Chapter 9 AP World History Quiz Flashcards
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7784989542 | Crusades and cross-cultural exposure generated by them | -Europeans become aware of what they don't have -Latin works are translated into Arabic -Technologies spread from Muslim world -European though increased due to Muslims translations and commentary on pieces of literature and art | 0 | |
7784990934 | Church Schisms | -Split between groups -Pope's territorial jurisdiction (Pope felt that he should have more power than Patriarch) -Religious Doctrine | 1 | |
7784994085 | Council of Clermont | -Formed by Pope Urban the second under orders of the Byzantine emperor Alexium Comnenus -Order to go to Holyland and fight muslims | 2 | |
7784996115 | Women in Byzantine Empire | -Elite woman remained inside -If women went out they wore a veil -Poor women in rural areas worked the fields with husband | 3 | |
7784998143 | Reasons for population increase in Western Europe | -Technology -Plows and new horse harnesses allowed for more and better food to be produced -Surplus= trade= money= more support=bigger families | 4 | |
7785000053 | Hagia Sophia | -Church built in Constantinople - Under rule of Justinian -Design used as a model and reference for others in time period and after -Name means holy wisdom | 5 | |
7785003440 | Power base in Kievan Russia | -Power (political) is gained from trade -Very uncommon, because usually comes from landholding | 6 | |
7785004492 | Monasticism | -Living in a religious community apart from society and following a set of rules, obedience, and poverty -Large element of Christianity and Buddhism -Monasteries became a primary center of learning and literacy during the medieval times | 7 | |
7785004493 | Charles Martel | -French man that wants France to remain in power -In the Battle of Tours, which hautled the Muslim expansion from moving into France | 8 | |
7785007114 | Power struggle between kings and popes | -Carolingian gets crown from Pope (gives pope power) -Carolingian goes behind Pope's back and crowns his own son, which begins the feud -Disagreements create nepotism (giving preferment to close relatives) and simony (selling church jobs) -Pope Gregory the 7th makes large set of rules that cant be broken -Excommunicates Henry the 4th and later brings him back (gives Pope more power) - | 9 | |
7785007115 | Treaty of Verdun | -Split of land among 3 grandsons of Carolingian -France (french speaking) -Burgundy (middle) -German (german language) | 10 | |
7785011128 | Investiture controversy | -Battle between the popes and the kings (see other notes) | 11 | |
7785012140 | Invasion of England 1066 | -Battle of Hastings -William the conqueror invades England and claims he should be the rightful holder of the crown -Sailed across the English Cannel -Bayeaux Tapestry (shows battle and was made by women) | 12 | |
7785013471 | Simony | -Selling of church jobs by the ruler -Going behind the Pope -Gave the kings more power and wasn't good outcome | 13 | |
7785013472 | Feudal titles | -King -Lords (get land connects with people) -Vassals (Lesser lords) -Knights (fiefs are medival land grants for service) -Peasants -Serfs (protected and lived in the land) (could not be bought or sold) | 14 | |
7785017182 | Challenges to the Catholic Church 10th century | -Regional disagreements over church regulations -Shortages of Education (trained clergy) -Difficult Communications -Political Disorders -Unifying Issues -Clergies begin to marry, which isn't allowed | 15 | |
7785021348 | What was happening to the Byzantium and western Europe around 1200? | -Western Europe was improving their military and was showing renewed vitality -Byzantine showed signs of decline and military weakness | 16 | |
7795394496 | Byzantium lost a part of their empire to who? | -To Arab invaders -Lost Egypt, Syria, and Tunisa | 17 | |
7795398352 | What was the plague of Justinian? | -Bubonic plague epidemic that spread in the 6th century in Western Europe and Byzantine empire | 18 | |
7795400901 | After the 7th century what happened to women? | -Confined to home -Had to wear a vail if they wanted to leave the house | 19 | |
7795404371 | Byzantium's inherited the style of their economy from what older empire? | -The Late Roman Empire | 20 | |
7795407095 | List 2 cultural achievements of the Byzantines? | -Hagia Sofia (cathedral in Constantinople) -Cyrillic Alphabet | 21 | |
7795414367 | In Western Europe, what supplanted the edicts of the Roman Emperors? | -By family-bases of Germanic people | 22 | |
7795419321 | Who finally stopped the Umayyad caliphs from invading Europe in 732? | -Charles Martel -Charlemagne's grandfather | 23 | |
7795422226 | Who were the sea raiders from Scandinavia? | -Vikings (new threat to western Europe) | 24 | |
7795427561 | What was the term used to describe the long-standing traditions of landholding and obligation during the middle ages? | -Manor | 25 | |
7795431425 | What emerged as the central figure in medieval warfare? | -Knights | 26 | |
7795436042 | How did a knight get the necessary financial revenue? | -Used land revenues -Called Fief | 27 | |
7795439583 | What was a disagreement between secular rulers (kings) and popes? | -Invesiture Controversy (who held power) | 28 | |
7795442726 | What were 4 aspects of the Rule of Benedict? | -Organized monasteries -Made rules to govern Monks -Many other towns modeled systems of this ruling -Began as a hermit in a cave (not popular, had to build himself up) | 29 | |
7795445476 | List 3 responsibilities and/ or achievements of monasteries? | -Live a life of devolution and work -Obligation of poverty and celibacy -Obedience to the abbot | 30 | |
7795451799 | Which form of Christianity did Vladimir choose? | -Orthodox Christianity | 31 | |
7795454790 | What was the political power derived from in Kievan Russia? | -From trade rather than from landholding | 32 | |
7795459016 | What played a significant role in the doubling of the western European population? Give specific examples. | -Technology played an important role -England: 1.1 million to 1.9 million -France: 5.2 million to 9.2 million -Both happened in 114 years | 33 | |
7795461970 | Where did independent cities first appear? | - First appeared in Italy and Flanders | 34 | |
7795461971 | What are communes? | -Group of leading citizens who bonded together to defend the city and demand the privileges of self-government form the lord | 35 | |
7795464805 | List 4 reasons that contributed to the Crusades? | -Leaders of Latin Church sought for a warlike tone -Knights welcomed the idea of fighting other Christians -Nobles wanted land and titles for status -Italian merchants wanted to increase trade | 36 | |
7795466652 | What was the council of Clermont? | -Assembly for the church with Pope Urban 11 -Was ordered by the Byzantine emperor Alexium Comnenus | 37 | |
7795469425 | What did the Europeans borrow from the Muslims as a result of interaction form the Crusades? | -Learned how to make pasta, paper, refined sugar, colored glass, etc. | 38 | |
7795472318 | Intellectually, how did the Muslims contribute to European thought? | -Introduced things that allowed the Europeans to become aware of what things they lacked in their lives -Their translations of and commentaries on Greek philosophical and scientific works that provided a vital stimulus to European thought | 39 | |
7795475235 | Who is Eleanor of Aquitaine and why is she famous? | -One of the most influential women of the crusading era -Husband was King Louis the 7th of France | 40 | |
7795479330 | What are troubadours and what was the favorite instrument? | -Group of poet singers -Favorite instrument was the lute (similar to a guitar) | 41 |