AP Flashcards
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5404428677 | acercarse | to approach, to come near | 0 | |
5404430142 | adquirir | to acquire | 1 | |
5404431505 | aguantar | to put up with, to stand | 2 | |
5404434069 | arreglar | to arrange | 3 | |
5404435439 | detener (se) | to stop (oneself) | 4 | |
5404437844 | devorar | to devour, eat up | 5 | |
5404440250 | habitar | to inhabit, to live in | 6 | |
5404442282 | heredar | to inherit | 7 | |
5404446102 | huir | to flee | 8 | |
5404447336 | probar | to taste, to sample | 9 | |
5404450222 | relacionarse con | to be relate to (not kinship) | 10 | |
5404451820 | tratar de | to deal with, to try to | 11 | |
5404453947 | el bocado | bite, taste | 12 | |
5404457901 | el bosque | forest | 13 | |
5404459015 | el casco | helmet | 14 | |
5404460164 | el hombro | shoulder | 15 | |
5404460165 | el lunar | mole, beauty mark | 16 | |
5404461505 | mentón | chin | 17 | |
5404462689 | nuera | daughter in law | 18 | |
5404464058 | los padrinos | god parents | 19 | |
5404466360 | pezuña | hoof | 20 | |
5404468904 | promedio | average | 21 | |
5404470844 | rasgo | trait, characteristic | 22 | |
5404473843 | la uña | fingernail | 23 | |
5404473844 | yerno | son-in-law | 24 | |
5404475645 | asado | roasted | 25 | |
5404477134 | ciego | blind | 26 | |
5404477135 | listo | clever | 27 | |
5404481436 | alejarse | to move away | 28 | |
5404481437 | charlar | to chat | 29 | |
5404484332 | convertirse | to become | 30 | |
5404488407 | arena | sand | 31 | |
5404488408 | butaca | theater seat | 32 | |
5404491354 | cámara | chamber of congress | 33 | |
5404493254 | gana | desire | 34 | |
5404494958 | función | show | 35 | |
5404497133 | el gorrión | sparrow | 36 | |
5404498757 | marea | tide | 37 | |
5404500325 | la ola | wave | 38 | |
5404500326 | el partido | party | 39 | |
5404504221 | saliente | outgoing | 40 |