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9701884770 | Uncouth (adj) | Lacking good manners | 0 | |
9701884771 | Supine (adj) | Lying flat on one's back | 1 | |
9701884772 | Fugue (n) | Loss of identity or memory Musical composition that has two parts | 2 | |
9701884773 | Eddying (v) | Moving or whirling | 3 | |
9701884774 | Vortex or Vortices (n) | Whirpool, center of turbulence, disrupted | 4 | |
9701884775 | Balk (v) | To refuse stubbornly or abruptly; to stop short and refuse to go on | 5 | |
9701884776 | Synergies (n) | Combined actions of a group | 6 | |
9701884777 | Xenophobic (adj) | Fearful of foreigners | 7 | |
9701884778 | Mammonish (adj) | Motivated by desire for money or wealth; greedy | 8 | |
9701884779 | Amorphous (adj) | Shapeless | 9 | |
9701884780 | Botch (v) | to spoil by poor work; bungle. | 10 | |
9701884781 | cleave (v) | to split or divide | 11 | |
9701884782 | cleave (v) | to cling or stick | 12 | |
9701884783 | accredits (v) | Give credit to | 13 | |
9701884784 | mote (n) | A particle or speck of dust | 14 | |
9701884785 | tour de force (n) | Exceptional achievement using skill or intelligence | 15 | |
9701884786 | flank (n.) | Side | 16 | |
9701884787 | Infernal (adj) | Hellish | 17 | |
9701884788 | translucent (adj) | Allowing light to pass through; clear | 18 | |
9701884789 | pedestrian (adj) | Ordinary | 19 | |
9701884790 | Lee (n) | Area sheltered from the wind; shelter | 20 | |
9701884791 | abstinence (n) | the act of refraining from pleasurable activity | 21 | |
9701884792 | exasperate (v.) | Annoy extremely; irritate to the highest degree | 22 | |
9701884793 | adversity (n) | misfortune | 23 | |
9701884794 | indomitable (adj) | Unable to be subdued or overcome | 24 | |
9701884795 | Amicable (adj) | Friendly, agreeable | 25 | |
9701884796 | baffle (v) | Perplex | 26 | |
9701884797 | anecdote (n) | short, usually funny account of an event | 27 | |
9701884798 | bias (n) | A subjective point of view | 28 | |
9701884799 | antagonist (n) | foe, opponent, adversary | 29 | |
9701884800 | hinder (v) | to delay; to stop or prevent from happening | 30 | |
9701884801 | assiduous (adj) | persistent, hard-working, steady | 31 | |
9701884802 | marshaled (v) | Arranged in proper order, arranged clearly, orderly | 32 | |
9701884803 | benevolent (adj) | friendly, helpful | 33 | |
9701884804 | repurcussions (n) | an effect or consequence of some action or event, result | 34 | |
9701884805 | censure (v) | to criticize harshly | 35 | |
9701884806 | innate (adj) | Existence since birth, natural | 36 | |
9701884807 | Clairvoyant (adj) | Exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future | 37 | |
9701884808 | Lamented (v) | Felt sorrow; regretful | 38 | |
9701884809 | compassion (n) | With emotion/ Sympathy | 39 | |
9701884810 | Meticulous (adj) | extremely careful about small details | 40 | |
9701884811 | condescending (adj) | possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing | 41 | |
9701884812 | irrefutable (adj) | Cannot be argued against | 42 | |
9701884813 | conformist (n) | A person who complied with special rules and customs | 43 | |
9701884814 | exert (v) | To put forth forth vigorous action or effect | 44 | |
9701884815 | convergence (n) | coming together | 45 | |
9701884816 | demagogue (n) | a leader who appeals to citizens' emotions to obtain power | 46 | |
9701884817 | invulnerable (adj) | Cannot be hurt or harmed; a rubble rouser | 47 | |
9701884818 | diligent (adj) | hardworking and careful | 48 | |
9701884819 | scrupulous (adj) | having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled. | 49 | |
9701884820 | disdain (v) | to regard with scorn or contempt | 50 | |
9701884821 | Inferential (adj) | Able to be understood without it being spelled out. Reading between the lines. | 51 | |
9701884822 | empathy (n) | identification with the feelings of others | 52 | |
9701884823 | Misogynist (n) | Hater of women | 53 | |
9701884824 | enervating (adj) | weakening, tiring | 54 | |
9701884825 | Imprecautions | Curses, malediction | 55 | |
9701884826 | Ephemeral (adj) | Momentary, transient, fleeting | 56 | |
9701884827 | a priori | Valid independently of observations | 57 | |
9701884828 | exasperation (n) | irritation, frustration | 58 | |
9701884829 | fickle (adj) | Casually changeable, not loyal in affections. | 59 | |
9701884830 | extenuating (adj) | Lessening the seriousness of guilt | 60 | |
9701884831 | Chimera (n) | A fire breathing monster | 61 | |
9701884832 | fortuitous (adj) | happening by luck | 62 | |
9701884833 | derivative (adj.) | not original; secondary | 63 | |
9701884834 | hackneyed (adj) | cliched, worn out by overuse | 64 | |
9701884835 | regression (n) | A return to a former or earlier state | 65 | |
9701884836 | Hedonist (n) | Person who pursues pleasure as a goal | 66 | |
9701884837 | disparagement (n) | Something that causes loss of dignity | 67 | |
9701884838 | Impetuous (adj) | Impulsive, rash, acting without thinking | 68 | |
9701884839 | brunt (n) | the main shock of force or impact | 69 | |
9701884840 | incompatible (adj) | opposed in nature, not able to live or work together | 70 | |
9701884841 | disenfranchised | to deprive of a right to citizenship | 71 | |
9701884842 | inevitable | unavoidable, certain | 72 | |
9701884843 | denigrate (v) | to disparage | 73 | |
9701884844 | intrepid (adj) | fearless, adventurous | 74 | |
9701884845 | recapitulation | a summary or review | 75 | |
9701884846 | jubilation | joy, exultation, celebration | 76 | |
9701884847 | egalitarian | asserting the belief we are equal | 77 | |
9701884848 | longevity (n) | long life | 78 | |
9701884849 | Epoch (n) | popular historical period marked by characteristics | 79 | |
9701884850 | nonchalant | calm, casual, seeming unexcited | 80 | |
9701884851 | enigma (n) | a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence; something containing a hidden meaning | 81 | |
9701884852 | Opulent (adj) | Wealthy | 82 | |
9701884853 | congenial (adj) | suitable, compatible, agreeable | 83 | |
9701884854 | Ostentatious (adj) | Displaying wealth | 84 | |
9701884855 | coiffure (n) | a style of hair or head covering | 85 | |
9701884856 | perfidious (adj) | faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy | 86 | |
9701884857 | conciliate (v) | to overcome distrust | 87 | |
9701884858 | Pretentious (adj) | pretending to be important, intelligent, cultured | 88 | |
9701884859 | induce (v) | To lead towards some action | 89 | |
9701884860 | prosaic (adj) | Relating to prose Dull, commonplace | 90 | |
9701941399 | perpetual (adj) | never ending or changing | 91 | |
9701941400 | Provocative (adj) | Causing disturbance or excitement | 92 | |
9701941401 | lethargy (n) | the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent | 93 | |
9701941402 | querulous (adj) | peevish, complaining, fretful | 94 | |
9701941403 | Roused (v) | bring out of sleep; awaken. | 95 | |
9701941404 | reclusive (adj) | preferring to live in isolation | 96 | |
9701941405 | impede (v) | interfere with or slow the progress of; hinder; obstruct | 97 | |
9701941406 | innovation | something new | 98 | |
9701941407 | Impunity (n) | exemption from punishment | 99 | |
9701941408 | restrained (adj) | controlled, repressed, restricted | 100 | |
9819773325 | sagacity (n) | wisdom | 101 | |
9819773326 | Providence (n) | god or a manifestation of divine care | 102 | |
9819773327 | spontaneity (n) | impulsive action, unplanned events | 103 | |
9819773328 | Diversions | Acts of turning aside from purpose; detour | 104 | |
9819773329 | submissive | following the will of others | 105 | |
9819773330 | despotism (n) | rise of a tyrant, oppressor | 106 | |
9819773331 | subtle | hard to detect or describe | 107 | |
9819773332 | ochlocracy | government by the mob | 108 | |
9819773333 | superfluous | extra, more than enough, redundant | 109 | |
9819773334 | romanticize | to make romantic, fanciful, impractical | 110 | |
9907553764 | Surreptitious (adj) | stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; made or accomplished by fraud | 111 | |
9907553765 | Disesteemed | To hold in low regard | 112 | |
9907553766 | Tenacious (adj) | stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose | 113 | |
9907553767 | convivial | festive, sociable, having fun together, genial | 114 | |
9907553768 | venerable (adj) | respected because of age | 115 | |
9907553769 | apt (adj) | appropriate; having a natural tendency | 116 | |
9907553770 | wary (adj) | careful, cautious | 117 | |
9907553771 | artifact (n) | an object produced by human work, esp. one of historical or archaeological interest | 118 | |
9907553772 | iconic (adj) | acting as a sign or symbol of something | 119 | |
9907553773 | stoicism (n) | indifference to pleasure or pain | 120 |