AP Language Vocabulary Semester 2 Flashcards
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9374074430 | gauche | socially awkward or clumsy | 0 | |
9374074431 | coy | bashful or shy to attract attention (flirting) | 1 | |
9374074432 | covert | secret, hidden | 2 | |
9374074433 | crone | hag, withered old woman | 3 | |
9374074434 | placid | calm, peaceful | 4 | |
9374074435 | crux | crucial point | 5 | |
9374074436 | schism | a split or division | 6 | |
9374074437 | dauntless | brave | 7 | |
9374074438 | nepotism | favoritism to relatives | 8 | |
9374074439 | facade | a front | 9 | |
9432446044 | chastise | to punish or scold | 10 | |
9432446045 | brusque | blunt, abrupt | 11 | |
9432446046 | callous | unfeeling, hardened | 12 | |
9432446047 | callus | thickened part of skin | 13 | |
9432446048 | dank | damp (dark place) | 14 | |
9432446049 | feasible | practical | 15 | |
9432446050 | burly | stout, husky | 16 | |
9432446051 | attenuate | to make thin or weaken (emotionally) | 17 | |
9432446052 | poignant | painfully touching or piercing (emotionally) | 18 | |
9432446053 | throes | anguish, pangs | 19 | |
9575381703 | buoyant | cheerful | 20 | |
9575381704 | chagrin | embarrassment, disappointment | 21 | |
9575382921 | adulation | excessive praise, flattery | 22 | |
9575383904 | tribulation | suffering, distress | 23 | |
9575384599 | compunction | regret, remorse | 24 | |
9575387244 | antipathy | a strong dislike | 25 | |
9575388037 | a capella | without musical accompaniment | 26 | |
9575389228 | acme | the highest point | 27 | |
9575389935 | archaic | old-fashioned, no longer used | 28 | |
9575390532 | haggard | gaunt, careworn | 29 | |
9575391530 | nostalgia | yearning for the past; homesickness | 30 | |
9575392288 | aloof | withdrawn | 31 | |
9575392289 | apiary | place where bees are kept | 32 | |
9575392848 | vain | worthless, to no avail or conceited | 33 | |
9575394481 | diffident | lacking self-confidence, shy | 34 | |
9575395106 | paltry | practically worthless, piddling, petty | 35 | |
9575396133 | malleable | capable of being shaped by hammering (a metal), adaptable | 36 | |
9575398226 | specious | apparently reasonable but not really so, deceptively attractive | 37 | |
9575400966 | fallacious | erroneous, misleading | 38 | |
9575401581 | fallible | liable to be mistaken | 39 | |
9575402577 | choleric | easily angered, irritable | 40 | |
9575404009 | indubitable | certain, indisputable | 41 | |
9575404726 | carrion | decaying flesh of a carcass | 42 | |
9575406262 | flotsam | wreckage of a ship or cargo found floating on sea | 43 | |
9575407762 | jetsam | goods deliberately cast overboard to lighten a ship in distress | 44 | |
9575409203 | teetotaler | a person who totally abstains from liquor | 45 | |
9575410418 | callow | young and inexperienced | 46 | |
9575411087 | dross | waste, refuse | 47 | |
9575411088 | delectable | very pleasing | 48 | |
9575411814 | phlegmatic | calm, collected (cool), hard to rouse to action, apathetic | 49 | |
9722072929 | disconsolate | cheerless, inconsolable | 50 | |
9722077443 | bliss | perfect happiness | 51 | |
9722079852 | lackey | slavish follower | 52 | |
9722091110 | sanguine | cheerful, optimistic, hopeful | 53 | |
9722095489 | melancholy | dejected, depressed | 54 | |
9722098723 | gala | characterized by festivity | 55 | |
9722101298 | antithesis | the direct opposite | 56 | |
9722104294 | malodorous | stinking, ill-smelling | 57 | |
9722107385 | harlequin | buffoon, clown | 58 | |
9722107428 | malevolent | evil | 59 | |
9832431657 | insouciant | blithely indifferent or unconcerned; carefree; happy-go-lucky | 60 | |
9832439218 | declivity | downward slope | 61 | |
9832440922 | maudlin | weakly sentimental and tearful (overdone) | 62 | |
9832443635 | svelte | slender, lithe | 63 | |
9832446014 | obsequious | slavishly attentive, fawning | 64 | |
9832450043 | ornithology | study of birds | 65 | |
9832452351 | benign | kindly, harmless | 66 | |
9832452352 | salubrious | healthful | 67 | |
9832454843 | plaudit | applause, enthusiastic praise (plaudits) | 68 | |
9832458417 | inveterate | firmly established by age, deep-rooted, habitual | 69 |