AP Spanish Literature "El Sur" Vocab Flashcards
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6295889350 | acaso (adv.) | perhaps, maybe | 0 | |
6295889351 | acometer (v.) | to attack, to charge | 1 | |
6295889352 | actualidad (nf.) | currently | 2 | |
6295889353 | almacén (nm.) | market | 3 | |
6295890925 | andén (nm.) | platform | 4 | |
6295890926 | arista (nf.) | edge, corner, ridge | 5 | |
6295890927 | arrancar (v.) | to start up | 6 | |
6295890928 | batiente (nm.) | frame | 7 | |
6295892591 | cartelera (nf.) | billboard | 8 | |
6295892592 | cirujano (nm.) | surgeon | 9 | |
6295892593 | criollismo (nm.) | creole trait; creole literary movement | 10 | |
6295894188 | daga (nf.) | dagger | 11 | |
6295894189 | desafío (nm.) | challenge, defiance | 12 | |
6295896118 | desaforado (adj). | huge, enormous, boundless | 13 | |
6295896119 | desdicha (nf.) | misfortune, unhappy | 14 | |
6295896120 | desgarrar (v.) | to tear, to rip | 15 | |
6295897851 | disparate (nm.) | madness, insanity | 16 | |
6295897852 | estancia (nf.) | estate, ranch | 17 | |
6295899201 | estuche (nm.) | case, box | 18 | |
6295899202 | filo (nm.) | edge, blade, cutting edge | 19 | |
6295900549 | fomentar (v.) | to encourage, to promote | 20 | |
6295900550 | gastar (v.) | to use up, to weaken | 21 | |
6295900551 | imprevisible (adj.) | unpredictable | 22 | |
6295902377 | jinete (nm.) | horseback rider | 23 | |
6295902378 | linaje (nm.) | lineage | 24 | |
6295902379 | murciélago (nm.) | bat | 25 | |
6295903637 | pesadilla (nf.) | bad dream, nightmare | 26 | |
6295903638 | pozo (nm.) | well | 27 | |
6295903639 | quinta (nf.) | country house | 28 | |
6295903640 | rapar (v.) | to cut very short (or completely), to shave | 29 | |
6295903641 | reja (nf.) | (iron) bars (on windows) | 30 | |
6295905042 | sanatorio (nm.) | hospital, clinic, sanatarium | 31 | |
6295905043 | sembrado/a (nmf.) | cultivated field | 32 | |
6295908126 | septicemia (nf.) | sepsis, blood infection | 33 | |
6295909879 | umbral (nm.) | doorstep | 34 | |
6295909880 | vedado (nm./v. - vedar) | (n) preserve; (v.) to ban, to prohibit | 35 | |
6295909881 | vendado (v. vendar) | to bandage, to dress | 36 |