AP Literature Vocab Flashcards
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9646857388 | brazen | Shameless, bold, unabashed | 0 | |
9646859944 | compunction | Qualms, misgivings, uneasiness | 1 | |
9646863527 | din | Noise, ruckus, obnoxious sound | 2 | |
9646871348 | edict | Proclamation, decree, order | 3 | |
9646875568 | indiscretion | Uncalled for or inappropriate behavior | 4 | |
9646886375 | perquisite | Privilege, bonus, right | 5 | |
9646889154 | sepulcher | crypt, tomb, grave | 6 | |
9646893307 | suppliant | Beggar, pleaded, petitioner | 7 | |
9646899945 | tumult | Din, ruckus, racket | 8 | |
9646903607 | marauding | Looting, plundering, stealing | 9 | |
9646908398 | admonish | Scold, chastise, reprimand | 10 | |
9646915491 | akimbo | Hands on hip | 11 | |
9646922227 | lassitude | Fatigue, lethargy, weariness | 12 | |
9646925372 | licentious | Naughty, promiscuous, immoral | 13 | |
9646928595 | muse | Consider, ponder, dream | 14 | |
9646935560 | pecuniary | Fiscal, financial, monetary | 15 | |
9646938945 | plight | Dilemma, predicament, diffuculty | 16 | |
9646942557 | presumptuous | Sassy, audacious, bold | 17 | |
9646950949 | subversive | insurrectionary, seditious, troublemaking | 18 | |
9646956617 | vacuous | Vacant, brainless, unintelligent | 19 | |
9646960925 | avocation | Vocation, hobby, pastime | 20 | |
9646965471 | callous | Insensitive, cold, heartless | 21 | |
9646969244 | capricious | Inconstant, fickle, unpredictable | 22 | |
9646972219 | disparity | Inequality, difference, variation | 23 | |
9646974857 | efficacy | Success, effectiveness, ability | 24 | |
9646978649 | epistle | Note, correspondence, letter | 25 | |
9646982084 | hospice | Home for the sick | 26 | |
9646988240 | impetus | Momentum, driving force, thrust | 27 | |
9647024809 | moribund | Dying, terminal, expiring | 28 | |
9647029156 | vacillate | To waver between two choices | 29 | |
9647038211 | akin | Alike, similar, related | 30 | |
9647042559 | corroborate | Verify, back-up, confirm | 31 | |
9647051183 | inexorable | Inevitable, unstoppable, unavoidable | 32 | |
9647061684 | nefarious | Sinful, evil, wicked | 33 | |
9647059249 | insipid | Drab, uninspired, unimaginative | 34 | |
9647077477 | physiognomy | Countenance, face, visage | 35 | |
9647090815 | retinue | Personnel, entourage, staff | 36 | |
9647093888 | suppliant | Pleading, petitioning, begging | 37 | |
9647102751 | tedium | Monotony, ennui, boredom | 38 | |
9647107792 | torrid | Scorching, hot, dry | 39 | |
9647118224 | affront | Provoke, offend, insult | 40 | |
9647121768 | blase | Indifferent, unimpressed, apathetic | 41 | |
9647125626 | cajole | Persuade, talk into, coax | 42 | |
9647128887 | choleric | Bad tempered, grumpy, irritable | 43 | |
9647138161 | encumber | Hamper, inhibit, hinder | 44 | |
9647141411 | feckless | Irresponsible, ineffective, weak | 45 | |
9647145976 | impasse | Deadlock, standstill, stalemate | 46 | |
9647152653 | indolent | Lazy, sluggish, idle | 47 | |
9647159487 | lugubrious | Glum, somber, gloomy | 48 | |
9647170062 | ribald | suggestive, rude, vulgar | 49 | |
9647179908 | adulation | Praise, worship, idolization | 50 | |
9647183132 | censure | Criticism, reprimand, an attack | 51 | |
9647193467 | dissemble | Masquerade, feign, act | 52 | |
9647199650 | dissimulation | Deceit, bluff, dissembling | 53 | |
9647211285 | droll | Humorous, amusing, funny in a dry way | 54 | |
9658241668 | expectorate | Cough up spit from back of throat | 55 | |
9658246477 | palpate | Examine, touch, inspect | 56 | |
9658251881 | peremptory | Haughty, arrogant, commanding | 57 | |
9658261424 | pusillanimous | Timid, fearful, cowardly | 58 | |
9658265277 | surfeit | Surplus, excess, abundance | 59 | |
9658276142 | allay | reduce, diminish, lessen | 60 | |
9658286157 | capacious | Spacious, roomy | 61 | |
9658521536 | didactic | Teaching something | 62 | |
9658526981 | diurnal | Daily, of the day | 63 | |
9658534759 | ignominious | Humiliated, undignified, embarrassing | 64 | |
9877797239 | mitigate | To alleviate, reduce, diminish | 65 | |
9877823662 | palpitate | Shake, tremble, beat | 66 | |
9877854691 | phlegmatic | Composed, collected, calm | 67 | |
9877895561 | propitious | Favorable, promising, optimistic | 68 | |
9877915319 | prostrate | To be laying flat or to lay flat | 69 | |
9877933293 | acquiesce | Consent, comply, submit to | 70 | |
9877938548 | amity | friendship, accord, peaceful relationship | 71 | |
9877943380 | arduous | Difficult, strenuous, tiring | 72 | |
9877947067 | gestalt | When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts | 73 | |
9877956515 | inundate | Overwhelm, flood, overwhelm | 74 | |
9877968577 | perjury | Lying under oath | 75 | |
9877977051 | perspicuity | clarity transparency, clearness | 76 | |
9878000206 | preposterous | Nonsensical, ridiculous, absurd | 77 | |
9878014744 | trepidation | dread, fear, apprehension | 78 | |
9878029642 | voluble | Chatty, talkative, wordy | 79 | |
9878042168 | alacrity | Willingness, eagerness, readiness | 80 | |
9878061070 | aplomb | assurance, self confidence, poise | 81 | |
9878099679 | barrage | To overwhelm in quantity | 82 | |
9878109323 | cognizant | Being aware | 83 | |
9878139099 | collusion | Conspiracy, scheme, secret plot | 84 | |
9878231685 | deleterious | Detrimental, damaging, harmful | 85 | |
9878235279 | hegemony | Dominance, authority, leadership | 86 | |
9878249075 | paradigm | Standard, model, example | 87 | |
9882079075 | unctuous | Gushing, insincere, excessively flattering | 88 | |
9882084484 | urbane | Courteous, sophisticated, smooth | 89 | |
9882090108 | ambulatory | Able to walk or having to do with walking | 90 | |
9882096477 | churlish | surly, rude, impolite | 91 | |
9882108898 | diffident | Shy, bashful, unconfident | 92 | |
9882114541 | ennui | Boredom, lassitude, tedium | 93 | |
9882122191 | inscrutable | Puzzling, incomprehensive, cryptic | 94 | |
9882134143 | prognosticate | Predict, foretell, foresee | 95 | |
9882148080 | schism | Division, rift, split | 96 | |
9882153216 | sedition | Acts encouraging rebellion | 97 | |
9882159606 | wizen | Wrinkly, shriveled up | 98 | |
9882166772 | austere | Strict, stern, severe | 99 | |
9882172840 | corpulent | Obese, fat, overweight | 100 | |
9882178791 | derisive | Mocking, teasing, scoffing | 101 | |
9882184004 | effeminate | Unmanly, womanish, feminine | 102 | |
9882190037 | jocund | Cheerful, lighthearted, merry | 103 | |
9882198208 | manifest | clear obvious, apparent | 104 | |
9882203309 | ostentatious | Showy, gaudy, flamboyant | 105 | |
9882210109 | sanguine | Optimistic, positive, hopeful | 106 | |
9882217743 | strident | Loud, harsh, shrill | 107 | |
9882222991 | vehement | Intense, passionate, forceful | 108 | |
9882521479 | elegiac | Sorrowful, melancholy, mournful | 109 | |
9882526120 | fecund | Fertile, fruitful | 110 | |
9882530800 | infirmity | Illness, ailment, weakness | 111 | |
9882541976 | malady | Disease, illness, ailment | 112 | |
9882547176 | nuance | Fine distinction, subtle difference | 113 | |
9882561086 | profligate | Extravagant, wasteful, not thrifty | 114 | |
9882574136 | remonstrance | Protest, opposition | 115 | |
9882583831 | scintillate | Sparkly, shine, light-up | 116 | |
9882588206 | terse | Short, brief, to the point | 117 | |
9882600858 | vitiate | Tarnish, taint | 118 | |
9882618220 | ambivalent | Uncertain, indecisive, torn | 119 | |
9882624817 | analogous | Similar, comparable, parallel | 120 | |
9882630539 | emissary | ambassador, delegate, messenger | 121 | |
9882635781 | felicity | Happiness, joy, bliss | 122 | |
9883439120 | incendiary | Designed to cause fires | 123 | |
9883444291 | magnanimous | Generous, forgiving to enemies | 124 | |
9883450556 | morose | Gloomy, glum, moody | 125 | |
9883454425 | repartee | Banter, quip, jokes | 126 | |
9883464337 | ubiquitous | Omnipresent, universal, everywhere | 127 | |
9883473866 | venerable | Respected, esteemed, revered | 128 | |
9883481960 | countenance | Face, expression, physiognomy | 129 | |
9883490986 | deposition | The act of removing from power | 130 | |
9883497149 | discursive | Fluent, flowing, eloquent | 131 | |
9883509598 | epigram | Quip, adage, one liner | 132 | |
9883515434 | feign | Fake, pretend, simulate | 133 | |
9883520965 | interpolate | Insert, interject, add | 134 | |
9883526198 | laconic | Brief, terse, concise | 135 | |
9883535854 | mien | Appearance, demeanor, expression | 136 | |
9883543800 | veracity | Truth, accuracy, correctness | 137 | |
9883553865 | wry | Sardonic, mocking, satirical | 138 | |
9883558501 | confound | surprise, startle, astonish | 139 | |
9883566443 | curate | Select, organize, present | 140 | |
9883572628 | ethereal | Unearthly, celestial, heavenly | 141 | |
9883577906 | gambol | frolic, skip, jump around | 142 | |
9883591404 | mutability | Tendency to change | 143 | |
9883599849 | nascent | Emerging, beginning, arising | 144 | |
9883605991 | nonplused | To puzzle, perplex, confuse | 145 | |
9883614801 | pedantic | Perfectionist, precise, meticulous | 146 | |
9886366232 | quail | Wither, decline, cower | 147 | |
9886372100 | rhetorical | Expressed in order to persuade | 148 | |
9886382098 | effusive | Gushing, unrestrained, overexpressed feelings | 149 | |
9886416798 | fatuous | Silly, foolish, childish | 150 | |
9886423013 | febrile | Feverish, burning, flushed | 151 | |
9886427061 | incredulous | Disbelieving, doubtful, dubious | 152 | |
9886434724 | interminable | Endless, everlasting, incessant | 153 | |
9886442620 | obliquely | Indirectly, diagonally, slant | 154 | |
9886448622 | pernicious | Harmful, detrimental, damaging | 155 | |
9886460061 | sardonic | Mocking, sarcastic, cynical | 156 | |
9886464435 | ultimatum | Command, rule, order | 157 | |
9886470216 | writhe | Squirm, thrash, wriggle | 158 | |
9886477478 | astute | Sharp, quick, canny | 159 | |
9886481424 | beseech | Implore, ask urgently, supplicate | 160 | |
9886490752 | capitulate | Surrender, concede, give in | 161 | |
9886500627 | deprecating | Disapproving, deplorable, unfavorable | 162 | |
9886505049 | glean | Obtain, gather, extract | 163 | |
9886515723 | obfuscate | confuse, muddle, bewilder | 164 | |
9886522881 | pathos | Tragedy, sadness, emotion | 165 | |
9886529056 | primeval | Ancient, prehistoric, primal | 166 | |
9886534711 | salubrious | Healthy, pleasant, agreeable | 167 | |
9886542536 | solicitous | Concerned, attentive, caring | 168 | |
9886549899 | albeit | Although, even though | 169 | |
9886554226 | bereft | Lacking a nonmaterial thing | 170 | |
9886576012 | gratis | Free, for nothing, without charge | 171 | |
9886587724 | intercession | Intervention, involvement, action | 172 | |
9886594281 | lineament | Specific feature of the face | 173 | |
9886602583 | presage | Omen, warning, sign | 174 | |
9886608712 | prodigal | Wasteful, extravagant, imprudent | 175 | |
9886617329 | prolixity | Wordiness, longwindedness, lengthiness | 176 | |
9886631915 | sinecure | Easy job with a good status/benefit | 177 | |
9886643508 | visage | Face, countenance, profile | 178 | |
9886652513 | Complex sentence | contains independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses | 179 | |
9886690597 | Compound sentence | Contains two independent clauses joined by a comma and coordinating conjunction | 180 | |
9886716042 | Compound/complex sentence | Two or more independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses | 181 | |
9886738880 | loose sentence | Reveals key info right away and unfolds after that | 182 | |
9886751717 | Periodic sentence | Main idea or most important info isn't revealed until the end | 183 | |
9886765156 | Balanced sentence | Similar to parallel structure, containers two similar elements | 184 | |
9886776547 | chiasmus | Repetition and arrangement of two key terms in the ABBA pattern | 185 | |
9886790459 | asyndeton | omission of conjunctions in a series of related clauses | 186 | |
9886798875 | polysyndeton | Deliberate use of many conjunctions | 187 | |
9886810352 | anaphora | Repetition of same word or group of words at beginning of successive clauses | 188 | |
9886830257 | epistrophe | Ending a series of lines, phrases, clauses with same word or words | 189 | |
9886863242 | Italian/petrarchan sonnet | 14 lines in iambic pentameter divided into 8 and 6 with a problem and solution | 190 | |
9886879685 | English sonnet | 14 lines in iambic pentameter divided into 12 and 2 with a problem and solution | 191 | |
9886894086 | ode | No prescribed pattern, lyric poem with lofty emotions and a serious topic | 192 | |
9886912172 | limerick | 5 lines with fixed form and humorous style | 193 | |
9886932061 | ballad | No particular pattern, song that tells a story | 194 | |
9886944618 | villanelle | Fixed form 19 lines with 6 stanzas and no particular content | 195 | |
9886964758 | Dramatic monologue | lyric poem where speaker addresses distinct but silent audience | 196 | |
9886980912 | Narrative poem | Tells a simple or complex story and can be short or long | 197 | |
9887007588 | First person-subjective | "I" or "we" used during action, present tense, unreliable | 198 | |
9887024893 | First-person objective | "I" or "we" used after action has concluded, past tense, more reliable | 199 | |
9887044967 | Third-person omniscient | nonparticipant, knows all character thoughts, usually summaries, reliable | 200 | |
9887064282 | Third-person limited omniscient | nonparticipant, knows one character's thoughts, somewhat reliable | 201 | |
9887072111 | Third-person objective | nonparticipant, observer, loses reliability, journalistic | 202 |