AP Language Vocab (Lesson 14) Flashcards
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6528722165 | orifice | mouth; opening | 0 | |
6528723085 | orthography | correct spelling | 1 | |
6528724166 | paleontology | a science dealing with prehistoric life through study of fossils | 2 | |
6528726248 | palliate | to ease; lessen; soothe | 3 | |
6528727585 | panache | self-confidence; a showy manner | 4 | |
6528728595 | pandemic | general; widespread | 5 | |
6528729413 | panegyric | an expression of praise | 6 | |
6528730452 | paradigm | a model, an example | 7 | |
6528731265 | parochial | local; narrow; limited | 8 | |
6528732343 | parody | a work that imitates another in a ridiculous manner | 9 | |
6528733788 | paroxysm | a sudden outburst; a fit | 10 | |
6528735800 | patent | evident or obvious | 11 | |
6528737349 | peccadillo | a minor misdeed or misbehavior | 12 | |
6528738395 | pecuniary | pertaining to money; financial | 13 | |
6528739659 | pedantic | tending to show off one's learning | 14 |