AP Literature Vocabulary #1 Flashcards
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11640659386 | Assiduously (adv) | constant in application or effort; persevering | 0 | |
11640662653 | Acrimony (noun) | sharpness, harshness, or bitterness of nature, speech, disposition, etc. | 1 | |
11640665922 | Auspicious (adj) | promising success; favorable | 2 | |
11640669350 | Cajole (vt) | to persuade by flattery or promises | 3 | |
11640673546 | Capitulate (vi) | to surrender unconditionally or on specific terms; give up resistance | 4 | |
11640681272 | Capricious (adj) | erratic; subject to unpredictable change | 5 | |
11640686700 | Chagrin (noun) | a feeling of annoyance marked by disappointment or humiliation | 6 | |
11640692186 | Circumspect (adj) | watchful and discreet; cautious | 7 | |
11640694994 | Consternation (noun) | a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion | 8 | |
11640697406 | Delineate (vt) | draw or trace in outline of; depict graphically or verbally | 9 | |
11640697407 | Dirge (noun) | a funeral song or tune, expressing mourning in commemoration of the dead | 10 | |
11640702895 | Esoteric (adj) | understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest | 11 | |
11640705800 | Expedient (noun) | resource; a means devised in an exigency | 12 | |
11640709336 | Evanescent (adj) | vanishing; fading away | 13 | |
11640712305 | Fallibility (noun) | liable to err, especially in being deceived or mistaken | 14 | |
11640715439 | Gaffe (noun) | a social mistake; faux pas | 15 | |
11640715440 | Garish (adj) | crudely or tastelessly colorful, showy, or elaborate | 16 | |
11640720258 | Idiosyncratic (adj) | something unique to the individual | 17 | |
11640726316 | Irreverent (adj) | lacking respect or awe | 18 | |
11640729253 | Loquacious (adj) | talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering | 19 | |
11640731892 | Mendacious (adj) | telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful | 20 | |
11640734826 | Nebulous (adj) | hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused | 21 | |
11640738430 | Obsequious (adj) | characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning | 22 | |
11640741376 | Panacea (noun) | a remedy for all ills; cure-all; an answer to all problems | 23 | |
11640745354 | Pragmatic (adj) | of or relating to a practical point go view or practical considerations | 24 | |
11640748536 | Repudiate (vt) | to reject as having no authority or binding force; to cast off or disown | 25 | |
11640748537 | Scrupulous (adj) | having moral or ethical standards; having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right | 26 | |
11640755290 | Scurrilous (adj) | grossly or obscenely abusive | 27 | |
11640759887 | Supercilious (adj) | haughty disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or facial expression | 28 | |
11640768478 | Unassailable (adj) | not open to attack or assault | 29 |