AP Literature Flashcards
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11016006413 | effervescent (adj) | bubbly, lively Kate's effervescent personality made her the perfect choice for her dream profession hosting a show Synonyms: Fizzy, Resilient. excited , gleeful, exuberant, Antonyms- Flat, Stale, languid, dead, dull, lifeless | 0 | |
11016271070 | Covert (adj) | secretive; veiled The fictitious James Bond was a master o covert operations Synonyms- camouflage, clandestine, concealed disguised private shrouded Antonyms- Open, overt, public, uncovered. unveiled, unhidden, aboveboard | 1 | |
11016793990 | soporific adjective | causing sleep The biology lecture proved to be so soporific that soon I found myself dozing Synonyms- boring, tiring, dull, mesmerizing, sedative Antonyms- exciting, awakening, exhilarating, energizing, lively , revitalizing , | 2 | |
11016920058 | irascible (adj) | easily angered; hot tempered We learned to keep quiet around the irascible old man ; we knew anything we said would make him angry Synonyms- irritable, hostile, querulous, cranky, cantankerous, petulant, grouchy, surty Antonyms- calm, tranquil, peaceful, placid, kind, amiable, sweet, friendly | 3 | |
11017071323 | Disdain ( n.) | scorn, contempt Those who did not share the governments beliefs treated the soldier with disdain Synonyms- hatred, loathing, disgust, ridicule, derision, snobbishness, insolence antipathy Antonyms- Love, acceptance, caring, charity, honor, admiration, respect, approval, praise reverence | 4 | |
11017165558 | lugubrious (adj) | exaggerated mournful; refer to people or things that make people feel mournful The young man wore a lugubrious expression for weeks after his favorite musician died, Synonyms- dejected, downhearted, melancholy, depressed, miserable, joyless, sorrowful woebegone Antonyms- elated, euphoric, exhilarated, happy, cheerful, lively, pleasant, gleeful | 5 | |
11017266822 | assiduous (adj) | hard working; diligent She was not a natural athlete but with assiduous effort she became the best soccer player at the school Synonyms- attentive, industrious, tenacious, preserving, untiring, laborious, sedulous Antonyms- lazy, neglectful, negligent, disinterested, indifferent, idle, unemployment | 6 | |
11017330060 | recalcitrant ( adj) | stubbornly resisting to authority or restraint The recalcitrant young man refused to perform any of the requested tasks; he was as stubborn as a mule Synonyms- Disobedient, pigheaded, intractable. unmanageable, defiant, obstinate, reluctant, non-compliant Antonyms- Amenable, docile, pliant, flexible, compliant, conforming, submissive, cooperative | 7 | |
11017481616 | tenacious (adj) | persistent, resolute After years of physical therapy the tenacious polio victim eventually walked again Synonyms adamant, determined, stubborn, forceful, inflexible, obstinate, relentless, staunch Antonyms- surrendering, weak, yielding, submissive, timid, deferring, cowardly, meek | 8 | |
11017630899 | intuitive | instinctive, untaught My mother's talent with decorating is completely intuitive; she's never taken a decorating course Synonyms- innate, understood, automatic, habitual, inherent, natural, involuntary, visceral Antonyms- taught, learned, obtuse, dense, conscious, deliberate, imperceptive | 9 | |
11017677375 | vociferous(adj) | loud or vehement noisy The baseball commissioner continued his speech despite the vociferous protests of the players and fans Synonyms- cacophonous, clamorous, boisterous, raucous , riotous, ranting , uproarious Antonyms-harmony, quiet, euphonious, meek, silent, restrained calm, subtle | 10 | |
11017936851 | prosaic (adj) | dull, ordinary; run-of the - mill The students prosaic writing style bored her literature teacher so much that he disliked grading her essays Synonyms- banal, boring , commonplace, lack m luster, hackneyed, mundane, routine. interesting Antonyms- flashy, exciting, vibrant flamboyant, extraordinary, original, extravagant | 11 | |
11018039027 | Ravenous( adj) | hungry; very eager After three days of being trapped underground, the coal miners were ravenous Synonyms- voracious, starving, famished, anxious, anticipating Antonyms- full, satisfied, content, satiated, comfortable | 12 | |
11018105671 | loquacious (adj) | talkative The students on the debate team were naturally loquacious which often led to long discussions Synonyms- verbose, garrulous, chatty, extroverted, jabbering, communicative, blabbering ,gabby Antonyms- silent, reticent, mute, meek, curt, succinct, laconic | 13 | |
11018216920 | incongruous (adj) | not compatible or harmonious; out of place The frilly party dress seemed incongruous in the closet filled with jeans and sweatshirts Synonyms- conflicting, misplaced, incompatible, dissimilar, foreign, discordant, disparate Antonyms- similar, fitting, compliant, logical, congruent, compatible, harmonious | 14 | |
11018308991 | reclusive (adj) | withdrawn, hermit-like The reclusive tendencies of the billionaire caused him to abandon his city of life and more to an isolated area of the country Synonyms, antisocial, solitary . reserved Antonyms gregarious, sociable , public | 15 | |
11018350566 | hackneyed | overused, cliched Although the images and metaphor used in the holiday poem one hackneyed, the rhyme is still fun to recite Synonyms- stereotyped, trite, typical, dull, unoriginal, pedestrian Antonyms- care, original, uncommon, innovative, fresh, new, unusual, interesting | 16 | |
11018433482 | impetuous (adj) | acting suddenly with little thought The impetuous stockbroker sold off his holdings as soon as the market dipped slightly Synonyms- spontaneous, impulsive, capricious, hasty, reckless, rash, whimsical, hurried Antonyms- meticulous, premeditated, thought-out, scrupulous, planned, deliberate, cautious, considered | 17 | |
11018567400 | erudite (adj) | very learned Geoff's father was an erudite scholar; he had read almost everything printed about Shakespeare Synonyms- scholarly educated, knowledgeable, intelligent, sagacious , wise Antonyms- intelligent, ignorant, stupid, educated, dense, moronic, idiotic | 18 | |
11018572498 | Condescending (adj) | patronizing The hostess's condescending look and tone of voice caused us to leave the restaurant Synonyms - arrogant, haughty, egotistical, supercilious, superior Antonyms - approachable, shy, friendly, humble polite | 19 |