AP Vocabulary List 23 Flashcards
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6166500506 | aphorism | a pithy observation that contains a general truth | 0 | |
6166500507 | assail | to attack vigorously or violently; assault | 1 | |
6166500508 | beget | to procreate; to produce as an effect; give rise to | 2 | |
6166502347 | bellicose | inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; belligerent | 3 | |
6166502348 | discourse | communication of thought by words; talk; conversation | 4 | |
6166503317 | garrison | a body of troops stationed in a fortified place | 5 | |
6166503318 | inculcate | to implant by repeated statement; teach persistently and earnestly | 6 | |
6166504841 | recourse | a source of help in a difficult situation | 7 | |
6166507577 | usurp | take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force | 8 | |
6166516241 | vexation | the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried | 9 |