AP Language Vocabulary Quiz 1 Flashcards
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7262222067 | ape | the action of attempting an overly exact imitation and ending up with negative or laughable results | 0 | |
7262232546 | dun | to insist on the on the payment of a debt | 1 | |
7262234675 | fop | used for a man who is too concerned with his looks and his clothes | 2 | |
7262244718 | gad | to move out, travel, usually in a kind of aimless way | 3 | |
7262250651 | hex | an evil spell or to put an evil spell on someone | 4 | |
7262259294 | ken | the limits of your knowledge | 5 | |
7262262879 | pox | bad luck | 6 | |
7262264100 | sow | to plant a seed (literally and figuratively) | 7 | |
7262271000 | vex | to annoy or perplex | 8 | |
7262272710 | vie | compete, contend | 9 | |
7262275986 | amalgamation | to mix or combine into a unified whole | 10 | |
7262296222 | admixture | mixture, mix with | 11 | |
7262300763 | eclectric | made up from a variety of sources | 12 | |
7262305327 | catholic | comprehensive, of broad scope | 13 | |
7262309671 | motley | composed of a variety of sources, heterogeneous | 14 | |
7262315010 | corroborate | to bring in new evidence to strengthen or support an idea or argument | 15 | |
7262318798 | asunder | apart, into separate pieces | 16 | |
7262324195 | diaspora | dispersion of a people from their original homeland, language or culture | 17 | |
7262336867 | cleave | to split, cut, or penetrate | 18 | |
7262342201 | disseminate | to scatter widely, to disperse | 19 | |
7291378364 | aphrodisiac | foods or drugs that allegedly make men and women feel more amorous | 20 | |
7291388994 | chthonic | describing something coming from the underworld | 21 | |
7291392991 | hector | to bully or to try to force someone to do something | 22 | |
7291396768 | hermetic | describe something very literal, a jar so completely sealed that no air can get in | 23 | |
7291402185 | junoesque | a woman who is unusually tall and stately and so beautiful as to seem divine | 24 | |
7291407634 | mercurial | describes someone whose moods change very rapidly | 25 | |
7291419178 | mnemonic | refers to memory or relating to memory | 26 | |
7291420749 | muse | to lose yourself in your thoughts perhaps a waiting inspiration | 27 | |
7291425984 | oddysey | a literal journey or a journey of the intellect or spirit | 28 | |
7291428961 | saturnine | gloomy or even bitterly sarcastic and mocking | 29 | |
7291434820 | magnanimous | extremely generous and forgiving | 30 | |
7291438238 | parsimonious | excessively stinging | 31 | |
7291440304 | prodigal | extremely wasteful or extravagant | 32 | |
7291445989 | penurious | stingy or unwilling to spend money (poor) | 33 | |
7291450342 | eleemosynary | contributing to charity | 34 | |
7291454190 | frugale | extremely economical | 35 | |
7291457728 | munificent | very generous in giving | 36 | |
7291460113 | averiscious | greedy | 37 | |
7291476618 | mean | miseraly and stingy | 38 | |
7291476619 | indulgent | leniant | 39 | |
7291476620 | equine | anything bearing the characteristics of horses | 40 | |
7291481010 | bovine | of or related to the characteristics of cows, oxen, or buffalos, also sluggish or dull | 41 | |
7291487499 | lupine | ravenous or rapacious | 42 | |
7292813901 | ursine | bears-like, usually a physical description | 43 | |
7292821308 | porcine | resembling a swine or pig, either physically or behaviorally | 44 | |
7292827741 | simian | resembles an ape or a monkey | 45 | |
7292831022 | serpentine | snake-like in behavior or physically resembling a snake | 46 | |
7292844464 | pachyderm | thick-skinned, refers to the group of large, thick-skinned, hoofed animals | 47 | |
7292872613 | avian | having the characteristics of birds | 48 | |
7292879487 | herpetology | denotes the study of reptiles and amphibians | 49 | |
7292888896 | laconic | those who say little | 50 | |
7292893087 | taciturn | implying an even more grudging conversational style | 51 | |
7292899913 | lapidary | characterizes precision of wording | 52 | |
7292923474 | pithy | compliment for style of word use that is both brief and forceful | 53 | |
7292942187 | succinct | concise speaking or writing | 54 | |
7292944822 | terse | brief, to the point | 55 | |
7292958979 | garrulous | talking a great deal, taking too much, going on and on | 56 | |
7292981090 | prattling | to prattle, chatter meaninglessly | 57 | |
7292992128 | glib | speaking without enough thought, words come easily | 58 | |
7293004260 | prolix | pouring forth of too many words or phrases | 59 | |
7293009095 | maundering | you keep on going when you could have won praise for being more concise | 60 | |
7293031257 | indigenous | people or things that are native to a region | 61 | |
7293033838 | interloper | intrude where they aren't wanted | 62 | |
7293036637 | extraneous | coming from the outside, irrelevant or unimportant | 63 | |
7293050270 | inherent | stuck into | 64 | |
7293054266 | germane | relevant, suitable, closely connected | 65 | |
7293058236 | pariah | someone not accepted into his or her society, social outcast | 66 | |
7293077940 | endemic | native or common to or peculiar to a specific region or abstract area | 67 | |
7293096712 | intrinsic | inherent, inward | 68 | |
7293105429 | ostracize | expelling a person from a community either literally or figuratively | 69 | |
7293133517 | tangential | slightly touching, barely connected | 70 | |
7293143361 | ominous | foreshadowing of the future | 71 | |
7293147688 | portentous | something carrying a sign, a portent, of the threats of the future | 72 | |
7293164359 | inauspicious | predicts or suggests something favorable | 73 | |
7293519486 | imminent | something about to occur | 74 | |
7293523178 | impending | something threatening or not, the new arrival of the event hangs over you | 75 | |
7293528074 | minatory | threatening | 76 | |
7293530859 | presage | forewarning, an ominous feeling of a prediction | 77 | |
7293537408 | bode and forebode | the one-syllable word is a verb referring to an omen and the two-syllable repeats or intensifies that presentiment | 78 | |
7293544676 | propitiate | actions to appease or calm forces that might oppose a favorable outcome | 79 | |
7293550342 | harbinger | forerunner, an early warning or messenger of what's to come | 80 | |
7293558367 | squander | spend extravagantly | 81 | |
7293564182 | dissipation | a literal scattering dispersion, a specialized sense of scattering | 82 | |
7293569201 | disenfranchise | to lose the right to vote | 83 | |
7293573376 | forfeiture | the idea of a penalty, giving up something one's possession | 84 | |
7293579428 | denude | primarily used of trees that lose their leaves or loss of other vegetation, to make bare | 85 | |
7293585114 | privation | deprived of basic necessities or comforts | 86 | |
7293591626 | divest | to undress | 87 | |
7293605220 | renounce | give it up | 88 | |
7293608083 | elegiac | feeling of sadness many types of losses | 89 | |
7293612559 | bereave | to leave desolate, usually by death | 90 |