AP Literature Tone Words 3 2018-2019 Flashcards
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10704276966 | pedantic | Excessively scholarly or bookish, ostentatious about one's learning | 0 | |
10704276967 | pensive | Dreamily thoughtful, usually marked by some sadness | 1 | |
10704276968 | pessimistic | Expecting the worst, having a negative outlook | 2 | |
10704276969 | petulant | Unreasonably ill tempered, peevish | 3 | |
10704276970 | philosophical | Calm and stoical in the face of difficulty or disappointment | 4 | |
10704276971 | poignant | Profoundly moving, evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret | 5 | |
10704276972 | pompous | Self-important | 6 | |
10704276973 | pretentious | Attempting to impress, full of pretense | 7 | |
10704276974 | reflective | Thoughtful, deliberating, meditative | 8 | |
10704276975 | reverent | Showing or feeling all, respect or veneration | 9 | |
10704276976 | ribald | Coarsely mocking, vulgar, lewd | 10 | |
10704276977 | saccharine | Overly sweet or sentimental calm, cloying | 11 | |
10704276978 | sanguine | Cheerfully optimistic, confident, hopeful | 12 | |
10704276979 | sarcastic | Cutting, mockery, intended to wound | 13 | |
10704276980 | sardonic | Scornfully mocking, disdainfully humorous, skeptical, sarcastic | 14 | |
10704276981 | sentimental | Swayed by feeling, excessively emotional, controlled by feeling rather than thought | 15 | |
10704276982 | solemn | Deeply earnest, marked by ceremony or ritual | 16 | |
10704276983 | somber | Dismal, gloomy, dark, dull | 17 | |
10704276984 | vituperative | Harshly and abusively censorious, condemnatory | 18 | |
10704276985 | whimsical | Fanciful, unpredictable, subject to change and whim | 19 | |
10704276986 | wry | Dryly humorous, ironic and amusing | 20 |