AP language vocab Flashcards
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7405266648 | factious | causing disagreement | 0 | |
7405266649 | ignoble | dishonorable; shameful | 1 | |
7405266650 | boor | a rude or impolite person | 2 | |
7405266651 | aegis | a shield; protection | 3 | |
7405266652 | perspicacity | keenness of judgement | 4 | |
7405266653 | fervent | eager; earnest | 5 | |
7405266654 | rectify | to make right, correct | 6 | |
7405266655 | enervate | to weaken | 7 | |
7405266656 | besiege | to overwhelm; to surround and attack | 8 | |
7405266657 | ephermeral | lasting only a brief time; short-lived | 9 | |
7405266658 | altruism | a concern for others; generosity | 10 | |
7405266659 | carrion | decaying flesh | 11 | |
7405266660 | erotic | pertaining to sexual love | 12 | |
7405266661 | amorphous | shapeless, formless, vague | 13 | |
7405266662 | opulent | rich, luxurious; wealthy | 14 | |
7405266663 | impotent | powerless; lacking strength | 15 | |
7405266664 | antithesis | an exact opposite; an opposite extreme | 16 | |
7405266665 | maelstrom | whirlpool; turbulence; agitated state of mind | 17 | |
7405266666 | emendation | a correction | 18 | |
7405266667 | chagrin | embarrassment; a complete loss of courage | 19 | |
7405266668 | bauble | a showy but useless thing | 20 | |
7405266669 | diaphanous | very sheer and light | 21 | |
7405266670 | labyrinth | a complicated network of winding passages; a maze | 22 | |
7405266671 | gloat | to look at or think about with great satisfaction | 23 | |
7405266672 | impediment | barrier; obstruction | 24 | |
7405266673 | bestial | savage; brutal | 25 | |
7405266674 | effete | worn out; barren | 26 | |
7405266675 | shard | a fragment | 27 | |
7405266676 | bland | mild; tasteless; dull | 28 | |
7405266677 | nihilism | a total rejection of established laws | 29 | |
7405266678 | pedestrian | ordinary or dull | 30 | |
7405266679 | bona fide | in good faith | 31 | |
7405266680 | adventitious | accidental; nonessential | 32 | |
7405266681 | fecund | fertile; productive | 33 | |
7405266682 | deviate | to turn aside from a course; to stray | 34 | |
7405266683 | obfuscate | to confuse; to bewilder | 35 | |
7405266684 | impale | to pierce with a sharp stake through the body | 36 | |
7405266685 | extenuate | to lessen seriousness by providing partial excuses | 37 | |
7405266686 | parochial | local; narrow; limited | 38 | |
7405266687 | glower | to stare angrily | 39 | |
7405266688 | edify | improve someone morally | 40 | |
7405266689 | ambiguous | open to more than one interpretation | 41 | |
7405266690 | cataclysm | a violent change | 42 | |
7405266691 | optimum | best; most favorable; ideal | 43 | |
7405266692 | importune | to ask persistently; to beg | 44 | |
7474962583 | celibate | abstaining from intercourse; unmarried | 45 | |
7474962584 | fortuitous | happening by chance or accident | 46 | |
7474962585 | recapitulate | to summarize; to repeat briefly | 47 | |
7474962586 | perfunctory | done without care; in a routine fashion | 48 | |
7474962587 | baroque | overly decorated | 49 | |
7474962588 | hedonism | pursuit of pleasure, especially of the senses | 50 | |
7474962589 | obloquy | strong disapproval; a bad reputation resulting from public criticism | 51 | |
7474962590 | debacle | a complete failure; a total collapse | 52 | |
7474962591 | quasi- | resembling; seeming; half | 53 | |
7474962592 | besmirch | to make dirty; to stain | 54 | |
7474962593 | imperative | extremely necessary; vitally important | 55 | |
7474962594 | sacrosanct | extremely holy | 56 | |
7474962595 | sadistic | deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others | 57 | |
7474962596 | demeanor | behavior; manner of conducting oneself | 58 | |
7474962597 | facetious | comical; jocular; flippant | 59 | |
7474962598 | fop | an excessively fashion-conscious man | 60 | |
7474962599 | imprecation | a curse | 61 | |
7474962600 | non sequitur | something that does not logically follow | 62 | |
7474962601 | sanguine | cheerful; optimistic | 63 | |
7474962602 | bowdlerize | to remove offensive passages of a play, novel, etc. | 64 | |
7474962603 | impair | to weaken; to cause to become worse | 65 | |
7474962604 | panegyric | an expression of praise | 66 | |
7474962605 | quandary | a puzzling situation; a dilemma | 67 | |
7474962606 | ebullient | ethusiastic | 68 | |
7474962607 | deference | respect; consideration | 69 | |
7474962608 | carnal | relating to physical appetite, especially sexual | 70 | |
7474962609 | nebulous | hazy; vague; uncertain | 71 | |
7474962610 | rakish | dashingly stylish and confident | 72 | |
7474962611 | elegy | a sad or mournful poem | 73 | |
7474962612 | pedantic | tending to show off one's learning | 74 | |
7556286636 | antipathy | an intense dislike | 75 | |
7556286637 | elucidate | to make clear | 76 | |
7556286638 | imminent | likely to happen; threatening | 77 | |
7556286639 | banal | common, ordinary | 78 | |
7556286640 | obdurate | stubborn; hardhearted | 79 | |
7556286641 | peruse | to read carefully; scrutinize | 80 | |
7556286642 | bedlam | a noisy uproar; a scene of wild confusion | 81 | |
7556286643 | affluence | wealth; richness | 82 | |
7556286644 | scurrilous | coarsely abusive; vulgar | 83 | |
7556286645 | parody | a work which imitates another in a ridiculous manner | 84 | |
7556286646 | sedulous | hard working; diligent | 85 | |
7556286647 | onerous | burdensome; heavy; hard to endure | 86 | |
7556286648 | amoral | lacking a sense of right and wrong | 87 | |
7556286649 | eschew | to keep away from; to avoid; to shun | 88 | |
7556286650 | denouement | an outcome; result | 89 | |
7556286651 | adroit | skillful; clever | 90 | |
7556286652 | macroscopic | visible to the naked eye | 91 | |
7556286653 | fatuous | foolish; inane | 92 | |
7556286654 | bovine | pertaining to cows or cattle | 93 | |
7556286655 | ferret | to search or drive out | 94 | |
7556286656 | affectation | a phony attitude; pose | 95 | |
7556286657 | knell | a sound made by a bell, often rung slowly for a death or funeral | 96 | |
7556286658 | dichotomy | a division into two parts | 97 | |
7556286659 | callow | young and inexperienced | 98 | |
7556286660 | laconic | using few words; short; concise | 99 | |
7556286661 | quiddity | an essential quality | 100 | |
7556286662 | patent | evident or obvious | 101 | |
7556286663 | peccadillo | a minor offense; a misdeed | 102 | |
7556286664 | sagacious | wise; having keen perception and sound judgment | 103 | |
7556286665 | rationalize | to make an excuse for | 104 | |
7847167106 | deride | to ridicule; to mock | 105 | |
7847167107 | censure | to criticize sharply | 106 | |
7847167108 | gambol | to frolic; to romp about playfully | 107 | |
7847167109 | immolate | to kill someone as a sacrificial victim, usually by fire | 108 | |
7847167110 | recondite | difficult to understand; profound | 109 | |
7847167111 | martinet | a strict disciplinarian; taskmaster | 110 | |
7847167112 | quagmire | a swamp; a difficult or inextricable situation | 111 | |
7847167113 | gibe | to scoff; to ridicule | 112 | |
7847167114 | agape | open-mouthed; surprised; agog | 113 | |
7847167115 | carcinogen | causing cancer | 114 | |
7847167116 | olfactory | pertaining to smell | 115 | |
7847167117 | imperious | domineering; haughty | 116 | |
7847167118 | grotesque | absurd; distorted | 117 | |
7847167119 | neologism | new word or expression | 118 | |
7847167120 | hackeneyed | commonplace; overused | 119 | |
7847167121 | machination | an evil design or plan | 120 | |
7847167122 | pejorative | having a negative effect; insulting | 121 | |
7847167123 | harbinger | an omen or sign | 122 | |
7847167124 | nubile | suitable for marriage in age and physical development, referring to a female | 123 | |
7847167125 | sapient | wise; full of knowledge | 124 | |
7847167126 | chimerical | imaginary; fantastic | 125 | |
7848912423 | masochist | one who enjoys his or her own pain and suffering | 126 | |
7848912424 | finesse | diplomacy; tact; artful management | 127 | |
7848912425 | heterogeneous | different; dissimilar | 128 | |
7848912426 | ecletic | choosing from various sources | 129 | |
7848912427 | grandiose | impressive; showy; magnificent | 130 | |
7848912428 | raiment | clothing; garments | 131 | |
7848912429 | blanch | to whiten; to make pale | 132 | |
7848912430 | hybrid | anything of mixed origin | 133 | |
7848912431 | idiosyncrasy | a peculiar personality trait | 134 | |
8086937123 | idolatry | excessive or blind adoration; worship of an object | 135 | |
8086937124 | adulterate | to make impure; to contaminate | 136 | |
8086937125 | emanate | to come forth; to send forth | 137 | |
8086937126 | garish | tastelessly gaudy | 138 | |
8086937127 | immutable | unchangeable; fixed | 139 | |
8086937128 | diadem | a crown | 140 | |
8086937129 | bucolic | pertaining to the countryside; rural; rustic | 141 | |
8086937130 | redolent | having a pleasant odor; suggestive or evocative | 142 | |
8086937131 | impecunious | without money; penniless | 143 | |
8086937132 | sedition | rebellion or resistance against the government | 144 | |
8086937133 | defile | to pollute; to corrupt | 145 | |
8086937134 | gratuitous | unnecessary or uncalled for | 146 | |
8086937135 | onus | a burden; a responsibility | 147 | |
8086937136 | impious | disrespectful toward God | 148 | |
8086937137 | caveat | a warning | 149 | |
8086937138 | elixir | a supposed remedy for all ailments | 150 | |
8086937139 | desiccated | dried up | 151 | |
8086937140 | cessation | a stopping; a discontinuance | 152 | |
8086937141 | juxtapose | to place side-by-side for comparison | 153 | |
8086937142 | kinetic | pertaining to motion | 154 | |
8086937143 | garrulous | talkative | 155 | |
8086937144 | fetish | an object that receives respect or devotion | 156 | |
8086937145 | scintillate | to sparkle; to twinkle; to sparkle intellectually | 157 | |
8086937146 | lachrymose | tearful, weepy | 158 | |
8086937147 | fissure | an opening; a groove; a split | 159 | |
8086937148 | epitome | a typical example | 160 | |
8086937149 | languid | sluggish; drooping from weakness | 161 | |
8086937150 | delineate | to describe, to depict | 162 | |
8086937151 | legerdemain | sleight of hand; deception | 163 | |
8086937152 | libertine | one who leads an immoral life | 164 | |
8292069463 | halcyon | calm; pleasant | 165 | |
8292069464 | fastidious | hard to please; fussy | 166 | |
8292069465 | badinage | playful, teasing talk | 167 | |
8292069466 | malapropism | a word humorously misused | 168 | |
8299934501 | garner | to gather; to acquire | 169 | |
8299934502 | kismet | destiny; fate; fortune (one's lot in life) | 170 | |
8299934503 | hegira | flight; escape | 171 | |
8299934504 | paradigm | a model; an example | 172 | |
8299934505 | debauchery | corruption; self-indulgence | 173 | |
8299934506 | milieu | environment; setting | 174 | |
8299934507 | regress | to move backward | 175 | |
8299934508 | bilious | bad tempered; cross | 176 | |
8299934509 | necromancy | magic, especially that practiced by a witch | 177 | |
8299934510 | gumption | courage and initiative; common sense | 178 | |
8299934511 | blandishment | flattery | 179 | |
8299934512 | nirvana | a condition of great peace or happiness | 180 | |
8299934513 | salutary | healthful; wholesome | 181 | |
8299934514 | despicable | contemptible; hateful | 182 | |
8299934515 | harlequin | a clown | 183 | |
8299934516 | empathy | an understanding of another's feelings | 184 | |
8299934517 | brevity | briefness; short duration | 185 | |
8299934518 | savant | a person of extensive learning; an eminent scholar | 186 | |
8299934519 | obsequious | excessively submissive or overly attentive | 187 | |
8299934520 | redundant | repetitious; using more words than needed | 188 | |
8299934521 | offal | garbage; waste parts | 189 | |
8299934522 | hoi polloi | the common people; the masses | 190 | |
8299934523 | sentient | conscious; capable of feeling or perceiving | 191 | |
8299934524 | impinge | to encroach; to trespass | 192 | |
8299934525 | cataract | a large waterfall | 193 | |
8299934526 | animosity | hatred | 194 |