AP Language & Composition Vocab Flashcards
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8003913278 | Assertion | A confident or forceful statement of fact or belief. | 0 | |
8003918500 | Cogent | Clear, logical teaching. | 1 | |
8003920785 | Didactic | Intending to teach, especially something with moral instruction. | 2 | |
8003925946 | Erudite | Having or showing great knowledge or learning. | 3 | |
8003931523 | Esoteric | Only understood by a few people. | 4 | |
8003934810 | Haughty | Arrogantly superior or disdainful. | 5 | |
8003939530 | Incontrovertible | Unable to be denied or disputed. | 6 | |
8003944918 | Nostalgic | A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past. | 7 | |
8003952821 | Pretentious | Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, etc. than is actually possessed. | 8 | |
8003971683 | Oligarchy | A power structure in which a small number of people have all the power. | 9 | |
8003979089 | Efficacious | Successful in producing a desired or intended result. | 10 | |
8003989006 | Abject | Hopeless or miserable. | 11 | |
8003995447 | Pedantic | Highly concerned with small details. | 12 | |
8004005173 | Egalitarian | Believing that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. | 13 | |
8004011963 | Vitriol | Cruel or bitter criticism. | 14 | |
8004016535 | Despot | A ruler who holds all the power. | 15 | |
8004024853 | Cultural hegemony | The dominance of one social group over another. | 16 | |
8004031017 | Ubiquitous | Present, appearing, or found everywhere. | 17 | |
8004034225 | Ideology | A body of doctrine that guides a group of people. | 18 | |
8004042998 | Demagogue | A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular ideas rather than using rational argument. | 19 | |
8004062801 | Impoverished | Reduced to poverty. | 20 | |
8004068076 | Nascent | Just coming into existence and showing signs of future potential. | 21 | |
8004077815 | Prognostication | The act of foretelling future events. | 22 | |
8004086304 | Gregarious | Fond of company, sociable. | 23 | |
8004089394 | Pithy | Concise and forcefully expressive. | 24 | |
8004094768 | Staunch | Loyal and committed in attitude. | 25 | |
8004100632 | Hackneyed | Lacking significance through being overused. | 26 | |
8036268219 | Acquiesce | to accept something without arguing, even if you do not really agree with it | 27 | |
8036268220 | Catharsis (Cathartic adj) | Providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis. | 28 | |
8036268221 | Orthodox | Following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice | 29 | |
8036270810 | Proletariat | Working-class people regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism) | 30 | |
8036270811 | Fallacy | A mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments. | 31 | |
8036273837 | Draconian | (of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe. | 32 | |
8036277042 | Perfidy | The state of being deceitful and untrustworthy. | 33 | |
8036277548 | Diminutive | Extremely or unusually small. | 34 |