AP Language Vocabulary Flashcards
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10655656627 | Acuity | Sharpness, keeness | 0 | |
10655656628 | Adept | Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude | 1 | |
10655656629 | Admonish / Admonition | Warn, scold, caution | 2 | |
10655656630 | Ambiguous | Unclear meaning, two possible interpretations | 3 | |
10655656631 | Apocalyptic | Involving or portending widespread devastation or ultimate doom | 4 | |
10655656632 | Apocryphal | Of questionable authenticity | 5 | |
10655656633 | Appellation | A name, title, or designation | 6 | |
10655656634 | Archetype / archetypal | An original model, pattern or type (after an original model) | 7 | |
10655656635 | Ascertain | To determine To find out | 8 | |
10655656636 | Assiduous | Diligent, persistent | 9 | |
10655656637 | Baize | A type of coarse woolen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card tables | 10 | |
10655656638 | Base | Inferior, dishonorable | 11 | |
10655656639 | Bastion | A well-fortified position | 12 | |
10655656640 | Berate | To rebuke, reprimand, or scold | 13 | |
10655656641 | Bourgeoisie | The middle class In Marxist theory, the social group opposed to the proletariat (working class) | 14 | |
10655656642 | Calumny | Slander A false statement maliciously made to injure another's reputation | 15 | |
10655656643 | Cant | Tedious talk Monotonous talk filled with platitudes | 16 | |
10655656644 | Censure | To reprimand To excommunicate (expel, as from the priesthood) | 17 | |
10655656645 | Coarse | Lacking refinement or rough grained in texture | 18 | |
10655656646 | Confute | To prove to be wrong or in error | 19 | |
10655656647 | Connoisseur | Person with expert knowledge or training, especially in the fine arts | 20 | |
10655656648 | Corporeal | Having physical substance, material form | 21 | |
10655656649 | Decry | Express strong disapproval of | 22 | |
10655656650 | Defer / deference | Submit or yield to another's wish or opinion | 23 | |
10655656651 | Deliquesce | To disappear as if by melting | 24 | |
10655656652 | Dilatory | Inclined to waste time and lag behind | 25 | |
10655656653 | Disparage | To criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value them | 26 | |
10655656654 | Draught | A current of unpleasantly cold air blowing through a room (archaic for draft) | 27 | |
10655656655 | Dray | A large low carriage with four wheels pulled by | 28 | |
10655656656 | Dyspeptic / Dyspepsia | Always angry or easily annoyed or having indigestion | 29 | |
10655656657 | Elicit | To call forth, draw out, or provoke To bring or draw out | 30 | |
10655656658 | Emit | To send out a beam, noise, small or gas | 31 | |
10655656659 | Espionage | Spying The discovering of secrets, especially political or military information of another country or the industrial information of a business | 32 | |
10655656660 | Facile | East, effortless | 33 | |
10655656661 | Feign | To pretend, to dissemble, to misrepresent | 34 | |
10655656662 | Fester | To become infected, to suppurations An infection (can be a noun and a verb) | 35 | |
10655656663 | Festoon | Draped, decorated as for a parade or state event | 36 | |
10655656664 | Fledgling | New and inexperienced | 37 | |
10655656665 | Gainsay | Challenge, dispute | 38 | |
10655656666 | Genuflect | To now as before a priest | 39 | |
10655656667 | Grandeur | Magnificent, splendid, vast beauty | 40 | |
10655656668 | Grudging | Done in an unwilling way Unwillingly | 41 | |
10655656669 | Hack | A reporter, artist or writer whose work is not very good | 42 | |
10655656670 | Husband | To use something carefully so that you do not use all of it | 43 | |
10655656671 | Illicit | Contrary to accepted morality (especially sexual morality) or convention | 44 | |
10655656672 | Illusory | Not real, based on illusion | 45 | |
10655656673 | Imbibe | To drink, especially alcohol | 46 | |
10655656674 | Inexorable | Without end, interminable | 47 | |
10655728433 | Introspection | Examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings | 48 | |
10655746416 | Kowtow | To show too much respect to someone in authority, always obeying them and changing what you do in order to please them What a "toady" does, sucking up | 49 | |
10655746417 | Languid, languished, languor | Without energy Pleasant mental or physical tiredness or lack of activity | 50 | |
10655746418 | Latent | Potentially existing but not presently evident or realized | 51 | |
10655746419 | Magnanimity | Great generosity of spirit or money | 52 | |
10658160045 | Malevolent | I'll will, malicious | 53 | |
10658160046 | Mutton | Meat from a sheep | 54 | |
10658160047 | Orthodoxy | A belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards | 55 | |
10658160048 | Parochial | Provincial Country like, or of a parish (church community or region) | 56 | |
10658160049 | Pathos | Poignancy Quality of emotion in a work of art of literature | 57 | |
10658160050 | Pecuniary | Relating to money | 58 | |
10658160051 | Permeate | Pervade, penetrate, get into everything | 59 | |
10658160052 | Pernicious | Deadly, harmful, pestilent | 60 | |
10658160053 | Pious | Godly, reverent, holy (state of being pious) | 61 | |
10658160054 | Plait / plaits | To braid Braids | 62 | |
10658160055 | Porter | A railroad employee who assists passengers | 63 | |
10658160056 | Prattle | Idle talk, to go on and on meaninglessly | 64 | |
10658160057 | Precipitate / precipitous | To chase to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely Done hastily, without thought | 65 | |
10658160058 | Precocious | Characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity, especially mental development | 66 | |
10658334606 | Prerogative | Privilege, right | 67 | |
10658334607 | Profligate | Wasteful, extravagant, prodigal | 68 | |
10658334608 | Prostrate | To lay face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration | 69 | |
10658334609 | Prudent | Careful and sensible Marked by sound judgment | 70 | |
10658334610 | Qualm | An uncomfortable feeling of doubt about whether you are doing the right thing | 71 | |
10658334611 | Randy | Sexually aroused | 72 | |
10658334612 | Recitation | an event when one recites a literary work (usually) orally for an audience | 73 | |
10661189756 | reiterate | to say or explain again | 74 | |
10661190464 | resonant | strong and deep in one or strongly reminiscent evocative | 75 | |
10661191309 | rheumatism | any painful disorder of joints or muscles or connective tissues | 76 | |
10661192887 | sated | satisfied, full | 77 | |
10661192888 | scant | barely sufficient | 78 | |
10661195101 | schizoid | of, relating to, or having a personality disorder marked by extreme shyness, flat affect, discomfort with others, and an inability to form close relationships a person who is reclusive | 79 | |
10661197481 | self-abasement | to put oneself down, to denigrate oneself | 80 | |
10661198487 | sodden | drenched, soaked, sopping expressionless, stupid, or dull, especially from drink | 81 | |
10661199862 | tawdry | cheap, gaudy, trashy, tacky | 82 | |
10661200510 | throes | condition of agonizing struggle or trouble | 83 | |
10661202670 | timorous | fearful, shy, timid | 84 | |
10661203234 | torrent | an overwhelming number or amount or violently fast stream of water | 85 | |
10661204463 | torpor | listlessness, languor, without energy, apathetic | 86 | |
10661205450 | transcendent | beyond ordinary, sublime | 87 | |
10661205916 | transient | fleeting, not lasting | 88 | |
10661206814 | tremulous | quivering as from weakness or fear | 89 | |
10661208160 | turbid | churned up, cloudy, muddy, murky | 90 | |
10661208881 | unabashed | not embarrassed | 91 | |
10661208882 | variegated | having streaks, marks, or patches of a different color or colors varicolored | 92 | |
10661210819 | veracity | truthfulness | 93 | |
10661210820 | veritable | being true so-called real or genuine | 94 | |
10661211984 | vigilant | on guard, cautiously aware, continuous attention | 95 | |
10661212654 | vigilante | one who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one's own hands | 96 | |
10661213562 | vociferation | cry out loudly and vehemently, especially in protest | 97 | |
10661214577 | voluble | talking easily, readily, and at length fluent | 98 | |
10661215602 | weft | the horizontal threads interlaced through the warp in a woven fabric | 99 |