Unit 13 Vocabulary- AP Language Flashcards
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5697693874 | Abet | (v.) to encourage, assist, aid, support (especially in something wrong or unworthy) | 0 | |
5697714811 | Aver | (v.) to affirm, declare confidently | 1 | |
5697719936 | blatant | (adj.) noisy in a coarse, offensive way; obvious or conspicuous, especially in an unfavorable sense | 2 | |
5697729000 | Broach | (v.) to bring up or begin to talk about (a subject); to announce, introduce; to break the surface of the water; to pierce; (n.) a spit for roasting; a tool for tapping casks | 3 | |
5697729001 | Buttress | (v.) to support, prop up, strengthen; (n.) a supporting structure | 4 | |
5697729040 | Carousal | (n) noisy revelry or merrymaking (often with a suggestion of heavy drinking) | 5 | |
5697735091 | Collate | (v.) to compare critically in order to note differences, similarities, etc.; to arrange in order for some scientific purpose | 6 | |
5697735092 | Connoisseur | (n.) an expert; one who is well qualified to pass critical judgments, especially in one of the fine arts | 7 | |
5697739617 | Disconsolate | (adj.) deeply unhappy or dejected; without hope, beyond consolation | 8 | |
5697739618 | Encumber | (v.) to weigh down or burden (with difficulties, cares, debt, etc.); to fill up, block up, hinder | 9 | |
5697742526 | Foment | (v.) to promote trouble or rebellion; to apply warm liquids to, warm | 10 | |
5697742527 | Grisly | (adj.) frightful, horrible, ghastly | 11 | |
5697755380 | Herculean | (adj.) (capital H) relating to Hercules; (lowercare h) characterized by great strength; very hard to do in the sense of requiring unusal strength | 12 | |
5697755381 | Impassive | (adj.) showing no feeling or emotion; inanimate; motionless | 13 | |
5697757649 | Inauspicious | (adj.) unfavorable, unlucky, suggesting bad luck for the future | 14 | |
5697760744 | Incontrovertible | (adj.) unquestionable, beyond dispute | 15 | |
5697760745 | Nonplussed | (adj., part.) puzzled, not knowing what to do, at a loss | 16 | |
5697763195 | Opportune | (adj.) suitable or convenient for a particular purpose; occurring at an appropriate time | 17 | |
5697763196 | Prolific | (adj.) abundantly productive; abundant, profuse | 18 | |
5697765613 | Rejoindner | (n.) a reply to a reply, especially from the defendant in a legal suit | 19 | |
5700739887 | Magniloquent | (adj.) expressed in loft or high-flown language (often in the sense of being pompous or over-elaborate) | 20 | |
5700745105 | Predilection | (n.) a liking or preference | 21 |