AP Language Flashcards
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10143493159 | Abate | (v.) to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; to nullify; to deduct, omit | 0 | |
10143493160 | Acquit | To find not guilty of a fault or crime | 1 | |
10143493161 | Admonition | an act or action of admonishing; authoritative counsel or warning. | 2 | |
10143493162 | Affability | a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) | 3 | |
10143493163 | Amble | To casually walk; stroll | 4 | |
10143493164 | Appellation | A name, title, or designation | 5 | |
10143493165 | Approbation | (n.) the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise; official approval | 6 | |
10143493166 | Ardor | intense and passionate feeling | 7 | |
10143493167 | Assiduous | (adj.) persistent, attentive, diligent | 8 | |
10143493168 | Assuage | (v.) to make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench | 9 | |
10143493169 | Atone | (v.) to make up for | 10 | |
10143493170 | Audacious | (adj.) bold, adventurous, recklessly daring | 11 | |
10143493171 | Augment | (v.) to make larger, increase | 12 | |
10143493172 | Auspicious | (adj.) favorable; fortunate | 13 | |
10143493173 | Candid | (adj.) frank, sincere; impartial; unposed | 14 | |
10143493174 | Caprice | A sudden impulse, whim, or unmotivated change of mind | 15 | |
10143493175 | Circuitous | (adj.) roundabout, not direct | 16 | |
10143493176 | Clamorous | Characterized by a loud noise or outcry | 17 | |
10143493177 | Cogent | (adj.) forceful, convincing; relevant, to the point | 18 | |
10143493178 | Colloquial | Characteristic of ordinary conversation rather than formal speech or writing | 19 | |
10143493179 | Commodious | (adj.) roomy, spacious | 20 | |
10143493180 | Compunction | (n.) remorse, regret | 21 | |
10143493181 | Contrition | Heartfelt sorrow and aversion for sins committed along with the intention to sin no more | 22 | |
10143493182 | Corpulent | (adj.) fat; having a large, bulky body | 23 | |
10143493183 | Debauched | Corrupted | 24 | |
10143493184 | Decorous | proper; tasteful; socially correct | 25 | |
10143493185 | Deferential | Respectful | 26 | |
10143493186 | Deprecate | To express disapproval of | 27 | |
10143493187 | Diffident | (adj.) shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved | 28 | |
10143493188 | Disconsolate | (adj.) deeply unhappy or dejected; without hope, beyond consolation | 29 | |
10143493189 | Dissipate | to break up or scatter; to squander; to engage in extravagant, intemperate, or dissolute pleasure. | 30 | |
10143493190 | Encumbrance | A burden or impediment | 31 | |
10143493191 | Eradicate | (v.) to root out, get rid of, destroy completely | 32 | |
10143493192 | Essay | to test or try; to attempt; to experiment | 33 | |
10143493193 | Forlorn | (adj.) totally abandoned and helpless; sad and lonely; wretched or pitiful; almost hopeless | 34 | |
10143493194 | Furtive | Stealthy; secretive | 35 | |
10143493195 | Hegemony | the domination of one state or group over its allies | 36 | |
10143493196 | Hortatory | encouraging; exhorting | 37 | |
10143493197 | Idiom | A common, often used expression that doesn't make sense if you take it literally. | 38 | |
10143493198 | Impertinent | Rude and disrespectful | 39 | |
10143493199 | Impervious | Not affected or hurt by; admitting of no passage or entrance | 40 | |
10143493200 | Improvident | (adj.) not thrifty; failing to plan ahead | 41 | |
10143493201 | Inanity | Foolishness; a silly or pointless act | 42 | |
10143493202 | Incontinent | (adj.) Lacking self-restraint; licentious "The incontinent hysteria of the fans." | 43 | |
10143493203 | Incredulous | Disbelieving, skeptical | 44 | |
10143493204 | Indignation | Anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment | 45 | |
10143493205 | Indolence | Inclination to laziness | 46 | |
10143493206 | Inexorable | Impossible to stop or prevent | 47 | |
10143493207 | Insensate | Lacking physical sensation | 48 | |
10143493208 | Inveigle | to obtain by deception or flattery | 49 | |
10143493209 | Inviolable | Secure from violation or from being profaned | 50 | |
10143493210 | Irascible | Easily angered | 51 | |
10143493211 | Irradiate | v. To render clear and intelligible. illuminate (something) by or as if by shining light on it | 52 | |
10143493212 | Irrevocable | (adj.) incapable of being changed or called back | 53 | |
10143493213 | Jocular | Characterized by joking | 54 | |
10143493214 | Lambent | Softly bright or radiant | 55 | |
10143493215 | Languid | (adj.) drooping; without energy, sluggish | 56 | |
10143493216 | Lassitude | (n.) weariness of body or mind, lack of energy | 57 | |
10143493217 | Laudatory | Expressing praise | 58 | |
10143493218 | Licentious | Morally unrestrained | 59 | |
10143493219 | Lurid | Sensational | 60 | |
10143493220 | Magnanimous | Generous | 61 | |
10143493221 | Maligned | to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame | 62 | |
10143493222 | Maudlin | Excessively sentimental | 63 | |
10143493223 | Melancholy | Depression of spirits | 64 | |
10143493224 | Misanthrope | (n.) a person who hates or despises people | 65 | |
10143493225 | Mitigate | (v.) to make milder or softer, to moderate in force or intensity | 66 | |
10143493226 | Monotony | wearisome uniformity or lack of variety; the continuance of an unvarying sound; monotone. | 67 | |
10143493227 | Mortification | A feeling of humiliation or shame | 68 | |
10143493228 | Munificent | (adj.) extremely generous, lavish | 69 | |
10143493229 | Obduracy | Stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing | 70 | |
10143493230 | Obeisance | A bow or similar gesture expressing deep respect | 71 | |
10143493231 | Officious | Meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority | 72 | |
10143493232 | Peremptorily | Leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal | 73 | |
10143493233 | Pernicious | (adj.) extremely harmful; deadly, fatal | 74 | |
10143493234 | Peroration | (rhetoric) the concluding section of an oration | 75 | |
10143493235 | Persiflage | (n.) lighthearted joking, talk, or writing | 76 | |
10143493236 | Placid | Not easily upset or excited | 77 | |
10143493237 | Plaudits | (n. pl.) applause; enthusiastic praise or approval | 78 | |
10143493238 | Predilection | A preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something | 79 | |
10143493239 | Prodigious | (adj.) immense; extraordinary in bulk, size, or degree | 80 | |
10143493240 | Propensity | (n.) a natural inclination or predilection toward | 81 | |
10143493241 | Propitiate | to conciliate; to appease | 82 | |
10143493242 | Prudent | Careful | 83 | |
10143493243 | Pugilist | A boxer | 84 | |
10143493244 | Recompense | (v) to pay back; to give a reward; (n) a payment for loss, service, or injury. | 85 | |
10143493245 | Regale | To entertain or delight | 86 | |
10143493246 | Remonstrate | (v.) to argue or plead with someone against something, protest against, object to | 87 | |
10143493247 | Remuneration | payment for work done | 88 | |
10143493248 | Repudiate | (v.) to disown, reject, or deny the validity of | 89 | |
10143493249 | Rigor | Great hardship or difficulty; harshness; severity | 90 | |
10143493250 | Riven | split or tear apart violently | 91 | |
10143493251 | Sagacious | Wise; having keen perception and sound judgement | 92 | |
10143493252 | Sallow | (of a person's face or complexion) of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown color. | 93 | |
10143493253 | Salubrious | (adj) healthful, promoting health | 94 | |
10143493254 | Sanguine | ruddy; cheerfully optimistic | 95 | |
10143493255 | Sedulous | (adj.) persistent, showing industry and determination | 96 | |
10143493256 | Shirk | (v.) to avoid or get out of doing work, neglect a duty; to sneak, slink | 97 | |
10143493257 | Shorn | having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers | 98 | |
10143493258 | Sonorous | (adj.) full, deep, or rich in sound; impressive in style | 99 | |
10143493259 | Spurn | To refuse with scorn, disdain | 100 | |
10143493260 | Stagnant | (adj.) not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull | 101 | |
10143493261 | Stipulate | (v.) to arrange specifically; to require as a condition of agreement | 102 | |
10143493262 | Sullen | (adj) silent or brooding because of ill humor, anger, or resentment; slow moving, sluggish. | 103 | |
10143493263 | Supplicate | (v) pray humbly; ask, beg, or seek in a humble way | 104 | |
10143493264 | Tenacity | Hanging on to something persistently or stubbornly | 105 | |
10143493265 | Tumid | swollen, distended, a bulging shape, overblown, bombastic | 106 | |
10143493266 | Umbrageous | (adj) spotted with shadows; inclined to take offense easily | 107 | |
10143493267 | Uncanny | (adj.) strange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation | 108 | |
10143493268 | Vanquish | (v.) to defeat in a battle or contest, overthrow; to overcome a feeling or condition | 109 | |
10143493269 | Venerable | accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character. | 110 | |
10143493270 | Verdure | Greenery; fresh and ripe vegetation | 111 | |
10143493271 | Vindicate | clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof | 112 | |
10143493272 | Whelp | A young offspring of a mammal | 113 |