Unit Two - Psychology of Human Relations Flashcards
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6006377394 | Personality | An individual's unique assortment of consistent behavior, emotion and attitude patterns | 0 | |
6006384980 | Trait | durable pattern of behavior regardless of situation | 1 | |
6006396969 | Five-Factor Model of Personality | OCEAN - developed by McCrae and Costa - most prevalent personality inventory used today | 2 | |
6006413088 | Extraversion | more sociable; gets energy from others; more affectionate than reserved | 3 | |
6006417986 | Neuroticism | more anxious, worried, insecure, and lacking in consistency of mood | 4 | |
6006428649 | Openness to Experience | more imaginative, independent, and willing to risk | 5 | |
6006435358 | Agreeableness | tends to be soft hearted, trusting, and helpful | 6 | |
6006441977 | Conscientiousness | well-organized, careful, and self-disciplined; tries hard | 7 | |
6006453572 | Sigmund Freud | father of psychoanalytic theory; believed the unconscious plays a large role in our personality | 8 | |
6006459576 | Psychoanalysis | therapy technique put in place by Freud | 9 | |
6006464519 | 3 structures of personality | id, ego, superego | 10 | |
6006467566 | ID | based on the pleasure principle; part of our personality that wants things now | 11 | |
6006472770 | EGO | based on the reality principle; balance between the ID and the superego that is mature | 12 | |
6006476882 | SUPEREGO | based on the morality principle; the intensely moral component of our personality | 13 | |
6006488505 | Defense Mechanism | unconscious conflicts that arise when we feel anxiety | 14 | |
6006498553 | Rationalization | creating false excuses to justify unacceptable behavior | 15 | |
6006500902 | Repression | blocking distressing thoughts/feelings by burying them in our unconscious | 16 | |
6006505151 | Projection | attributing one's own thoughts, feelings, or motives to another person | 17 | |
6006510465 | Displacement | diverting emotional feelings from the original source to a substitute target | 18 | |
6006514043 | Reaction Formation | acting the opposite of your true, usually unacceptable, feelings | 19 | |
6006524762 | Regression | reverting to an earlier developmental behavior | 20 | |
6006527032 | Identification | aligning one's self with another person/group to build self-esteem | 21 | |
6006531080 | Neo-Freudians | people who believe in the basic premise behind the Freud's theory (unconscious) but not the degree of the negative aspects (aggreesion/sex) | 22 | |
6006535123 | Behavioral Perspective | observable behavior and experiences that are rewarded/punished determine one's personality | 23 | |
6006537740 | John B. Watson | father of behaviorism | 24 | |
6006544659 | Classical Conditioning | learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus gets combined with a stimulus that generates some type of response | 25 | |
6006547017 | Ivan Pavlov | father of classical conditioning | 26 | |
6006551860 | Operant Conditioning | a behavior that gets rewarded will be more likely to be performed again; while a behavior that is punished will be less likely to be performed again | 27 | |
6006557085 | B.F. Skinner | father of operant conditioning | 28 | |
6006560892 | Positive Reinforcement | a behavior is strengthened because a reward follows it | 29 | |
6006566224 | Negative Reinforcement | a behavior is strengthened because removal of something unpleasant follows it | 30 | |
6006574084 | Positive Punishment | a behavior is weakened because an aversive event follows it | 31 | |
6006582856 | Negative Punishment | a behavior Is weakened because something enjoyable is taken away | 32 | |
6006582857 | Observational Learning | when a person's behavior is dictated by their modeling of another's behavior | 33 | |
6006605037 | Albert Bandura | father of observational learning, the social-cognitive theory, and modeling | 34 | |
6006613081 | Bobo Doll Study | experiment by Bandura the exemplifies observational learning | 35 | |
6006622065 | Humanistic Perspective | believes humans are inherently good and focuses on the client's personal growth and own freedom | 36 | |
6006625514 | Carl Rogers | father of the Humanistic Theory | 37 | |
6006629696 | Person-centered Therapy | type of therapy that looks to help the client personally grow, find and build their self-concept | 38 | |
6006640354 | Congruence | the ability of a person to correctly identify their self-concept with reference to their actual experience(s) | 39 | |
6006651726 | Unconditional Positive Regard | love and affection that is not based on any characteristic other than being who you are | 40 | |
6006657349 | Abraham Maslow | humanistic theorist who is best known for his hierrarchy of needs | 41 | |
6006671561 | Hierarchy of Needs | a systematic arrangement of needs, according to priority, where the most basic of needs need to be met before other can be addressed | 42 | |
6006694258 | Self-Actualization | the top of Maslow's hierarchy; the full realization of one's potential | 43 | |
6006701432 | Hans Eysenck | most often linked to development of term introversion-extroversion | 44 | |
6009726159 | Twin Separated at Birth | best group to study to appreciate nature vs nurture argument | 45 | |
6009736173 | Evolutionary Psychology | believes that personality is the product of our biological processes that best aide in natural selection | 46 | |
6009748986 | Natural Selection | survival of the fittest concept that states that the traits most likely for survival and/or reproduction are the ones that will persist and get better and the traits not helping will die off | 47 | |
6009773240 | Standardization | uniform procedures used in testing environments to ensure equal opportunity | 48 | |
6009779730 | Test Norms | provide information about where a particular score ranks relative to other scores on the same test | 49 | |
6009786186 | Reliability | relates to the consistency of a test | 50 | |
6009788954 | Validity | relates to whether the test is measuring what it is supposed to measure | 51 | |
6009795934 | Self-report inventory | personality tests that ask individuals to analyze their own patterns of behavior | 52 | |
6009800973 | Projective Test | tests that use vague and ambiguous information to try and reveal underlying thoughts, feelings, etc. | 53 | |
6009809993 | Rorschach Test | projective style of test where people view inkblots and comment on what they are seeing | 54 | |
6009816493 | Thematic Apperception Test | projective style of test where people see pictures and describe what they feel is happening within them | 55 |