AP Lit Vocab 6 Flashcards
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8378537497 | adulation | excessive, often slavish, admiration or flattery | 0 | |
8378537498 | bombastic | sounding important or impressive, but not sincere or meaningful | 1 | |
8378537499 | bourgeois | having qualities or values associated with the middle class - particularly, too concerned about wealth, possessions, and respectable behavior | 2 | |
8378537500 | cajole | to persuade someone to do something by making promises or saying nice things | 3 | |
8378537501 | callow | inexperienced, immature; lacking sophistication | 4 | |
8378537502 | choleric | hot-tempered; easily angered | 5 | |
8378537503 | compulsory | required by a law or rule | 6 | |
8378537504 | countenance | the appearance of a person's face OR approval; moral support | 7 | |
8378537505 | demean | to lower in character, status, or reputation | 8 | |
8378537506 | digression | a departure from the main topic (in speech or writing); a tangent | 9 | |
8378537507 | feckless | weak, ineffective, and worthless | 10 | |
8378537508 | foreboding | foretelling, predicting OR a feeling of certainty as to a coming ill or misfortune | 11 | |
8378537509 | grandiloquent | lofty, extravagant, and bombastic in style of language | 12 | |
8378537510 | harrowing | very distressing or painful | 13 | |
8378537511 | impetus | a driving force | 14 | |
8378537512 | inexorable | not able to be stopped or changed | 15 | |
8378537513 | jocular | habitually jolly and joking | 16 | |
8378537514 | lugubrious | full of sadness or sorrow, often in an exaggerated or insincere way | 17 | |
8378537515 | monotonous | boring because of repetition/sameness | 18 | |
8378537516 | pacifist | strongly and actively opposed to conflict and especially war OR one who is... | 19 | |
8378537517 | presumptuous | too confident, in a way that is rude | 20 | |
8378537518 | qualms | feeling of doubt or uncertainty about whether you are doing the right thing | 21 | |
8378537519 | surfeit | an amount that is too much or more than needed | 22 | |
8378537520 | urbane | sophisticated; polite and polished in manner | 23 |