AP World History Chapter 9 Flashcards
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11282885236 | Mecca is home to what? | Kaaba, religious shrine to worship Allah, destination of pilgrimage | 0 | |
11282916824 | What tribe came to control access of Kaaba and became wealthy from taxing local trade accompanied with pilgrimage season? | Quraysh | 1 | |
11282927623 | Arabia was located by what two rival empires? | Sassanid and Byzantine | 2 | |
11282952983 | By the time of Muhammad, most Arabs had acknowledged Allah as the supreme god of Arab Pantheon, so why did they still worship other gods? What was a result of this? | Lesser gods( including the three daughters of Allah) were seen as more accessible. Allah was increasingly identified with Yahweh, the Jewish high god and regarded themselves as children of Abraham. | 3 | |
11282977232 | What did Muhammad do that caused him to believe he was Allah's messenger? | He was troubled by religious corruption and social inequalities of Mecca causing him to go through periods of withdrawal and meditation giving hima powerful religious experience. | 4 | |
11282995378 | The Quran was meant to be recited rather than read, why? | Muslims claim when heard in it's original Arabic, it conveys nothing less than the very presence of the divine. | 5 | |
11283018220 | "Lord sustainer" and drew heavily on Jewish and Christian monotheism. Who is this referring to? | Allah | 6 | |
11283022717 | Islam was more of an invitation to do what? | To return to the old and pure religion of Abraham from which Jews Christians and Arabs had deviated. | 7 | |
11283039731 | What does the term "Muslim" actually mean? | one who submits | 8 | |
11283046712 | According to the Quran, submission was not an individual or spiritual act, it took what? | the creation of a whole new society | 9 | |
11283064187 | What things did the Quran denounce? | Social practices of Mecca- hoarding wealth, exploitation of poor, female abuse, etc. and the tribal and clan structure of Arab society which was very prone to war, feuding, and violence. | 10 | |
11283245650 | The just and moral society of Islam was referred to as what? what was it? | Umma, the community of all believers replacing tribal, ethnic, or racial identities. | 11 | |
11283265994 | What are the 5 pillars of Islam? | 1) There is no god but Allah 2) Ritual prayer (performed 5 times a day) 3) Almsgiving (demand for social justice requiring to generously give to the poor and needy) 4) Month of fasting (Ramadan) 5) Haji (Pilgrimage to Mecca) | 12 | |
11283320937 | Sometimes referred to as the 6th pillar... | Jihad, or "struggle" | 13 | |
11283323587 | Jihad | An interior personal effort of each believer against greed and selfishness, a spiritual striving toward living a god- conscious life. | 14 | |
11283341195 | What is Jihad in its "lesser form"? | Authorized armed struggle against forces of unbelief and evil as means of establishing muslim rule and defending umma. | 15 | |
11283359455 | Muhammad did attract a small following but enraged who? Why? | Wealthy and elite families particularly his own tribe, Quraysh.(Because) His claim to be messenger of Allah, his monotheism, his call for social reform, his condemnation of Mecca's business practices, and disloyalty to his tribe. | 16 | |
11283394359 | Because he angered his tribe, where did Muhammad and a small band of followers migrate to? What was this journey called and what important thing did it mark? | Yathrib, soon to be known as Medina, the city of the prophet. known as Hijra (the journey) and marked the beginning of a new Islamic calendar. | 17 | |
11283885453 | How was the umma that took shape in Medina different from traditional tribes in Arab society? | Membership was a matter of belief rather than birth therefore expanded more rapidly. All authority was in the hands of Muhammad. Usury was outlawed, tax free marketplaces established, and mandatory payment to support the poor. | 18 | |
11283921479 | Muhammad declared his __________ from _________. Because some of these people did what? What did he do because of this? | Independence, Judaism, allied with his enemies, he acted harshly to suppress them, exiling some and enslaving and killing others and redirected prayer toward Mecca rather than Jerusalem in doing so declared Islam an Arab religion. | 19 | |
11291424290 | What convinced other Arab tribes that Muslims and their god were on the rise therefore causing them to negotiate alliances? | Early military success against Muhammad's Meccan opponents | 20 | |
11291461169 | What four things were religiously appealing about Islam? | Promise of material gain, the end of incessant warfare among feuding tribes, periodic military actions skillfully lead by Muhammad, and the prophets willingness to enter into marriage alliances with leading tribes. | 21 | |
11291497474 | What were six major differences between Christianity and Islam? | 1) Christians were often punished in the beginning while Islam quickly a huge empire (obviously not punished) 2)Muhammad was also a political and military leader, unlike Buddha or Jesus. 3) It did not give rise to a separate religious organization. 4) No professional clergy meditating between god and humankind 5) Teachers, religious scholars, etc. had no religious role like priests 6) No distinction between religious and civil law (Sharia) | 22 | |
11291563533 | From mixing and blending emerged a 3rd wave of Islam, they had a common faith but... | Divided by differences of culture, class, politics, gender, and religious understanding | 23 | |
11291607607 | The battle of Talas River resulted in what? | Further expansion of China, and made possible the conversion of Islam of Central Asia's Turkic speaking people. | 24 | |
11291625744 | What motives did they have for the creation of the Arab empire? | Merchant leaders wanting to capture profitable trade routes, wealthy agricultural regions, individuals had a route to wealth and social promotion, and After Muhammad's death, it provided a common task to keep umma. | 25 | |
11291669687 | Muhammad's followers were called what before even the term Muslim? This included Pious Jews and Christians as well | believers | 26 | |
11291785859 | Jews and Christians were considered "people of the book" giving them the status of _______, second class. This meant they had to pay a special tax called _________. | Dhimmis, Jizya | 27 | |
11291803760 | What kinds of towns did the Arab armies invade? | Garrison towns, segregated from the native population. | 28 | |
11291823205 | Conversions were rarely forced but what were some of three benefits in doing so? | Avoiding Jizya, Merchant friendly and provided a huge arena for trade, and helpful when seeking official positions. | 29 | |
11291858599 | What delayed conversion among Berbers of North Africa? | Vigorous resistance | 30 | |
11291878294 | In Persia, converts did what? | Gradually abandoned their culture and assimilated Arab culture. | 31 | |
11291896343 | In Iran, converts did what? | Held key elements of their native culture while still gaining certain elements of Arab culture. | 32 | |
11291911720 | Shahnama | Written in Persian language, Farsi. It recorded mythical and pre- Islamic history in Iran and gave expression to distinctly Persian cultural identity. | 33 | |
11291957925 | What was the relationship between Muslims and Persians? | Persians did not need Muslims but Muslims needed Persians. | 34 | |
11291978323 | A problem that arose in Umma as it grew was...? | Who would take the role of Caliph in Muhammad's absence. | 35 | |
11292022939 | What were the first four caliphs known as? Who selected them? | The rightly guided caliphs, and they were selected by the Muslim elders of Medina | 36 | |
11292157873 | Sunni Muslims | Believed caliphs were the rightful, political, and military leaders, selected by the Islamic community | 37 | |
11292175193 | Shia Muslims | Felt leadership in the Islamic world should derive from the bloodline of Ali and his son Husayn who were blood relatives of Muhammad. | 38 | |
11292219217 | Sunni Muslims authority emerged from what? While Shia invested in religious leaders known as what? | Sunni: Religious scholars known as Ulama Shia: Imams, with religious authority caliphs lacked they were able to interpret divine intervention and law. | 39 | |
11292286129 | This group saw themselves as minority opposition with Islam. | Shia | 40 | |
11292293161 | This group saw themselves as advocates of the established order. | Sunni | 41 | |
11292316703 | As the empire grew, Caliphs transformed into what? | Absolute monarchs | 42 | |
11292333971 | The first dynasty was what family? What happened under their rule? | Umayyad, The empire expanded, caliphs became hereditary rulers, and the capital moved from Medina to the Byzantine Roman city of Damascus | 43 | |
11292367336 | How did the Umayyad rule provoke criticism? | Shia viewed as illegitimate, non- Arabs resented 2nd class citizenship, Many Arabs protested the luxury living of rulers, etc.. | 44 | |
11292395604 | Overthrow if Umayyad dynasty, replaced by this dynasty. | Abbasids | 45 | |
11292400251 | What happened under the Abbasids rule? | The capital moved to Baghdad, flourished at first, and the Islamic world fractured politically into a series of Sultanates, many ruled by Persian or Turkish military dynasties. | 46 | |
11292426100 | What question arose in Islam that caused conflict? | What does it mean to be a Muslim? | 47 | |
11292436880 | To Ulama, what did it mean to be a Muslim? | Following the Sharia and participating in the creation of a new society. | 48 | |
11292587747 | Sufis | Saw worldly success of Islam a distraction from the purer spirituality of Muhammad's time. They sought to tame the ego and achieve spiritual union with Allah. | 49 | |
11292619243 | To Sufis, what did it mean to be Muslim? | Believed law teachings and correct behaviour did not bring the believer into the presence of God. Believed being MUslim was more spiritual. | 50 | |
11292645606 | al- Ghazali | a major Islamic thinker who was both legal scholar and Sufi practitioner. | 51 | |
11292658127 | On a spiritual level, according to the Quran, what was the status between men and women? | equal | 52 | |
11292665301 | On a Social level, what was the status between men and women? | Women were suboordinate | 53 | |
11292674188 | Besides what is stated in the Quran, what was another factor that shaped women's lives? | The long established practices of the places Islam spread to. | 54 | |
11292702181 | What did the second caliph, Umar do in the area of gender roles? | Told them to pray at home, made them veil themselves | 55 | |
11292715487 | What did the caliph Mansur do in the area of gender roles? | Ordered a separate bridge be built for women over the Euphrates River in the capital of Baghdad. | 56 | |
11292790334 | Hadiths | Traditions about the sayings or actions of Muhammad, which became an important source of Islamic law. Negative views of women emerged in this such as the Adam and Eve story. | 57 | |
11292819792 | What was one clear sign of a tightening Patriarchy? | "Honor killing" which is the killing of women by male relatives for violating sexual taboos. | 58 | |
11292850777 | _______ allowed for a greater role of women. | Sufi | 59 | |
11292856330 | In the world of Islam, religious teachers, men and women, were called what? | Mullahs | 60 | |
11292873974 | How was Islam brought to Northern India? | Recently converted Turkic speaking warrior groups from Central Asia invaded and brought their faith with them. | 61 | |
11293033870 | centuries that followed in Northern India, and Muslims communities emerged where? | Mostly in regions where there was less dominant Hindu culture | 62 |