AP Language Vocab Section 12 Flashcards
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9343561475 | avaricious | Definition: greedy, covetous; having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain; seeking to hoard riches POS: adj Synonyms: gluttonous, hoarding, pleonectic, predatory, rapacious, selfish, acquisitive, mercenary, greedy, covetous, materialistic Antonyms: generous, altruistic, bountiful, magnanimous, munificent, philanthropic | 0 | |
9343561476 | beguile | Definition: to influence by trickery, flattery, etc.; to take away from by cheating or deceiving; to help pass time pleasantly, to lead by deception, to engage the interest of POS: V Synonyms: deceive, mislead, entice, seduce, delude, exploit, manipulate, allure, captivate; hoodwink, manipulate, exploit; charm, enchant, entrance, bewitch, mesmerize; entertain, amuse, occupy | 1 | |
9343561477 | conduit | Definition: a pipe, tube, etc. for conveying water or other fluid; protective pipe or tube; pipe or tube for protecting, natural or artificial channel through which fluid is conveyed; a tube for protecting electrical wiring POS: N Synonyms: channel, pipe, duct, leader, line, penstock, trough, tube, fountain, channel, aqueduct, siphon, canal, | 2 | |
9343561478 | coterie | Definition: a small group of people who associate closely; people with unifying common interests, usually exclusive (like a mini cult); exclusive group of people with mutual interests POS: N Synonyms: body, circle, clan, clique, community, gang, coven, crowd, klatsch, inner-circle, CABAL, cult Antonyms: loner, individualist | 3 | |
9343561479 | descried | Definition: to see something unclear or distant by looking carefully; to catch sight of, to find out by seeing something POS: V Synonyms: discern, espy, perceive, detect, ascertain, discover, to behold Antonyms: miss, to overlook, disregard, IGNORE neglect, overpass, to be blind to | 4 | |
9343561480 | equanimity | Definition: mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain POS: N Synonyms: calmness, equilibrium, aplomb, composure, countenance, imperturbability, placidity, repose, tranquility, balance, confidence, sangfroid (cold blooded) Antonyms: agitation, discomposure, perturbation, anxiety, alarm | 5 | |
9343561481 | gamin | Definition: a neglected boy left to run about the streets; street urchin POS: N Synonyms: ragamuffin, WAIF, stray, guttersnipe, imp, scamp, rapscallion, beggar, homeless person | 6 | |
9343561482 | maraud | Definition: to roam or go around in a quest of plunder; make a raid for booty POS: V Synonyms: despoil, loot, ransack, pillage, plunder, sack, foray, harass, harry, raid Antonyms: guard, protect, support | 7 | |
9343561483 | marauding | Definition: engaged in raiding for plunder, especially roaming about and ravaging an area; going about in search of things to steal POS: adj Synonyms: predatory, rapacious, ravaging, depredation Antonyms: defensive, protective | 8 | |
9343561484 | parsimonious | Definition: giving or sharing as little as possible; unwilling to spend money or use resource, exhibiting remarked by frugality to the point of stinginess POS: adj Synonyms: cheap, chintzy, miserly, stingy, PENURIOUS, pinching, sparing, uncharitable, frugal Antonyms: bounteous, charitable, generous, liberal, munificent, unsparing, PRODIGAL, giving, philanthropic | 9 | |
9343561485 | pecuniary | Definition: of or relating to money POS: adj Synonyms: monetary, financial, fiscal | 10 | |
9343561486 | proclivity | Definition: natural or habitual inclination or tendency; a strong inclination towards something; a strong liking for something and tendency to do it often POS: N Synonyms: propensity, predisposition, affection, affinity, aptitude, disposition, partiality, predilection, inclination, BENT, leaning, impulse, tendency, Antonyms: aversion, disfavor, disinclination, dislike, distaste, detachment, neutrality, indifference | 11 | |
9343561487 | recondite | Definition: dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter; beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; not understood by many people; hidden from site POS: adj Synonyms: esoteric, obscure, arcane, hermetic, kabbalistic, concealed, obtuse Antonyms: shallow, superficial, facile, simple, comprehensible, fathomable, lucid, perspicuous, easy | 12 | |
9343561488 | sebaceous | Definition: pertaining to, of the nature of, or resembling tallow or fat; secreting fatty material; relating to oil or fat POS: adj Synonyms: fatty, greasy, oleaginous, oily, adipose (fat) Antonyms: nonfat, LEAN | 13 | |
9343561489 | sublime | Definition: 1) of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe, tending to inspire awe due to elevated quality or transcedent excellence 2) to change directly into vapor when heated to pass from solid to vapor, to elevate, to exalt, dignify, distinguish, glorify POS: 1) adjective 2) verb Synonyms: 1) magnificent, grandeur, astonishing, prodigeous, staggering, utter, splendid, august, supreme Antonyms: 1) inferior, lower | 14 | |
9343561490 | vitiate | Definition: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of; destroy the legal force of something; debase; injure, twist, warp, defile, soil, sully, contaminate, taint; make faulty or defective; debase status POS: V Synonyms: annihilate, negate, squash, abate, abrogate, debase, impair, soil, sully, abolish, debauch, injure, make faulty or defective Antonyms: purify, elevate, improve, sublime | 15 |