AP world history Flashcards
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10624238822 | Abdicate | To renounce ones throne of a monarch. | 0 | |
10624246687 | Accession | the attainment or acquisition of a position of rank or power. | 1 | |
10624258044 | Aesthetic | a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement. | 2 | |
10624261611 | agrarian | a person who advocates a redistribution of landed property. | 3 | |
10624268055 | Amenities | a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place. | 4 | |
10624276674 | Anarchy | a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems. | 5 | |
10624288362 | Animism | the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena. | 6 | |
10624298922 | Antiquity | the ancient past, especially the period before the Middle Ages. | 7 | |
10624306666 | Appeasement | the action or process of appeasing. | 8 | |
10624312658 | Aristocracy | the highest class in certain societies, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices. | 9 | |
10624322919 | Asceticism | severe self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons. | 10 | |
10624325977 | Assimilate | To take in and understand fully. | 11 | |
10624335369 | Authoritarian | A person who enforced strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom. | 12 | |
10624349686 | Autocracy | a system of government by one person with absolute power. | 13 | |
10624355849 | Barbarian | a member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations. | 14 | |
10624370643 | Bureaucracy/Bureaucrats | a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives. | 15 | |
10624376353 | City-state | a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state. | 16 | |
10624379140 | Civic | Relation to a city or town, especially it's administration;manicipal | 17 | |
10624396676 | Classical | Relation to Ancient Greek or Latin literature, art, or culture. | 18 | |
10624407608 | Colonial | a native or inhabitant of a colony. | 19 | |
10624413927 | Commerce | the activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale. | 20 | |
10624419724 | Commanal | Of conflict between different communities, especially those having different religions or ethnic groups. | 21 | |
10624433289 | Concubine | a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than his wife or wives. | 22 | |
10624447898 | Conscription | compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces. | 23 | |
10624451430 | Cosmopolitan | familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures. | 24 | |
10624457249 | Coup | a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. | 25 | |
10624469436 | Demography/Demographic | the study of statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human populations. | 26 | |
10624474153 | Despot | a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way. | 27 | |
10624484707 | Diaspora | the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel. | 28 | |
10624490819 | Dissent | The holding or expression of opinions at variance with these commonly of officially held. | 29 | |
10624507695 | Dissident | a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state. | 30 | |
10624516446 | Domesticate | to tame; to bring plants or animals under human control. | 31 | |
10624521182 | Dynasty | a line of hereditary rulers of a country. | 32 | |
10624524414 | Edict | an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority. | 33 | |
10624534357 | Egalitarian | A person who advocates or supports the principle of equality for all people. | 34 | |
10624544272 | Elite | a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities. | 35 | |
10624550895 | Emigrate | leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another. | 36 | |
10624553429 | Epic | a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation. | 37 | |
10624569393 | Ethnocentric | evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture. | 38 | |
10624574183 | Fuedalism | the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection. | 39 | |
10624584687 | Genocide | the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. | 40 | |
10624589908 | Gentry | people of good social position, specifically (in the UK) the class of people next below the nobility in position and birth. | 41 | |
10624595874 | Guild | a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power. | 42 | |
10624601991 | Hierarchy | a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. | 43 | |
10624607260 | Hominids | a primate of a family that includes humans and their fossil ancestors. | 44 | |
10624624016 | Homogeneous | of the same kind | 45 | |
10624635559 | Ideology | a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. | 46 | |
10624638802 | Imperialism | A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. | 47 | |
10624644059 | Indigenous | originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. | 48 | |
10624654780 | Infrastructure | the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. | 49 | |
10624659030 | Lineage | direct descent from an ancestor; derivation | 50 | |
10624670256 | Linguistic | relating to language or linguistics | 51 | |
10624674597 | Manifest | A document listing a ships contents, cargo, passengers, and crew, for the use of customs officers. | 52 | |
10624691318 | Maritime | connected with the sea, especially in relation to Seaborne trade and naval matters. | 53 | |
10624705600 | Martial | relating to fighting or war. | 54 | |
10624713358 | Matrilineal | Of or based on kinship with the mother or the female line. | 55 | |
10624726061 | Mercenary | A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army. | 56 | |
10624735497 | Monarchy | A form of government with a monarch at the head. | 57 | |
10624742152 | Monopoly/Monopolize | The exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service/obtain possession or control of. | 58 | |
10624765773 | Monotheism | Belief in one god. | 59 | |
10624769469 | Mystical | Having a spiritual symbolic or allegorical significance that transcends human understanding. | 60 | |
10624786028 | Nation-state | A sovereign state of which most of the citizens or subjects are united also by factors which define a nation, such as language or common descent. | 61 | |
10624807650 | Neo | Recent or new. | 62 | |
10624810871 | Neolithic | Relation to or denoting the later part of the Stone Age, when ground or polished stone weapons and implements prevailed. | 63 | |
10624827174 | Nomadic | Living the life of a nomad;wandering | 64 | |
10624834209 | Oligarchy | A small group of people having control of a country or organization. | 65 | |
10624842196 | Pantheon | All the gods of a people or religion collectively | 66 | |
10624850016 | Papal/Papacy | Relating to a pope or to the papacy/the office or authority of the pope. | 67 | |
10624862861 | Parliament/parliamentary system | The highest legislature, consisting of the sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons/a system of democratic governance of a state where the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from its ability to command the confidence of the legislative branch. | 68 | |
10624910164 | Pastoral | A work of literature portraying an idealized version of country life. | 69 | |
10624932795 | Patriarchal | Relation to or denoting a system of society or government controlled by men. | 70 | |
10624943107 | Patrilineal | Relation to or based on relationship to the father or descent through the male line. | 71 | |
10624954017 | Patronage | The rights and duties or position of a patron;the power to control appointments to office or right to privalages. | 72 | |
10624973272 | Peasant | A poor small holder or agricultural laborer of low social status | 73 | |
10624984192 | Pharaoh | A ruler in ancient Egypt | 74 | |
10624988102 | Piety | The quality of being religious or reverent | 75 | |
10624999075 | Polity | A form or process of civil government or constitution | 76 | |
10625007048 | Polygamy | The practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time. | 77 | |
10625019748 | Polytheism | Belief in many gods | 78 | |
10625028563 | Proselytize | Convert or attempt to convert someone from one region, belief, or opinion to another. | 79 | |
10625039640 | Provincial | An inhabitant of a province of a country or empire | 80 | |
10625045787 | Regent | A person appointed to administer a state because the monarch is a minor or is abscent or incapacitated | 81 | |
10625065480 | Republic | A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch | 82 | |
10625085965 | Rhetoric/Rhetorical | The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques/expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress | 83 | |
10625119220 | Sedentary | (Of a person) tending to spend much time seared;somewhat inactive | 84 | |
10625126188 | Serf | And agricultural labor founded by the feudal system who is tied to working on his Lord's estate | 85 | |
10625135161 | Sharia | Islamic canonical Law based on the teachings of the Koran and the traditions of the profit, Prescribing both religions and secular duties and Sometimes retributive penalties for lawbreaking. It has generally been supplemented by legislation adapted to the conditions of the day, through the modern states is a subject of dispute between Muslim traditionalist and reformist | 86 | |
10625192038 | Sinification | To sinicize | 87 | |
10625195320 | State | The particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time; a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government | 88 | |
10625213806 | Steppe | A large step of unforested grassland in SE Europe or Siberia | 89 | |
10625229878 | Stratification | The arrangement or classification of something into different groups | 90 | |
10625237283 | Sub-Saharan | From or forming part of the African regions south of the Saharan desert | 91 | |
10625250363 | Subordinate | A person under the authority or control of another within an organization | 92 | |
10625263573 | Succession | A number of people or things of a kind following one after the other | 93 | |
10625270986 | Syncretism | The amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different regions, cultures, or schools of thought | 94 | |
10625287845 | Textiles | The branch of industry involved in the manufacturing of cloth | 95 | |
10625298126 | Theocracy | A system of government in which priest rule in the name of god or a god | 96 | |
10625304273 | Theology | The study of the nature of god and religious beliefs | 97 | |
10625312956 | Totalitarian | A person advocating a totalitarian system of government;relation to a system of government that isn't centralized and dictational and requires complete subservience to the state | 98 | |
10625333832 | Tributary state | Is a state that isn't subordinate to a more powerful neighbor | 99 | |
10625352253 | Tyranny | Cruel and oppressive government or rule | 100 | |
10625357127 | Urban/urbanize | In relation to or characteristic of a town or city/make or become urban in character | 101 | |
10625372423 | Usurp | Take illegally or by force | 102 | |
10625375982 | Vernacular | The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people of a country of region | 103 |