AP Interpersonal Speaking Flashcards
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9085875300 | d'accord / je suis d'accord | OK / I agree | 0 | |
9085875301 | c'est vrai | it's true | 1 | |
9085875302 | c'est certain | it's certain | 2 | |
9085875303 | bien sûr | of course | 3 | |
9085875304 | je veux bien | I'm ok with that | 4 | |
9085875305 | je le crois | I believe it | 5 | |
9085875306 | je pense que oui | I think so | 6 | |
9085875307 | moi aussi | me too | 7 | |
9085875308 | moi non plus | me neither | 8 | |
9085875309 | ça me va | that works for me | 9 | |
9085875310 | ça me plaît bien | that really pleases me | 10 | |
9085875311 | Non, pas du tout | no, not at all | 11 | |
9085875312 | an non, je ne suis pas d'accord | oh no, I don't agree | 12 | |
9085875313 | ce n'est pas vrai | it's not true | 13 | |
9085875314 | ce n'est pas certain / sûr | it's not certain / sure | 14 | |
9085875315 | ce n'est pas juste | it's not right, fair | 15 | |
9085875316 | absolument pas | absolutely not | 16 | |
9085875317 | je ne le crois pas | I don't believe it | 17 | |
9085875318 | je ne pense pas | I don't think so | 18 | |
9085875319 | ça ne me va pas | that doesn't work for me | 19 | |
9085875320 | ça ne me plaît pas | that doesn't please me | 20 | |
9085875321 | ça me gêne | that bothers me | 21 | |
9085875322 | félicitations | congratulations | 22 | |
9085875323 | c'est intéressant | that's interesting | 23 | |
9085875324 | quelle chance | what luck | 24 | |
9085875325 | raconte-moi | tell me | 25 | |
9085875326 | que c'est triste | how sad | 26 | |
9085875327 | quelle horreur | how awful | 27 | |
9085875328 | quel dommage / c'est dommage / dommage | too bad | 28 | |
9085875330 | je suis désolé(e) | I'm sorry | 29 | |
9085875331 | je comprends | I understand | 30 | |
9085875332 | je suis content(e) / heureux(euse) | I'm happy | 31 | |
9085875333 | que c'est bien | that's so good | 32 | |
9085875334 | que c'est cool | that's so cool | 33 | |
9085875335 | formidable | fantastic | 34 | |
9085875336 | sensationnel | sensational | 35 | |
9085875337 | Quoi? / Comment? | What? | 36 | |
9085875339 | Tu plaisantes!? / Tu blagues!? | Are you kidding!? | 37 | |
9085875340 | Ce n'est pas possible! | That's not possible! | 38 | |
9085875341 | Jamais de la vie! | Never in my life! | 39 | |
9085875342 | Ah! Tu veux dire que .... | Ah! You mean that .... | 40 | |
9085875343 | Tu dis que .... | You're saying that .... | 41 | |
9085875344 | Si je comprends bien, .... | If I understand you well, .... | 42 | |
9085875345 | Je pense que tu veux dire que .... | I think that you mean that .... | 43 | |
9085875346 | Mais oui, c'est bien ça. | Yes, that's it. | 44 | |
9085875347 | Parfait. | perfect | 45 | |
9085875348 | Est-ce que ça te dérange? | Does that bother you? | 46 | |
9085875349 | Et toi, qu'est-ce que tu en penses? | And you, what do you think? | 47 | |
9085875350 | Que ferais-tu? | What would you do? | 48 | |
9085875351 | Que penserais-tu si . . . ? | What would you think if ....? | 49 | |
9085875352 | Il me semble que .... | It seems to me that .... | 50 | |
9085875353 | Moi, je préfère .... | Me, I prefer .... | 51 | |
9085875354 | Quand à moi, .... | As for me, .... | 52 | |
9085875355 | À mon avis, .... | In my opinion, .... | 53 | |
9085875356 | Je pense / crois que .... | I think / believe that .... | 54 |