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5015662847 | BEDOUINS | Nomadic people of the Arabian Peninsula, they were organized into kingship-based tribes | 0 | |
5015664728 | KA'BA | Most important shrine which held the Black Stone | 1 | |
5015664729 | BLACK STONE | The shrine inside the KA'BA; held connections to spirits and Gods | 2 | |
5015668331 | JINNS | Jinns represented the desert peoples spirits which were believed to reside in natural objects | 3 | |
5015668332 | MUHAMMAD | The founder of Islam; had a religious experience that he described as a vision from Allah | 4 | |
5015673246 | UMMA | Muslim community that began in Medina | 5 | |
5015673247 | ABU BAKR | Muhammad's successor; ordered those who had acted as secretaries for Muhammad to organize the Prophets revelations into Qur'an | 6 | |
5015676847 | QUR'AN | The sacred word of Allah | 7 | |
5015676848 | HADITH | A collection of stories about and sayings of Muhammad | 8 | |
5015679295 | SHARI'A | Law based on beliefs in the Qur'an and Hadith | 9 | |
5015681351 | SEAL OF PROPHETS | The last of prophets send by God to communicate with human beings | 10 | |
5015681352 | FIVE PILLARS OF FAITH | The basic principals of Islam | 11 | |
5015685942 | CONFESSION OF FAITH | To become a muslim, a person must take this statement: "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet" | 12 | |
5015685943 | PRAYER | Muslims must pray 5 times a day turned to face Mecca | 13 | |
5015687897 | FASTING | For one month of the muslim year (Ramadan) muslims must fast from sunup to sundown | 14 | |
5015689746 | ALMS | The faithful must give a portion of their wealth as alms to the needy | 15 | |
5015689747 | HAJJ | Once in a lifetime, a muslim must visit Mecca | 16 | |
5015692267 | MOSQUE | Temple for Muslim worship | 17 | |
5015692268 | CALIPH | Political and Religious successor to Muhammad | 18 | |
5015694683 | JIHAD | Used to describe Muslim warfare | 19 | |
5015698755 | SHI'ITES | Those who resisted the authority of the first three caliphs and also Ali's successor Muawiya; formed a significant minority within Islam | 20 | |
5015701259 | UMAYYAD DYNASTY | Muawiya founded dynasty | 21 | |
5015701260 | SUNNI | Supporters of Muawiya; larger majority of Muslims | 22 | |
5015706654 | CALIPHATES | Islamic Empires which became hereditary | 23 | |
5015706655 | PEOPLE OF THE BOOK | Jews and Christians who were considerably better treated | 24 | |
5015709448 | ABBASID DYNASTY | Abbasids claim to be descendants of Muhammad's uncle, so at first they were acceptable to Shi'ites than the Umayyads | 25 | |
5015709449 | SHARI'A | Body of Islamic Law | 26 | |
5015712021 | ULAMA | Religious scholars that interpreted the Qur'an | 27 | |
5015712022 | VIZIER | a head of government directed by the caliph and a state council | 28 | |
5015712023 | SUFI | A branch of Islam that grew quite rapidly during the Abbasid Dynasty, believed in a life devoted to seeking individual connections to divine truth | 29 | |
5015714494 | GOLDEN AGES | During the golden age, a civilization would be quite prosperous, innovative in arts, sciences and literature | 30 | |
5015714495 | DHOWS | sailing vessels with lateen sails that carried goods in the indian ocean routes | 31 | |
5015719218 | THE THE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS | a compilation of folktales | 32 | |
5015719242 | MADRASAS | urban universities that actively preserved and translated the writings of the indians and greeks | 33 | |
5015722441 | MINARET | key feature in mosque, where a specially trained muezzin would call prayer 5 times a day | 34 | |
5015722442 | SELJUK TURKS | nomadic people originally from central asia who lived primarily on the borders of the Abbasid lands | 35 | |
5015724866 | SULTAN | "chieftain" | 36 | |
5015724867 | MIDDLE AGES | between 500 to 1500 C.E; preceded by the Roman Empire and followed by the European Renaissance | 37 | |
5015728285 | MEDIEVAL TIMES | between 500 to 1500 C.E; preceded by the Roman Empire and followed by the European Renaissance | 38 | |
5015731913 | EARLY MIDDLE AGES | 500 to 1000 C.E; Germanic Tribes that had invaded the that invaded the Roman Empire settled into various parts Europe | 39 | |
5015731914 | HIGH MIDDLE AGES | 1000 to 1500 C.E; Recover Began, Towns grew, small cities emerged, trade with other area of Easter Hemisphere emerged | 40 | |
5015736598 | FUEDALISM | a complex system of of political and and military loyalties that linked lords together | 41 | |
5015736599 | MANORIALISM | an economic system in which peasants were tied to the land to supply labor to their lords | 42 | |
5015738895 | SERFS | an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate | 43 | |
5015738896 | FRANKS | For a brief time in the late 8th and early 9th centuries, it looked as if one group would unite all of the Western Europe under one king; failed | 44 | |
5015741839 | CLOVIS | The Franks organized a series of Germanic Kingdoms under their kings mainly through Military conquest, starting with ruler CLOVIS | 45 | |
5015741840 | CAROLINGIAN FAMILY | Clovis lost control of Frankish realm to | 46 | |
5015744303 | CHARLEMAGNE | conquered most of mainland western Europe, temporarily unifying it | 47 | |
5015744304 | MISSI DOMINICI | Royal Agents Charlemagne sent out; "eyes and ears" to report back to king | 48 | |
5015747632 | BARTER | the exchange of goods directly; early middle ages | 49 | |
5015747633 | BENEDICTINE RULE | came to be followed by almost all Italian, English, and Frankish monks and nuns | 50 | |
5015749960 | CANON LAW | rules for behavior that first filled the void of political authority in the early days | 51 | |
5015753412 | EXCOMMUNICATE | to separate from church and its sacraments | 52 | |
5015755887 | INTERDICT | deny religious rights to all people within a rulers realm | 53 | |
5015755888 | HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE | established in spirit with Charlemagne's crowning in 800 | 54 | |
5015758861 | LIMITED GOVERNMENT | limits power on ruler | 55 | |
5015758862 | MAGNA CARTER | a document thats King John of England was forced to sign to guarantee rights of nobility | 56 | |
5015760893 | PARLIAMENTS | created to give nobility and the clergy a voice among the elite | 57 | |
5015762800 | HUNDRED YEAR'S WAR | France and England; for territories the English King controlled in France | 58 | |
5015765053 | CRUSADES | a medieval military expedition, one of a series made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries | 59 | |
5015765054 | SALADIN | Muslim military and political leader who as sultan (or leader) led Islamic forces during the Crusades | 60 | |
5015767799 | HANSEATIC LEAGUE | Cities in northern Germany and southern Scandinavia to facilitate trade as more towns purchased charters | 61 | |
5015767800 | GUILDS | association of people who worked in the occupation | 62 | |
5015767801 | USURY | the charging of interest for the use of money | 63 | |
5015770314 | GHETTOS | small urban areas | 64 | |
5015770315 | POGROMS | anti-semetic mob actions | 65 | |
5015773854 | THOMAS AQUINS | the great medieval theologian | 66 | |
5015776983 | SCHOLASTICISM | the attempt to reconcile the beliefs and values of Christianly with logic reasoning from Greek Philosophy | 67 | |
5015779342 | VERNACULAR LANGUAGES | most important development in medieval literature | 68 | |
5015779343 | RENAISSANCE | rebirth, which would spread over Europe and come to full power in 15th and 15th centuries | 69 | |
5015782264 | BYZANTIME EMPIRE | ontinuation of the Roman Empire in the East during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantinople | 70 | |
5015785450 | SASSANID EMPIRE | sought to rebuild the old Persian Empire | 71 | |
5015785451 | HERETICAL | holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted | 72 | |
5015790658 | CAESAROPAPISM | political theory in which the head of state, notably the Emperor, is also the supreme head of the church | 73 | |
5015790659 | JUSTINIAN | Listen and followed advice of wife Theodora | 74 | |
5015793380 | HAGIA SOPHIA | Church of Holy Wisdom; one of most important examples Christian architecture | 75 | |
5015793381 | THEODORA | Empress who had exerted a great deal of influence over her husband Justinian | 76 | |
5015800599 | CYRILLIC | writing system adopted by Eastern Orthodox countries | 77 | |
5015912376 | ANIMISM | Spirits residing in ordinary objects and polytheism | 78 | |
5016791842 | VIKINGS | raiders from Scandinavia | 79 |