AP JAVA Chapter 5 Flashcards
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8531572979 | Accessor | A method used to examine an attribute of an object without changing it | 0 | |
8531572980 | Actual Parameter | A variable or expression contained in a method call and passed to that method | 1 | |
8531572981 | Behavior | The set of actions that a class of objects supports | 2 | |
8531572982 | Constructor | A method that is run when an object is instantiated, usually to initialize that object's instance variables | 3 | |
8531572983 | Encapsulation | The process of hiding and restricting access to the implementation details of a data structure | 4 | |
8531572984 | Formal Parameter | A name, introduced in a method definition, that is replaced by an actual parameter when the method is called | 5 | |
8531572985 | Helper Method | A method used within the implementation of a class but not used by clients of that class | 6 | |
8531572986 | Identity | The property of an object that it is the same thing at different points in time, even though the values of its attributes might change | 7 | |
8531572987 | Instantiation | The process of creating a new object or instance of a class | 8 | |
8531572988 | Lifetime | The time during which a data object or method call exists | 9 | |
8531572989 | Mutator | A method used to change the value of an attribute of an object | 10 | |
8531572990 | Scope | The largest block in which the identifier is available | 11 | |
8531572991 | State | The set of all the values of the variables of a program at any point during its execution | 12 | |
8531572992 | Visibility Modifier | A symbol (public, protected, or private) that specifies the kind of access that clients have to a server's data and methods | 13 |