AP World History Vocabulary Flashcards
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10388492420 | BCE | Before the Common Era | 0 | |
10388494620 | CE | Common Era | 1 | |
10388496711 | Abdicate | to renounce the throne | 2 | |
10388498988 | Accession | Coming to the possession of a right | 3 | |
10388511887 | Aesthetic | Concerned with notions such as beautiful and ugly | 4 | |
10388518626 | Agrarian | Pertaining to farmers | 5 | |
10388520264 | Amenities | An agreeable way or manner | 6 | |
10388522901 | Anarchy | A state of society without government or law | 7 | |
10388525597 | Antiquity | the quality of being ancient | 8 | |
10388535028 | Animism | The belief that natural objects have souls | 9 | |
10388537284 | Appeasement | To yield to the demands of something/someone sometimes at the expense of justice | 10 | |
10388546020 | Aristocracy | government by those considered to be the best or most able people in the state | 11 | |
10388549510 | Asceticism | Suggesting the practice of self-discipline typically for religious reasons | 12 | |
10388553817 | Assimilate | To bring conformity (adapt or adjust) | 13 | |
10388556460 | Authoritarian | Enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of freedom | 14 | |
10388566006 | Autocracy | Government where one person has unlimited authority over others | 15 | |
10388568310 | Barbarism | Absence of culture and civilization | 16 | |
10388585136 | Bureaucracy | The body of officials in a government setting | 17 | |
10388594464 | City-State | A city with its surrounding territory forms an independent state | 18 | |
10388599744 | Civic | of citizens | 19 | |
10388600493 | Classical | Conforming to Ancient Greek and Roman models in literature or art | 20 | |
10388603911 | Colonial | Pertaining to the 13 British colonies that became the USA | 21 | |
10388613675 | Commerce | The activity of buying or selling | 22 | |
10388621795 | Communal | Shared in common by everyone in a group | 23 | |
10388627072 | Concubine | A second wife | 24 | |
10388629122 | Conscription | A contribution of money to a government during a time of war | 25 | |
10388632015 | Cosmopolitan | Free from ideas | 26 | |
10388633169 | Coup | A brave deed preformed in battle by a single warrior (striking an enemy warrior without getting injured) | 27 | |
10388639581 | Demography | The science of vital and social statistics | 28 | |
10388643569 | Despot | Ruler with unlimited power | 29 | |
10388644614 | Diaspora | The scattering of Jews beyond Israel Di | 30 | |
10388649716 | Dissent | To differ from the main opinion | 31 | |
10388651387 | Dissident | A person who differs in opinion | 32 | |
10388652812 | Domestic | No longer wild | 33 | |
10388655269 | Dynasty | A sequence of rulers from the same family | 34 | |
10388657134 | Edict | A decree issued by an authority | 35 | |
10388659340 | Egalitarian | Believing that all people are equal and deserve equal rights | 36 | |
10388663720 | Elite | A part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability | 37 | |
10388670466 | Emigrate | To leave one county to settle in another | 38 | |
10388672050 | Epic | Impressively great | 39 | |
10388673252 | Ethnocentric | The belief that is superior in a single ethnic group | 40 | |
10388683950 | Feudalism | The feudalism system (its practices) | 41 | |
10388685287 | Genocide | The extermination of a group of people | 42 | |
10388686695 | Gentry | an upper of ruling class | 43 | |
10388689677 | Guild | An organization of people with related interests | 44 | |
10388692492 | Hierarchy | Any system of people or things ranked one above the other | 45 | |
10388695091 | Hominoids | Any member of the group consisting or all modes an extinct humans and great apes an all their immediate ancestors | 46 | |
10388735271 | Homogenous | Corresponding in structure because of a common origin | 47 | |
10388738449 | Ideology | A myth with reference to some political and social plan and putting it into operation | 48 | |
10388742604 | Imperial | Characterizing the rule of a sovereign state over its dependencies | 49 | |
10388755243 | Indigenous | Originating in a particular region | 50 | |
10388758284 | Infrastructure | The basic structures needed for the operation of a society enterprise | 51 | |
10388763555 | Linguistic | Belonging to a language | 52 | |
10388766340 | Manifest | To make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding | 53 | |
10388770138 | Maritime | Connected to sea in relation to navigation | 54 | |
10388776029 | Martial | Warlike | 55 | |
10388777897 | Matrilineal | Inheriting descent through the female line | 56 | |
10388780491 | Mercenary | Hired to serve in an over seas army | 57 | |
10388820891 | Monarchy | Supreme power held by a single person | 58 | |
10388824499 | Monopoly | Exclusive control over a service in a particular market or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices | 59 | |
10388830079 | Monotheism | The belief that there is only one God | 60 | |
10388831776 | Nation-State | A sovereign state whose citizens are homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent | 61 | |
10388837510 | Mystical | Spiritually symbolic | 62 | |
10388959444 | Neo | A renewed form | 63 | |
10388960348 | Neolithic | The last phase of the Stone Age | 64 | |
10388962220 | Nomadic | Wandering (nomad life) | 65 | |
10388963733 | Oligarchy | Form of government where all power is invested in a few people | 66 | |
10388966616 | Pantheon | The place of the hero | 67 | |
10388968092 | Papal | Authority of the Pope | 68 | |
10388969939 | Parliament | A legislature similar to parliament in other nations and states | 69 | |
10388972838 | System | Any assemblage of members | 70 | |
10388999495 | Pastoral | Pertaining to the country | 71 | |
10389007063 | Patriarchal | Male head of the family | 72 | |
10389008185 | Patrilineal | Inheriting descent through the male line | 73 | |
10389010351 | Patronage | Control to make appointments to government jobs or the power to grant political favors | 74 | |
10389012722 | Peasant | Uneducated person of little financial means | 75 | |
10389015077 | Pharaoh | any person who uses power to oppress others | 76 | |
10389016609 | Piety | Reverence for God or devout fulfillment of religious obligations | 77 | |
10389018796 | Polity | Being constituted as a state | 78 | |
10389020120 | Polygamy | Having more than one spouse | 79 | |
10389021863 | Polytheism | Belief in more than one God | 80 | |
10389025021 | Proselytize | Recruit (convert to a proselyte) | 81 | |
10389026794 | Provincial | Showing the manners of a province | 82 | |
10389027662 | Regent | A person appointed to administer a country because the monarch is a minor or is absent | 83 | |
10389085635 | Republic | State where power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen by them | 84 | |
10389114770 | Rhetoric | The study of the effective use of language | 85 | |
10389130190 | Sedentary | Accustomed to rest a great deal | 86 | |
10389131653 | Serf | A slave | 87 | |
10389132431 | Sharia | Law | 88 | |
10389134933 | Sinification | Non-Chinese societies come under the influence of Chinese culture | 89 | |
10389137973 | State | A territory considered as an organized political community under one government | 90 | |
10389140607 | Steppe | Large area of flat unforested grassland in Siberia | 91 | |
10389143860 | Stratification | The arrangement of something into different groups | 92 | |
10389145882 | Sub-Saharan | Forming part of the Sahara desert | 93 | |
10389147321 | Subordinate | Lower rank | 94 | |
10389148119 | Succession | Process of inheriting title | 95 | |
10389150694 | Syncretism | The amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought | 96 | |
10389154941 | Textiles | A type of cloth | 97 | |
10389155871 | Theocracy | A system of government where priests rule in the name of God | 98 | |
10389158308 | Theology | The study of the nature of God and religious belief | 99 | |
10389172406 | Totalitarian | System of government that is centralized and requires complete subservience to the state | 100 | |
10389174773 | Tributary State | Subordinate to a more powerful neighbor | 101 | |
10389177239 | Tyranny | Cruel rule | 102 | |
10389178339 | Urban | City or town | 103 | |
10389179187 | Usurp | To take | 104 | |
10389180616 | Vernacular | Language spoken by the ordinary people in the region | 105 |