AP chattanooga state study guide test 3 ch 7,8,9,10,11.5,11.6 Flashcards
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9411053877 | Functions of the Skeletal system? | support, protection, movement, electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, blood formation | 0 | |
9411069931 | acid-base balance` | buffers blood aginst large pH changes by altering phosphate and carbonate salt levels. | 1 | |
9411098321 | hemopoiesis | making red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets | 2 | |
9411111039 | What absorbes shock? | cartilage | 3 | |
9411123462 | connect bone to bone | ligaments | 4 | |
9411126386 | connect musclce to bone | tendon | 5 | |
9411132192 | osteology | study of bones | 6 | |
9411137426 | sutural (Wormian) bones | small bones that are formed at the suture (lamboid) | 7 | |
9411145531 | 2 parts of bone matrix | organic, inorganic | 8 | |
9411151480 | organic bone matrix | 1/3 of matrix. proteins and collagen | 9 | |
9411158953 | inorganic bone matrix | 2/3 of matrix. hydroxyapatite, calcium carbonate, other minerals | 10 | |
9411169466 | hydroxyapatite | calcium phosphate | 11 | |
9411181232 | what percent of bone is made from hydroxyapatite | 85 | 12 | |
9411191646 | parts of an osteon (Haversian system) | centeral canal, lamellae, lacunae, canaliculus | 13 | |
9411198689 | centeral canal | nerves, veins, artery | 14 | |
9411203179 | lamellae | circles of matrix | 15 | |
9411205563 | lacunae | pockets for osteocytes | 16 | |
9411208899 | canaliculus | interconnection canals | 17 | |
9411211368 | rickets | soft bone in children from lack of minerals | 18 | |
9411219748 | osteomalacia | soft bone in adults from lack of minerals | 19 | |
9411225890 | osteoporosis | lack of estrogen to maintain bone density | 20 | |
9411262240 | osteoporosis affects what area of the bone the most | spongy | 21 | |
9411269167 | osteogenesis imperfecta | brittle bone disease (defect in collagen) | 22 | |
9411275395 | types of bone development | ossification, osteogenesis | 23 | |
9411291362 | methods of bone delevopment | intramembranous ossicifacation, endochondrial ossification | 24 | |
9411304220 | intramembranous ossification | embryonic (mesenchymal cells) turn into osteoblasts then osteocytes (spongy bone) that forms flate bones of the skull and ossifies fontanels | 25 | |
9411321690 | endochondrial ossiciation | forms bones below the skull except the clavical. mesenchyme to condroblasts, they die and are replaced by osteoblasts to spongy bone to compact bone. forms by replacing hyaline. | 26 | |
9411339718 | primary ossification occurs | diaphysis | 27 | |
9411349937 | secondary ossification occurs | epiphysis starts in the middle producing bone leaving cartilage on top and bottom | 28 | |
9411352900 | diaphysis | shaft | 29 | |
9411355983 | epiphysis | head | 30 | |
9411373866 | cartilage on top and bottom of bones | articular (a type of hyaline) | 31 | |
9411390972 | hypocalcemia | low blood calcium | 32 | |
9411394711 | hypercalcemia | high blood calcium | 33 | |
9411401385 | hypocalcemia causes | muscle contraction that doesn't end | 34 | |
9411405863 | hypercalcemia causes | muscles can not contract | 35 | |
9411423266 | calcitriol | raises blood calcium by increasing calcium absorption by the small intestine | 36 | |
9411427390 | calcitonin | lowers blood calcium by inbihiting osteoclysts | 37 | |
9411431600 | patathyroid | raises blood calcium by increasing osteoclasts | 38 | |
9411471542 | 3 major joint cateogries based on amount of movement | synarthrotic, ampiarthrotic, diarthrotic | 39 | |
9411499225 | synarthrotic | immoveable | 40 | |
9411501955 | ampiarthrotic | slightly moveable | 41 | |
9411503811 | diarthrotic | freely moveable | 42 | |
9411526654 | 4 types of join catergories based on structure | bony, fibrous, cartilageinous, synovial | 43 | |
9411536349 | bony joints | bone to bone | 44 | |
9411540016 | synostosis | gap between bone that eventually ossifies into one bone | 45 | |
9411551502 | fibrous joints | bones bound by collagen and penetrate into the other | 46 | |
9411561230 | types of fibrous joints | sutures, gomphoses, syndesmoses | 47 | |
9411587683 | types of sutures | serrate, lap, plane | 48 | |
9411590965 | serrate suture | interlocking wavy line | 49 | |
9411592848 | lap suture | overlapping beveled edges | 50 | |
9411597214 | plane suture | straight, non-overlapping edges | 51 | |
9411611178 | sydesmoses | collagen fibers (fibrous joint) interosseus membrane | 52 | |
9411631939 | cartilaginous joints | bones linked by cartilage | 53 | |
9411655011 | types of catilaginous joints` | synchondroses, symphyses | 54 | |
9411659066 | synchondroses | hyaline cartilage | 55 | |
9411664959 | symphyses | fibro cartilage | 56 | |
9411677863 | bones joined by hyaline cartilage | synchondroses | 57 | |
9411686619 | bones joined by fibrocartilage | symphyses | 58 | |
9411707786 | synovial joint | ball & socket, hinge, pivot, plane, saddle, condylar | 59 | |
9411721626 | what warms synovial fluid | exercise | 60 | |
9411729684 | repetitive compression | exchanges fluid in and out of cartilage | 61 | |
9411740745 | what does cartilage need the fulid to warm up | exchange wastes and nutrients/oxgyen beucase no blood vessels present in cartilage | 62 | |
9411806245 | bursa | fluid-filled sac that allows for easy movement of one part of a joint over another | 63 | |
9411819674 | how many carpal bones | 8 | 64 | |
9411822237 | how many tarsal bones | 7 | 65 | |
9412121381 | compartment syndrome | condition in which collection of fluid in a confined space prevents blood flow | 66 | |
9412138654 | a chart of the timing and strength of a muscle's contractio | myogram | 67 | |
9412158334 | twitch | a quick cycle of contraction and relaxation when stimulus is at threshold or higher | 68 | |
9412162548 | threshold | minimum voltage necessary to generate an action potential in the muscle fiber and produce a contraction | 69 | |
9412177631 | isometric muscle contraction | internal mucle tension but no movement | 70 | |
9412188666 | isotonic muscle contraction | muscles move but no change in tension | 71 | |
9412194900 | concentric contraction | muscle shortens as it maintains tension (example: lifting weights) | 72 | |
9412201444 | eccentric contraction | muscle lengthens as it maintains tension (example: slowly lowering weight | 73 | |
9412217829 | 2 main pathways to make ATP | anaerobic, aerobic | 74 | |
9412226373 | anaerobic | with oxygen, short lived, only prduces 2 ATP | 75 | |
9412231741 | aerobic | requires oxygen, produces 32-38 ATP | 76 | |
9412251020 | which form of ATP systhesis is made in the cytoplasm | anaerobic | 77 | |
9412369294 | stages of muscle twitch | neuron send an electrical signal the muscle sends an electrial singal in the cell membrane then a muscle contraction happenes | 78 | |
9412400177 | Glycolysi | glucose broken down into pyruvic acid which is converted to lactic acid | 79 | |
9412443184 | myokinase | takes P (phosphate) from ADP | 80 | |
9412447931 | creatine kinase | obtains P from creatine phosphate | 81 | |
9413692532 | 82 |