 62 | |
7172780527 | imaginativo | imaginative | 63 | |
7172780528 | impersonal | impersonal | 64 | |
7172780529 | indignado | angry because something is not fair, indignant | 65 | |
7172780530 | inocente | innocent | 66 | |
7172780531 | inspirado | inspirational | 67 | |
7172780532 | íntimo | intimate | 68 | |
7172780533 | irónico | ironic | 69 | |
7172780534 | jovial | happy | 70 | |
7172780535 | vago | lazy | 71 | |
7172780536 | letárgico | lethargic | 72 | |
7172780537 | despreocupado | lighthearted | 73 | |
7172780538 | altivo | lofty | 74 | |
7172780539 | macabro | macabre, about death | 75 | |
7172780540 | malévolo | malevolent | 76 | |
7172780541 | realista | realistic | 77 | |
7172780542 | melancólico | melancholic | 78 | |
7172780543 | travieso | mischievous | 79 | |
7172780544 | burlón | mocking | 80 | |
7172780545 | nostálgico | nostalgic | 81 | |
7172780546 | objetivo | objective | 82 | |
7172780547 | paciente | patient | 83 | |
7172780548 | pensativo | pensive, thinking deeply | 84 | |
7172780549 | perplejo | perplexed | 85 | |
7172780550 | persuasivo | persuasive | 86 | |
7172780551 | poético | poetic | 87 | |
7172780552 | orgulloso | proud | 88 | |
7172780553 | reflejar | to reflect | 89 | |
7172780554 | arrepentido | regretful, apologetic | 90 | |
7172780555 | relajado | relaxed | 91 | |
7172780556 | aliviado | relieved | 92 | |
7172780557 | reverente | reverent, treated with respect | 93 | |
7172780558 | maleducado | rude | 94 | |
7172780559 | grosero | rude | 95 | |
7172780560 | sarcástico | sarcastic | 96 | |
7172780561 | sardónico | sardonic, very sarcastic | 97 | |
7172780562 | satírico | satirical | 98 | |
7172780563 | sentimental | sentimental | 99 | |
7172780564 | esnob | snobbish | 100 | |
7172780565 | solemne | solemn | 101 | |
7172780566 | soledad | solitude | 102 | |
7172780567 | terco | stubborn | 103 | |
7172780568 | testarudo | stubborn | 104 | |
7172780569 | sorprendido | surprised | 105 | |
7172780570 | incertidumbre | suspenseful | 106 | |
7172780571 | compasivo | compassionate | 107 | |
7172780572 | comprensivo | understanding | 108 | |
7172780573 | lloroso | tearful | 109 | |
7172780574 | lacrimoso | tearful | 110 | |
7172780575 | tenso | tense | 111 | |
7172780576 | amenazador, amenazante | threatening | 112 | |
7172780577 | tolerante | tolerant | 113 | |
7172780578 | trágico | tragic | 114 | |
7172780579 | urgente | urgent | 115 | |
7172780580 | vindicativo | vindictive | 116 | |
7172780581 | vengativo | vengeful | 117 |