Important Vocabulary for AP Spanish Language and Culture Flashcards
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8657148980 | alcanzar, realizar | to fulfill | 0 | |
8657157239 | típico | traditional, typical | 1 | |
8657166684 | las aspiraciones | aspirations | 2 | |
8657168843 | hacia | towards | 3 | |
8657173900 | la elección | choice, election | 4 | |
8657178497 | apasionado | passionate, enthusiastic | 5 | |
8657185234 | el error | mistake | 6 | |
8657188001 | la presión | pressure | 7 | |
8657200475 | los beneficios | benefits | 8 | |
8657200504 | el milagro | miracle | 9 | |
8657203007 | mejorar | to get better, to improve | 10 | |
8657207716 | acelerar | to accelerate, to speed up | 11 | |
8657218740 | el grado | degree, amount | 12 | |
8657226186 | todavía | still, yet | 13 | |
8657228921 | el bolsillo | 14 | ||
8657245506 | la cartera, billetera | wallet | 15 | |
8657251310 | egoista | selfish | 16 | |
8657253616 | permanente | permanent | 17 | |
8657255408 | dañar a | to harm, to damage | 18 | |
8657262266 | significativo | meaningful | 19 | |
8657271126 | la celebración | celebration | 20 | |
8657273552 | la tradición | tradition | 21 | |
8657275154 | la condición | condition | 22 | |
8657277440 | la grabación | recording | 23 | |
8657277463 | la opción | option | 24 | |
8657282384 | la cultura | culture | 25 | |
8657291713 | la reunión | reunion | 26 | |
8657293966 | la diversión | fun | 27 | |
8657296372 | el respeto | respect | 28 | |
8657309105 | finalmente, por último | ultimately | 29 | |
8657313166 | atender | to pay attention | 30 | |
8657322036 | asistir a | to attend | 31 | |
8657327597 | rentable | profitable | 32 | |
8657333222 | fiable | reliable | 33 | |
8657339468 | sin embargo | however | 34 | |
8657349781 | mayor, gran | major | 35 | |
8657354477 | incluyendo | including | 36 | |
8657356345 | el peligro | danger | 37 | |
8657359172 | la felicidad | happiness | 38 | |
8657363124 | los talentos | talents, gifts, skills | 39 | |
8657373604 | las posiciones | positions | 40 | |
8657382566 | dentro de, adentro | within | 41 | |
8657391903 | dar vueltas | to go around | 42 | |
8657410035 | aunque | even though | 43 | |
8657419084 | la cantidad | amount | 44 | |
8657420885 | el material | material | 45 | |
8657430353 | el éxito | succes | 46 | |
8657431850 | exitoso | successful | 47 | |
8657439466 | la cima | top | 48 | |
8657442812 | ganar dinero | to make money | 49 | |
8657446099 | cualificado, capaz | qualified | 50 | |
8657452966 | mostrar | to show | 51 | |
8657463625 | el campo de estudios | field study | 52 | |
8657475512 | los gastos | expenses | 53 | |
8657477209 | disfrutar | to enjoy | 54 | |
8657499557 | la razón | reason | 55 | |
8657502080 | lleno | full | 56 | |
8657510658 | llenado | filled | 57 | |
8657517801 | el empleado | employee | 58 | |
8657522150 | el título | degree | 59 | |
8657524684 | el estrés | stress | 60 | |
8657528153 | permitir | to allow | 61 | |
8657535452 | aunque, a pesar de | although | 62 | |
8657538277 | la parte | part | 63 | |
8657540225 | aparte | apart | 64 | |
8657554521 | tener éxito | to succeed | 65 | |
8657557050 | los puestos de trabajo | work positions | 66 | |
8657572375 | el estatus, la condición | status | 67 | |
8657575261 | los deseos | desires | 68 | |
8657577652 | la educación superior | higher education | 69 | |
8657585563 | el esfuerzo | effort | 70 | |
8657597351 | el propósito | purpose | 71 | |
8657597353 | escoger | to choose | 72 | |
8657602264 | requerir | to require | 73 | |
8657603821 | beneficiar | to benefit | 74 | |
8657605037 | el bienestar | well being | 75 | |
8657606595 | extra | extra | 76 | |
8657606596 | la competencia | competition | 77 | |
8657610602 | cierto, seguro, incuestionable | certain | 78 | |
8657615845 | elegir | to elect, to choose | 79 | |
8657620958 | contratar | to hire | 80 | |
8657625304 | despedir | to fire | 81 | |
8657630911 | viceversa | vice versa | 82 | |
8657634746 | la brecha | gap | 83 | |
8657637599 | mientras | while | 84 | |
8657642975 | el beneficio | benefit | 85 | |
8657646847 | además de | in addition to | 86 | |
8657653845 | recoger | to pick up | 87 | |
8657656257 | asistencia médica | healthcare | 88 | |
8657661199 | útil | useful, helpful | 89 | |
8657666917 | terminar, finalizar | to end up | 90 | |
8657677670 | adquirir | to acquire | 91 | |
8657683765 | seguir | to continue, to follow | 92 | |
8657687497 | aun si | even if | 93 | |
8657692463 | beneficioso, benéfico | beneficial | 94 | |
8657699286 | cualquier | any | 95 |