AP Literature Vocab Flashcards
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10260466718 | Absolute | a word free from limitations of qualifications | 0 | |
10260467795 | Allegory | a literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent abstractions | 1 | |
10260469247 | Alliteration | the repetition of initial sounds in successive or neighboring words | 2 | |
10260477943 | Allusion | a reference to something literary, mythological, or historical that the author assumes the reader will recognize | 3 | |
10260479193 | Anaphora | the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences | 4 | |
10260481843 | Aphorism | a concise statement that expresses succinctly a general truth or idea, often using rhyme or balance | 5 | |
10613613313 | Apostrophe | a figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstraction | 6 | |
10260485718 | Asyndeton | a figure of speech in which elements are presented in a series without conjuctions | 7 | |
10260487740 | Chiasmus | a statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed | 8 | |
10260489315 | Colloquialism | informal words or expressions not usually acceptable in formal writing | 9 | |
10260491525 | Conceit | a fanciful, particularly clever extended metaphor | 10 | |
10260492914 | Didactic | having the primary purpose of teaching or instructing | 11 | |
10260494429 | Dissonace | harsh, inharmonious, or discordant sounds | 12 | |
10260497247 | Elegy | a formal poem presenting a meditation on death or another solemn theme | 13 | |
10260498862 | Ellipsis | the omission of a word or phrase which is grammatically necessary but can be deduced from the context | 14 | |
10260500027 | Epigram | a brief, pithy, and often paradoxical saying | 15 | |
10260501064 | Epithet | a term used to point out a characteristic of a person, Homeric epithets are often compound adjectives that become an almost formulaic part of a name | 16 | |
10260504236 | Homity | a sermon, or a moralistic lecture | 17 | |
10260504745 | Idiom | an expression in given language that cannot be understood from the literal meaning of the words in the expression; or, a regional speech or dialect | 18 | |
10260506221 | Invective | an intensely vehement, highly emotional verbal attack | 19 | |
10260507446 | Juxtaposition | placing two elements side by side to present a comparison or contrast | 20 | |
10260508905 | Limerick | a light verse consisting of five lines of regular rhythm in which the first, second, and fifth lines (each consisting of three feet) rhyme, and the second and third lines (each consisting of two feet) rhyme | 21 | |
10260517614 | Litotes | a type of understatement in which an idea is expressed by negating its opposite | 22 | |
10260518429 | Malapropism | the mistaken substitution of one word for another word that sounds similar | 23 | |
10260521989 | Maxim | a concise statement, often offering advice; an adage | 24 | |
10260522945 | Metonymy | substituting the name of one object for another object closely associated with it | 25 | |
10260525864 | Motif | a standard theme, element, dramatic situation that recurs in various works | 26 | |
10260549908 | Non Sequitur | an inference that does not follow logically from the premises (literally, "does not follow") | 27 | |
10260552723 | Paradox | an apparently contradictory statement that actually contains some truth | 28 | |
10260553785 | Parallelism | the use of corresponding grammatical or syntactical forms | 29 | |
10260555747 | Parenthetical | a comment that interrupts the immediate subject, often to qualify or explain | 30 | |
10260556869 | Pedantic | characterized by an excessive display of learning or scholarship | 31 | |
10260558728 | Polysyndeton | the use, for rhetorical effect, of more conjunctions than is necessary or natural | 32 | |
10260669609 | Solecism | nonstandard grammatical usage; a violation of grammatical rules | 33 | |
10260695087 | Surrealism | an artistic movement emphasizing the imagination and characterized by incongruous juxtapositions and lack of conscious control | 34 | |
10260699393 | Syllepsis | a construction in which one word is used in two different senses | 35 | |
10260699859 | Syllogism | a three-part deductive argument in which a conclusion is based on a major premise and a minor premise | 36 | |
10260711637 | Synecdoche | using one part of an object to represent the entire the entire object | 37 | |
10260712898 | Synesthesia | describing one kind of sensation in terms of another (ex: a sweet sound) | 38 | |
10260723512 | Tautology | needless repetition which adds no meaning or understanding | 39 | |
10260736259 | Tragedy | a work in which the protagonist is engaged in a significant struggle and which ends in ruin or destruction | 40 | |
10260738066 | Trite | over used or hackneyed | 41 | |
10260739423 | Understatement | the deliberate representation of something as lesser in magnitude than it actually isl a deliberate under-emphasis | 42 | |
10260741645 | Vernacular | the everyday speech of a particular country or region, often involving nonstandard usage | 43 |