AP Literature Vocabulary 1 - 5 Flashcards
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10771382121 | aberration | deviating from the right path or usual course of action; a mental disorder, especially of a minor or temporary nature | 0 | |
10771387350 | abstinence | the giving up of certain pleasures such as food or drink | 1 | |
10771389501 | abstract | theoretical, not applied or practical; not concrete; hard to understand | 2 | |
10771394034 | acclaim | loud applause; approval | 3 | |
10771401236 | acquiesce | to accept the conclusions or arrangements of others; to accede; to give consent by keeping silent | 4 | |
10771417649 | admonish | to advise against something; to warn; to scold gently; to urge strongly | 5 | |
10771423673 | advocate | to support; to be in favor of | 6 | |
10771429549 | aesthetic | showing an appreciation of beauty in nature or art; artistic | 7 | |
10771438020 | affinity | a natural attraction to a person, thing, or activity; a relationship, connection | 8 | |
10771442440 | aggrandizement | an increase in rank or wealth; growth in power | 9 | |
10771447863 | alienate | to turn away the normal feelings of fondness toward anyone; to estrange | 10 | |
10771454987 | alleviate | to make easier to endure; to relieve; to diminish | 11 | |
10771458413 | aloof | indifferent; unsympathetic; not interested; apart | 12 | |
10771465085 | altruistic | thoughtful of the welfare of others | 13 | |
10771544786 | ambiguous | permitting more than one interpretation; not clearly defined | 14 | |
10771522036 | ambivalence | condition of having conflicting attitudes | 15 | |
10771524480 | ameliorate | to make better or more tolerable; to improve | 16 | |
10771526857 | analogous | similar in certain qualities; comparable | 17 | |
10771529870 | animosity | active dislike; ill will | 18 | |
10771532410 | anonymity | condition of being nameless or unknown | 19 | |
10772524380 | antagonism | hostility, active opposition | 20 | |
10772527926 | antithesis | direct opposite | 21 | |
10772532894 | apocryphal | of doubtful authenticity; counterfeit | 22 | |
10772540176 | arduous | hard to do; strenuous | 23 | |
10772542510 | articulate | able to put one's thoughts into words easily and clearly | 24 | |
10772549638 | assuage | to calm or soothe; to satisfy | 25 | |
10772552532 | atrophy | to waste away | 26 | |
10772554901 | augment | to increase or enlarge; to become greater in size | 27 | |
10772559120 | austere | stern in manner or appearance; strict in morals | 28 | |
10772579389 | authoritarian | a person who supports the principle of subjection to authority instead of individual freedom | 29 | |
10772585472 | autonomy | independence; self-government | 30 | |
10772588859 | aversion | strong or fixed dislike; antipathy | 31 | |
10772595120 | belittle | to make something seem less important | 32 | |
10772599902 | bequeath | to leave money or property by a will; to pass along | 33 | |
10772602936 | bizarre | strikingly odd in appearance or style; grotesque | 34 | |
10772610701 | blithe | happy and cheerful; gay | 35 | |
10772615058 | bombastic | high-sounding; marked by use of language without much real meaning | 36 | |
10772620147 | buffoon | a clown; someone who amuses with tricks and jokes | 37 | |
10772630312 | cache | hiding place; something hidden in a hiding place | 38 | |
10772635281 | cacophony | discord; harsh sound | 39 | |
10772644569 | cajole | to persuade by pleasant words or false promises | 40 | |
10772646895 | callous | unfeeling, insensitive | 41 | |
10772649614 | capitulate | to surrender; to cease resisting | 42 | |
10772652462 | capricious | changeable; fickle | 43 | |
10772654715 | carping | complaining | 44 | |
10772658306 | catalyst | someone or something that brings about a change | 45 | |
10772874089 | catharsis | an emotional purification or relief | 46 | |
10772660864 | caustic | stinging, biting | 47 | |
10772866121 | celestial | having to do with the heavens; divine | 48 | |
10772870545 | censure | to blame; to criticize adversely | 49 |