AP: La comunicacion [con fotos] Flashcards
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7535237836 | abrazar(se) | to hug | 0 | |
7535237837 | amar (a alguien) | to love | 1 | |
7535237838 | apetecerle (zco) | to feel like (a) | 2 | |
7535237839 | besar(se) | to kiss | 3 | |
7535237840 | buscar a alguien | to pick someone up | 4 | |
7535237841 | caerle bien | to like someone [friend] | 5 | |
7535237842 | caerle mal | to dislike someone | 6 | |
7535237936 | casarse (con) | to marry | 7 | |
7535237843 | contestar | to answer | 8 | |
7535237844 | colgar (ue) | to hang up | 9 | |
7535237845 | coquetear (con) | to flirt | 10 | |
7535237846 | darle un cumplido | to give a compliment (d) | 11 | |
7535237847 | decirle un piropo | to say a flirticious remark | 12 | |
7535237848 | echarle un cumplido | to give a compliment (e) | 13 | |
7535237849 | dejar a alguien | to break up with someone | 14 | |
7535237850 | dejar plantado (a alguien) | to stand someone up | 15 | |
7535237851 | discutir | to argue, quarrel | 16 | |
7535237852 | divorciarse | to divorce | 17 | |
7535237853 | divorciarse de alguien | to get divorced from someone | 18 | |
7535237854 | echar una siesta | to take a nap | 19 | |
7535237855 | engañar | to deceive, to cheat | 20 | |
7535237856 | enterarse (de) (de que) | to find out | 21 | |
7535237857 | equivocarse | to be wrong | 22 | |
7535237858 | esperar (a alguien) | to wait for someone | 23 | |
7535237859 | estar harto (de) | to be fed up/sick of | 24 | |
7535237860 | estar en un lío | to be in trouble/in a mess | 25 | |
7535237861 | estar en contacto (con) | to be in contact | 26 | |
7535237862 | estar flipando | to be flipping out | 27 | |
7535237863 | fijarse (en) | to notice; to pay attention to | 28 | |
7535237864 | fingir | to fake; to pretend | 29 | |
7535237865 | irse | to leave | 30 | |
7535237866 | ir de tapas | to go out for tapas | 31 | |
7535237867 | jurar | to swear; to promise | 32 | |
7535237868 | llevar a alguien a un lugar | to take someone somewhere | 33 | |
7535237869 | merecer (zc) | to deserve | 34 | |
7535237937 | me gustas | I like you (romantic)/ I have a crush on you | 35 | |
7535237938 | nos gustamos | We like each other (romantic) | 36 | |
7535237870 | no se escucha bien/nada | I can't hear you | 37 | |
7535237871 | pasar por (alguien) | to pick someone up | 38 | |
7535237872 | pasear | to go for a walk/stroll | 39 | |
7535237873 | ponerse pesado/a | to get annoying | 40 | |
7535237874 | presentarle a una persona | to introduce someone | 41 | |
7535237875 | quedar con una persona | to meet up with someone | 42 | |
7535237876 | quedar en un lugar | to meet in a place | 43 | |
7535237877 | quedar en hacer algo | to make plans to do something | 44 | |
7535237878 | querer a alguien | to love someone | 45 | |
7535237879 | salir de marcha | to go out [on the town] | 46 | |
7535237939 | ir de bonche | to go out [on the town] | 47 | |
7535237880 | saludar | to say hi | 48 | |
7535237881 | se cortó la llamada | the call dropped; I lost the call | 49 | |
7535237882 | soler (ue) | usually; normally | 50 | |
7535237883 | tapear | to go out for tapas | 51 | |
7535237884 | tener ganas | to feel like; to want | 52 | |
7535237885 | abrumado | overwhelmed | 53 | |
7535237886 | agobiado | overwelmed | 54 | |
7535237887 | ansioso | anxious; nervous | 55 | |
7535237888 | avergonzado | embarrassed | 56 | |
7535237889 | casado | married | 57 | |
7535237890 | decepcionado | disappointed | 58 | |
7535237891 | deprimido | depressed | 59 | |
7535237892 | desesperado | desperate | 60 | |
7535237893 | divorciado | divorced | 61 | |
7535237894 | emocionado | excited | 62 | |
7535237895 | enamorado | in love | 63 | |
7535237896 | ligados/empatados | together [a couple], dating | 64 | |
7535237897 | separado | separated | 65 | |
7535237898 | alma gemela | soul mate | 66 | |
7535237899 | aguafiestas | party pooper | 67 | |
7535237900 | buena gente | a good person | 68 | |
7535237901 | cabezón | stubborn | 69 | |
7535237902 | cobarde | coward | 70 | |
7535237903 | consentido | spoiled | 71 | |
7535237904 | despistado | absent-minded; distracted | 72 | |
7535237905 | fanfarrón | show-off | 73 | |
7535237906 | grosero | rude | 74 | |
7556327110 | inolvidable | unforgettable | 75 | |
7535237907 | la leche | awesome | 76 | |
7535237940 | lo máximo | awesome | 77 | |
7535237908 | media naranja | soul mate | 78 | |
7535237909 | mentiroso | lier | 79 | |
7535237910 | mimado | spoiled | 80 | |
7535237911 | orgulloso | proud | 81 | |
7535237912 | un personaje | a character | 82 | |
7535237913 | un sinvergüenza | shameless; rascal | 83 | |
7535237914 | terco | stubborn | 84 | |
7535237915 | presumido | boastful; arrogant | 85 | |
7535237916 | mi príncipe azul | my knight in shining armour | 86 | |
7535237917 | vicioso | addict | 87 | |
7535237949 | Ser un/a rata. | To be cheap. | 88 | |
7535237950 | Ser mono/a. | To be cute. | 89 | |
7535237918 | viudo | widow | 90 | |
7535237919 | la comida | meal | 91 | |
7535237920 | la comida | lunch [se dice en España] | 92 | |
7535237921 | la sobremesa | after-lunch/dinner conversation | 93 | |
7535237922 | la madrugada | early morning | 94 | |
7535237923 | un recado | message | 95 | |
7535237924 | ¿Qué te parece...? | What do you think about...? | 96 | |
7535237925 | ¿Que te apetece hacer? | What do you feel like doing? | 97 | |
7535237926 | ¿Te viene bien a las dos? | Is two ok with you? | 98 | |
7535237927 | ¿Dónde quedamos? | Where should we meet? | 99 | |
7535237928 | ¿Qué tal si...? | What if...? | 100 | |
7535237929 | Te invito (a) | It's my treat; I'll pay/ I invite you to | 101 | |
7535237941 | ¿Bueno/Diga/Dígame/Aló/Qué hay?¡Oye! | Hello | 102 | |
7535237930 | ¿Puede ponerse María? | Can I talk to María? | 103 | |
7535237931 | Soy María. | It's María. | 104 | |
7535237932 | ¿De parte de quién? | Who may I say is calling? | 105 | |
7535237942 | ¿Desea dejar algún recado/mensaje? | Would you like to leave a message? | 106 | |
7535237933 | Ud. se ha equivocado de número. | You dialed the wrong number. | 107 | |
7535237943 | ¿De veras/En serio? ¡No me digas/No [te] lo puedo creer/Mentira! | Are you kidding me? Really? No way! | 108 | |
7535237944 | ¡Qué horror/barbaridad! | That's horrible/awful! | 109 | |
7535237945 | ¡Qué fuerte! | Wow! [positive or negative] | 110 | |
7535237934 | ¡Qué va! | No way! | 111 | |
7535237946 | ¡Qué alegría/guay/fantástico/bien/ padre/chévere/famoso! | How awesome/amazing...! | 112 | |
7535237935 | Me gusta Paco | I have a crush on Paco | 113 | |
7535237947 | Hablando del Rey de Roma [por la puerta asoma] | Speaking of the devil [and there he is]. | 114 | |
7535237948 | Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda. | You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. [If you are ugly, you are ugly; even if you wear silk.] | 115 |