AP Spanish Literature: La Poesia y las licencias poeticas Flashcards
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6758696276 | el verso | line of poetry | 0 | |
6758696277 | la estrofa | stanza | 1 | |
6758696278 | el poema | poem | 2 | |
6758696279 | la poesía | poetry | 3 | |
6758696280 | el poeta | poet | 4 | |
6758696281 | palabra llana | end in -s, -n, vowel stress on second to last syllable | 5 | |
6758696282 | palabra aguda | end in consonants other than s or n stress falls on last syllable | 6 | |
6758696283 | palabra esdrújulo | have accent on syllable that is before the second to last ex: pájaro | 7 | |
6758696284 | verso llano | grammatical syllables and poetic syllables are the same | 8 | |
6758696285 | verso agudo | add 1 syllable to grammatical count | 9 | |
6758696286 | verso esdrújulo | take 1 syllable from grammatical count | 10 | |
6758696287 | strong vowels | e, o, a | 11 | |
6758696288 | weak vowels | u, i, sometimes h or y | 12 | |
6758696289 | sinalefa | vowel blending between words to decrease syllable count | 13 | |
6758696290 | hiato | opposite of sinalefa, separate vowels between words to increase syllable count | 14 | |
6758696291 | sinéresis | blending two strong vowels together inside a word to decrease syllables | 15 | |
6758696292 | diéresis | separating a strong and weak vowel that would normally go together to create more syllables | 16 | |
6758696293 | heptasílabo | seven syllable line | 17 | |
6758696294 | octosíliba | eight syllable line | 18 | |
6758696295 | endecasílabo | eleven syllable line | 19 | |
6758696296 | arte mayor | line with 9 or more syllables capital letter when indicating rhyme | 20 | |
6758696297 | arte menor | line with 2-8 syllables lowercase letter when indicating rhyme | 21 | |
6758696298 | rima consonante | end of line for rhyme identical vowel and consonant sounds from the last stressed vowel | 22 | |
6758696299 | rima asonante | identical vowel sounds from the last stressed vowel consonants do not matter | 23 | |
6758696300 | pareado | 2 line stanza | 24 | |
6758696301 | terceto | 3 line stanza | 25 | |
6758696302 | cuarteto | 4 line stanza | 26 | |
6758696303 | lira | 5 line stanza combination of 7 and 11 syllable lines | 27 | |
6758696304 | octava real | 8 line stanza ABABABCC | 28 | |
6758696305 | soneto | 4 stanzas (2 cuartetos followed by 2 tercetos) ABBA, ABBA, CDC, DCD every line has 11 syllables rima consonante | 29 | |
6758696306 | el romance | undetermined # of lines 8 syllables each no stanzas, rima asonante every other line | 30 | |
6758696307 | la silva | combo of 7 to 11 syllable lines | 31 | |
6758696308 | hipérbole | exaggeration | 32 | |
6758696309 | personficación | giving human characteristics to non human things | 33 | |
6758696310 | apóstrofe | poet/author speaks directly to character/thing in poem | 34 | |
6758696311 | símil | comparison using como and cual | 35 | |
6758696312 | antítesis | juxtaposition of concepts | 36 | |
6758696313 | paradoja | super antithesis | 37 | |
6758696314 | sinestesia | experience of the senses described in terms of other senses | 38 | |
6758696315 | clímax | upward or downward progression of thought | 39 | |
6758696316 | epíteto | adding redundant adjectives for emphasis | 40 | |
6758696317 | asíndeton | omitting conjunctions to give more emphasis | 41 | |
6758696318 | anáfora | repeating words or phrases, usually at the beginning of the line | 42 | |
6758696319 | polisíndeton | adding more conjunctions than necessary to make line more serious | 43 | |
6758696320 | aliteración | repetition of the initial sound | 44 | |
6758696321 | hipérbaton | inverting natural word order to make it harder to understand | 45 | |
6758696322 | metáfora | comparison without como o cual | 46 | |
6758696323 | alegoría | continued metaphor that represents a larger concept | 47 | |
6758696324 | parábola | parable | 48 | |
6758696325 | símbolo | represents an idea or concept | 49 | |
6758696326 | metonimia | the whole representing the part ex: he bought a Picasso, I like to read Chaucer | 50 | |
6758696327 | sinécdoque | when the parts represent the whole ex: all hands on deck, earning bread | 51 |