Pondo AP Language Terms Flashcards
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10298148284 | allegory | story in which characters are used as symbols; fable ex: Cupid portrayed as a chubby angel with a bow and arrows | 0 | |
10298148285 | alliteration | repetition of the same letter or consonant at the beginning of neighboring words ex: She sells sea shells by the sea shore | 1 | |
10298148286 | allusion | indirect reference | 2 | |
10298148287 | anaphora | the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses | 3 | |
10298148288 | antithesis | contrast or opposition of thought ex: To err is human, to forgive divine | 4 | |
10298148289 | aphorism | statement designed to make a point ex: Spare the rod and spoil the child | 5 | |
10298148290 | apostrophe | an address to the absent, dead, or inanimate as if it could reply | 6 | |
10298148291 | appeal to credibility, emotion, logic | ethos, pathos, logos | 7 | |
10298148292 | assonance | the repetition of similar vowel sounds in the stressed syllables of successive words ex: She sElls sea shElls by the sEa shore (E capitalized for emphasis) | 8 | |
10298148293 | asyndeton | structure in which conjunctions are omitted in a series ex: Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered) | 9 | |
10298148294 | attitude | the sense expressed by the tone of voice and/or mood of a piece of writing | 10 | |
10298148295 | begging the question | argumentative strategy where the arguer sidesteps the question or the conflict | 11 | |
10298148296 | canon | an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature | 12 | |
10298148297 | chiasmus | a statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed ex: "He thinks I am but a fool. A fool, perhaps I am." | 13 | |
10298148298 | claim | An assertion, usually supported by evidence | 14 | |
10298148299 | colloquial | characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation ex: Coca-cola to some is called soda while to others it's called pop | 15 | |
10298148300 | comparison and contrast | mode of discourse; two or more things are compared, contrasted, or both | 16 | |
10298148301 | connotation | implied, suggested, or underlying meaning of a word or phrase | 17 | |
10298148302 | conceit | comparison of two unlike things drawn out within a piece of literature | 18 | |
10298148303 | consonance | repetition of two or more constants with a change in the intervening vowels ex: putter-patter, splish-splash, click-clack | 19 | |
10298148304 | convention | an accepted manner, model, or tradition | 20 | |
10298148305 | critique | an assessment or analysis of something to determine what it is, what the limitations are, and how it conforms to the genre | 21 | |
10298148306 | deductive reasoning (deduction) | method of reasoning that moves from a general premise to a specific conclusion | 22 | |
10298148307 | dialect | language and speech of a different area ex: Texas says y'all, we don't | 23 | |
10298148308 | diction | a writer's choice of words to portray tone, purpose, or effect ex: cats roaming without leashes are 'feline delinquency' | 24 | |
10298148309 | didactic | writing or speech is didactic when it has an instructive purpose or lesson | 25 | |
10298148310 | elegy | a sad or mournful poem | 26 | |
10298148311 | epistrophe | the repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses or sentences
ex: "if woman are healthy and education, their families will flourish. if women are free from violence, their families will flourish. (27 | | |
10298148312 | epitaph | an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there | 28 | |
10298148313 | ethos | appeal to credibility | 29 | |
10298148314 | euphemism | An indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant | 30 | |
10298148315 | exposition | the interpretation or analysis of a text | 31 | |
10298148316 | eulogy | a formal speech praising a person who has died | 32 | |
10298148317 | extended metaphor | A series of comparisons between two unlike objects. | 33 | |
10298148318 | figurative language/figure of speech | writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally ex: personification, metaphors | 34 | |
10298148319 | flashback/retrospection | an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronology of the narration | 35 | |
10298148320 | genre | a major category or type of literature ex: epic, narrative, poetry | 36 | |
10298148321 | homily | sermon; tedious moralizing lecture | 37 | |
10298148322 | hyperbole | extreme exaggeration ex: if you're exhausted, you say 'i'm really beat' | 38 | |
10298148323 | imagery | language that appeals to the senses | 39 | |
10298148324 | inductive reasoning/induction | reasoning from detailed facts to general principles | 40 | |
10298148325 | inference | A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning | 41 | |
10298148326 | irony | contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant verbal: what is said is actually the opposite of what is meant situational: when events end up the opposite of what is expected dramatic: facts or situations are known to the reader/audience but not the characters | 42 | |
10298148327 | isocolon | use of parallel structures of the same length in successive clauses ex: many are called, but few are chosen | 43 | |
10298148328 | jargon | vocabulary distinctive to a particular group of people ex: in the computer industry, they've introduced jargon into our vocab like geek, crash, interface, down, etc. | 44 | |
10298148329 | Juxtaposition | the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. | 45 | |
10298148330 | litote | figure of speech that emphasizes its subject by conscious understatement | 46 | |
10298148331 | loose sentence | an independent clause followed by all sorts of debris, usually dependent clauses | 47 | |
10298148332 | metaphor | one thing pictured as if it were something else, suggesting likeness or analogy ex: it is the east and juliet is the sun | 48 | |
10298148333 | metonymy | an attribute or commonly associated forestier is used to name or designate something ex: buckingham palace announced today..... | 49 | |
10298148334 | mode of discourse | the way in which information is presented in written or spoken form | 50 | |
10298148335 | mood | the feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage | 51 | |
10298148336 | narrative | mode of discourse that tells a story of some sort and is based on sequences of connected events | 52 | |
10298148337 | onomatopoeia | the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named ex: whack, zap, bam | 53 | |
10298148338 | oxymoron | a figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory terms in a brief phrase ex: baggy tights, deafening silence | 54 | |
10298148339 | paradox | an apparently contradictory statement that actually contains some truth ex: fight for peace | 55 | |
10298148340 | parallel structure | the repetition of phrases, clauses, or sentences that have the same grammatical structure | 56 | |
10298148341 | pathos | emotional appeal | 57 | |
10298148342 | periodic sentence | sentence whose main clause is withheld until the end ex: The child, who looked as if she were being chased by demons, frenzied and ignoring all hazards, ran. | 58 | |
10298148343 | personification | a type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics | 59 | |
10298148344 | point of view | the relation in which a narrator/author stands to a subject of discourse | 60 | |
10298148345 | prose | written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure, not poetic | 61 | |
10298148346 | realism | artistic representation that aims for visual accuracy | 62 | |
10298212109 | rebuttal/refutation | a counterargument that has been predicted and countered | 63 | |
10298212110 | rhetoric | the art of using language effectively and persuasively | 64 | |
10298212111 | rhetorical question | a statement that is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answered | 65 | |
10298212112 | sarcasm | the use of irony to mock or convey contempt | 66 | |
10298212113 | satire | a literary work that criticizes human misconduct and ridicules vices, stupidities, and follies | 67 | |
10298212114 | simile | comparison using like or as ex: you look like a monkey | 68 | |
10298212115 | style | the choices a writer makes; the combination of distinctive features of a literary work | 69 | |
10298212116 | symbolism | A device in literature where an object represents an idea. ex: golden arches = mcdonalds | 70 | |
10298212117 | synedoche | a figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole ex: fifty masts = fifty ships | 71 | |
10298212118 | syntax | the way words are put together to form phrases, clauses, and sentences | 72 | |
10298212119 | theme | underlying message about life or human nature that a writer wants the reader to understand | 73 | |
10298212120 | tone | the attitude of the author toward the audience and characters ex: serious or humorous | 74 | |
10298212121 | voice | the speaker/narrators particular take on an idea based on particular passage and how the elements expresses his or her feelings | 75 | |
10298212122 | zeugma | use of two different words in a grammatically similar way that produces different meanings ex: the their TOOK MY WALLET and the fifth avenue BUS (capitalization or emphasis | 76 |